Departments & Divisions
Carlos Roberto Jaen, M.D., Ph.D., M.S., FAAFP
Distinguished University Professor
Professor of Family and Community Medicine, Population Health Sciences, and Public Health
Dr. Jaen's special interests include improving preventive care for individuals of all ages, preventing complications from chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. He is passionate about building and studying high-performance primary care offices. He has been selected to the Best Doctors in America yearly since 2002. He is dedicated to building a healthier San Antonio through efforts in community wellness.
Dr. Jaen is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine of the National Academies. He is a member of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. He was co-director of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) Center for Research in Family Medicine and Primary Care. Over 20 years, the Center studied almost 500 mostly independent, community-based primary care practices and completed the evaluation of the AAFPs national demonstration project of the patient-centered medical home. He served on the panels that published the U.S. Public Health Service smoking cessation guidelines in 1996 & 2000 and was co-chair of the panel that published an update in May 2008. In 2005, he was appointed to the National Advisory Council to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). He received a Generalist Physician Faculty Scholar Award from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and a Cancer Control Career Development Award for Primary Care Physicians from the American Cancer Society.
Professional Background
- 2006 - Certificate - Medical School Leadership and Administration - University of Texas San Antonio College of Business Ctr Prof Excellence
- 1992 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Primary Care Research - Case Western Reserve University
- 1992 - Residency - Family Medicine - CWRU/Univ. Hospitals
- 1989 - MD - Medicine - State University of New York (SUNY)
- 1988 - PhD - Epidemiology and Community Health - SUNY Buffalo
- 1982 - MS - Biology (Oncology) - Niagara University
- 1979 - BS - Biology (Cum Laude) - Niagara University
- 10/2024 - Distinguished University Professor - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 6/2001 - Professor and Department Chair - UT Health San Antonio, Family & Community Medicine, San Antonio
- 4/2024 - Professor - University of Texas School of Public Health, San Antonio
- 3/2015 - The Dr. and Mrs. James L. Holly Distinguished Chair, Patient-Centered Medical Home - UT Health San Antonio, Family & Community Medicine, San Antonio
- 5/2008 - Professor - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Epidemiology & Biostatistics, San Antonio
- 6/2007- 5/2024 - Adjunct Professor - University of Texas School of Public Health, San Antonio Regional CampusSan Antonio
Research & Grants
Funding Agency CDC Title REACH Healthy Neighborhoods Project Status Active Period 9/2018 - 9/2023 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail San Antonio will expand upon the current areas and strategies in use by Metro Health?s Healthy Neighborhoods program to implement the tobacco, nutrition, and community-clinical linkage strategies to reduce health disparities among African Americans and Hispanic Americans. Funding Agency National Cancer Institute Title PCMH Implementation Strategies: Implications for Cancer Survivor Care Status Active Period 9/2014 - 8/2017 Role Consultant Grant Detail While the Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is a promising model for improving primary care, the ability of a PCMH to deliver the complex care required for cancer survivors is not known. Practice transformation to a PCMH is a lengthy and challenging process and the actual implementation process is poorly understood. This project seeks to identify and describe the impact that fundamentally different dominant goals for becoming a PCMH have on cancer survivor care. Results will provide guidance to states, health plans, and policymakers on PCMH implementations.
Funding Agency Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Title Llama: Igniting and Keeping the Primary Care Flame Alive Status Active Period 9/2016 - 8/2018 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Primary Care Innovation Grant: We grounded our project in the best available evidence related to choosing a career in primary care. Our five project activities include: 1) partnering with early acceptance programs, 2) establishing continuity/mentoring relationships with primary care physicians, 3) establishing a support group focused on non-traditional students, 4) developing magnet clerkship sites in FM, GIM and Gen Peds, and 5) establishing collaboration with well-functioning private practices that provide patient-centered care.
Palmer, R. F., Jaén, C. R., Perales, R. B., Rincon, R., Forster, J. N., & Miller, C. S. (2020). Three questions for identifying chemically intolerant individuals in clinical and epidemiological populations: The Brief Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (BREESI). Plos one, 15(9), e0238296.
Patel, N. K., Mathew, R., Aniemeke, C., Tripathy, C., Jaen, C. R., & Tysinger, J. (2019). Transitional Care Management: Practical Processes for Your Practice. Family practice management, 26(3), 27-30.
Lanham HJ, Palmer RF, Leykum LK, McDaniel RR, Nutting PA, Stange KC, Crabtree BF, Miller WL, Jaen CR. Trust and Reflection in Primary Care Practice Redesign Health Services Research 2016 Aug;51(4):1489-1514.
