Departments & Divisions
Georgiana S Gross, MPH, BS
Clinical Assistant Professor
I am a faculty dietitian employed by the Health Science Center for 23 years. During this time, I have been involved with the pediatric population as a nutrition support specialist. My work revolved around critically ill patients who were in need of enteral or parenteral nutritional support. These patients were seen in the hospital or in clinics.
My current role is in the area of nutrition education and research. I have participated in multiple studies involving diabetic patients with advanced renal disease, explored the advantages of the organic diet & ADHD pediatric patients, participated in HURSA grants for Pre/Post-Doctoral Dental candidates, surveyed & analyzed the Status of Dental Schools and Nutrition Curriculum.
I currently participate in the educational process of the Pre-Doctoral Candidates by lecturing for DIPC1, DIPC2 (Course Director), HHD1 & COMD 7050 (Co-Director). Current research: HURSA Workforce Grant; Summer Research Student Project.
- Inducted as honoree member to the Dental Honor Society of Omicron Kappa Upsilon
- Appointed to the Governor’s Board of Dietitian Examiners. Nominated by Dr. Francisco Cigarroa
- Promotion to Assistant Professor by Chairman Dr. Spencer Redding & Professor Dr. David Cappelli
- Selected peer-reviewed publications most relevant to the current application.
- Dental Erosion and Its Clinical Management; B. Amaechi, Editor;
Research Projects: Co- Investigator/Nutritionist UTHSCSA Medical & Dental School
1. Milk thistle: Correction of glutathione deficiency for treatment of diabetic nephropathy (HSC20090200H)
2. Dialysis: Comparison of analytical methods for measurement of glutathione in hemodialysis patients’ blood (HSC20110154H).
3. Dialysis: "Comparison of nutritional profile and diet record between veteran and non-veteran ESRD patients receiving hemodialysis VA
4. Dialysis: Inadequate Dietary Intake Correlates with Thiol Markers of Oxidative Stress in Maintenance Hemodialysis Patients.
5. HRSA Grant: Pre- Doctoral Training in General, Pediatric, Public Health Dentistry & Dental Hygiene.
6. Investigator: Curriculum Status of the Nutrition Curriculum in US Dental Schools.
7. Co- Investigator: NIH: Does Diet Affect Brain Function; Pliszka MD, Robin PhD, Blake, Gross MPH, RD, LD
8. Co-Investigator: HURSA Workforce Grant (on going)
9. Investigator: Summer Research Student: Analysis of Oral Health Preventive & Nutritional Instructive Literature Utilized at the COHR
10. Principal Investigator: LINC-Seed Grant; Interprofessional Learning: SoD, SoN, & UTSA Dietetic Students
11. Publication: Diet Traps during Eating Disorders among Dentate Patients at an Oral Health Glance Elzbieta Paszynska 1,* , Amadeusz Hernik 1 , Hélène Rangé 2,3 , Bennett T. Amaechi 4 , Georgiana S. Gross
Professional Background
- 1977 - MPH - Nutrition - University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston
- 1976 - BS - Nutritional Dietetics Education - University of Our Lady of the Lake San Antonio
- 1994 - Neonatal Nutrition - University of South Carolina, Charleston
- 1984 - Pediatric Nutrition - University of Iowa, Boise IA