- van Weel C, Turnbull D, Ramirez J, Basemore A, Glazier RH, Jaen CR, Phillips R, Salsberg J. Supporting Health Reform in Mexico: Experiences and Suggestions from an International Primary Health Care Conference Ann Fam Med 2016 May;14(3):279-280.
- Phillips R, Stelter K, Jaen CR, Puffer J. Transforming Physician Certification to Support Physician Self-Motivation and Capacity to Improve Quality and Safety Journal of Enterprise Transformation 2016 Jan;.
- Katerndahl DA, Wood, R, Jaen CR. Measuring interdependence in ambulatory care Journal of Evaluation In Clinical Practice 2015 Dec;.
- Heilbrun LP, Palmer RF, Jaen CR, Svoboda MD, Perkins, J, Miller CS. Maternal chemical and drug intolerances: Potential risk factors for autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) J Am Board Fam Med 2015 Jul;28(4):461-470.
- Katerndahl DA, Wood, R, Jaen CR. Complexity of ambulatory care across disciplines Healthcare: Delivery Science and Innovation 2015 Feb;.
- Chase, Sabrina, Crabtree, Benjamin, Stewart, Elizabeth, Nutting, Paul, Miller, William, Stange, Kurt, Jaen CR. Coaching Strategies for Enhancing Practice Transformation Family Practice 2015 Feb;32(1):75-81.
- Peterson, LE, Baxley, E, Jaen CR, Phillips, RL. Fewer family physicians are in solo practice J Am Board Fam Med 2015 Jan;28:11-12.
- Jaen CR. El papel del medico de familia en el control del tabaquismo Prev Tab 2015 Jan;16(4):244-245.
- Friedman A, Hahn KA, Etz R, Rehwinkel-Morfe AM, Miller WL, Nutting PA, Jaen CR, Shaw EK, Crabtree BF. A Typology of Primary Care Workforce Innovations in the United States since 2000 Medical Care 2014 Feb;52(2):101-111.
- Ottmar,J, Blackburn,B, Phillips,RL, Peterson,LE, Jaen CR. Family Physician?s Ability to Perform Population Management is associated with Adoption of Other Aspects of the Patient Centered Medical Home Population Health Management 2014 Jan;.
- Stange, KC, Etz, RS, Gullett,H, Sweeney,SA, Miller,WL, Jaen CR, Crabtree,BF, Nutting,PA, Glasgow,RE. Metrics for Assessing Improvements in Primary Health Care Annual Reviews of Public Health 2014 Jan;35:423-442.
- Peterson,LE, Jaen CR, Phillips,RL. Family Physician Participation in Quality Improvement Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 2013 Oct;26(6):626-627.
- Friedman, A, Crosson, JC, Howard,J, Clark, EC, Pellerano,M, Karsh, BT, Crabtree, BF, Jaen CR, Cohen, DJ. A Typology of Electronic Health Record Workarounds in Small-to-Medium Size Primary Care Practices Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2013 Jul;21:e78-e83.
- Ferrer RL, Gonzalez-Schlenker C, Lozano-Romero R, Poursani R, Bazaldua O, Davidson D, Gonzales MA, Dehoyos J, Castilla M, Corona BA, Tysinger J, Alsip B, Trejo J, Jaen CR. Advanced Primary Care in San Antonio: Linking Practice and Community Strategies to Improve Health Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine 2013 May;26(3):288-298.
- Scholle, SH, Asche, SE, Morton, S, Solberg, LI, Tirodkar, MA, Jaen CR. Support and strategies for change among small patient-centered medical home practices Annals of Family Medicine 2013 May;11:S6-S13.
- Crabtree BF, Nutting PA, Miller WL, McDaniel RR, Stange KC, Jaen CR, Stewart E. Primary care practice transformation is hard work: insights from a 15-year developmental program of research Med Care 2011 Dec;49 Su:28-35.
- Nutting, PA, Crabtree. BF, Miller, WL, Stange, KC, Stewart EE, Jaen CR. Transforming Physician Practices To Patient-Centered Medical Homes: Lessons from the National Demonstration Project Health Affairs (Millwood) 2011 Mar;30(3):439-445.
- Stange KC, Zyzanski SJ, Jaen CR, Callahan EJ, Kelly RB, Gillanders WR, Shank JC, Chao J, Medalie JH, Miller WL, Crabtree BF, Flocke SA, Gilchrist VJ, Langa DM, Goodwin MA. Illuminating the `black box`. A description of 4454 patient visits to 138 family physicians J Fam Pract 1998 May;46(5):377-389.
- Jaen CR, Stange KC, Nutting PA. Competing demands of primary care: a model for the delivery of clinical preventive services J Fam Pract 1994 Feb;38(2):166-171.
Patel N, Tripathy C, Jaen CR. B47 - Optimizing virtual care to improve access and quality of care; 2018 May. (Journal of American Geriatrics Society). Patel NK, Tripathy C, Jaen CR. L16 Optimizing Virtual Care Payment in a Fee for Service Environment; 2016 Dec. (Conference on Practice Improvement 2016). Tripathy c, Patel N, Jaen CR. L49 Integrating Technology and Team for Patient-Centered Care; 2016 Dec. (Conference on Practice Improvement 2016). Gundersen,D, Balasubramanian,B, Vargas,V, Miller,WL, Jaen CR, Stange,KC, Nutting,P, Crabtree,BF. A Psychometric Evaluation of Three Shorter Versions of the Practice Adaptive Reserve Scale; 2014 Nov. Jaen CR, Crabtree, BF, Nutting, PA, Miller, WL, Palmer RF, Stewart B, Stewart EE, Stange, KC. Methodological Lessons From The Evaluation of The First Patient-centered Medical Home (PCMH) National Demonstration Project (NDP); 2010 Jan. (Family Medicine; vol. 43, no. Sup 1).
Book Chapter
Andry NM, Jaen CR. Smoking and Tobacco Addiction. In: Usatine RP, Smith MA, Mayeaux EJ, Chumley HS. The Color Atlas and Synopsis of Family Medicine 3rd Edition. New York, New York: McGraw Hill Education; 2019. p. 1558-1570. Patel NK, Jaen CR, Stange KC, Miller W, Crabtree BF, Nutting PA. Patient Centered Medical Home: A Journey not a Destination. In: Malone M, Capezuti L, Palmer RM. Geriatric Models of Care - Bridging `Best Practice` to an Aging America. Silver Spring, MD: Springer; 2015. Jaen CR. Tobacco Addiction. In: Usatine RP, Ferenchick G, Smith MA, Mayeux EJ, Chumley H. The Color Atlas of Internal Medicine. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC; 2015. Patel, NK, Jaen CR, Stange K, Nutting P, Crabtree. "Patient Centered Medical Home" to Geriatrics Models of Care: Bringing `Best Practice? to an Aging America,. In: Patel, NK, Jaen CR, Stange K, Nutting P, Crabtree. Patient Centered Medical Home. New York, NY: Springer Science and Business Media; 2014. p. 155-162. Jaen CR. Tobacco Addiction. In: Usatine R, Smith MA, Chumley H, Mayeaux EJ. The Color Atlas of Family Medicine, 2nd Edition. 2013. Jaen CR. Estrategias para incrementar la demanda de los consumidores a las intervenciones a dejar de fumar. In: Carlos A. Jimenez-Ruiz, Karl O. Fagerstrom. TRATADO DE TABAQUISMO- Tercera Edicion. Madrid, Spain: Grupo Aula Medica; 2011.
Jaen CR served on the Committee on Assessment of Agent Based Models for Tobacco that authored the book for the IOM (Institute of Medicine). Assessing the Use of Agent-Based Models for Tobacco Regulation Washington DC: The National Academies Press; 2015. 212 p. Jaen CR served on the Committee on Geographic Adjustment Factors in Medicare Payments that authored the book for the IOM (Institute of Medicine). Geographic Adjustment in Medicare Payment Phase I: Improving Accuracy, Second Edition Washington DC: The National Academies Press; 2011. Fiore MC, Jaen CR, Baker TB, et al. Jimenez Ruiz CA, Jaen CR (Coordinadores de la traduccion). Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update. Clinical Practice Guideline. Traduccion al espanol: Guia de tratamiento del tabaquismo Rockville, MD;: U.S. Public Health Service y Sociedad Espa?ola de Neumologia y Cirugia Toracica. SEPAR; 2010. 333 p.
Jaen CR, Tysinger JW, Graves JD, Poursani RS, Bazaldua OV, Romero RL, Schlenker CG, Ferrer RL. A San Antonio, Texas Community of Solution Annals of Family Medicine 2012 May;10(3):250-260. Jaen CR. Successful Health Information Technology Implementation Requires Practice and Health Care System Transformation Annals of Family Medicine 2011 Sep;9:388-389.
Journal Article
Board Certifications
- American Board of Family Medicine