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- gomezl@uthscsa.edu
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Departments & Divisions
Adriana Vargas Green, D.D.S., M.P.H.
Professor - Tenure
Subspecialties: Geriatrics and Hospital Dentistry
Dr. Vargas Green is specialty trained in Geriatrics, medically compromised patients and hospital dentistry. She has a Masters in Public Health from University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston and received her DDS degree in General Dentistry from Colegio Odontologico Colombiano, Bogota Colombia. As a full Professor Tenure and faculty at the Advance General Dentistry Clinic, Dr. Vargas Green's main responsibility is as a Clinical Instructor to AEGD Residents as well dental students. Her duties involve clinical teaching supported Digital Dentistry by evidence-based dentistry and scholary activity for the students such as literature searches, literature review and latest referencing research articles. Dr. Vargas Green teaches and supervises the execution of dental procedures in all aspects of dentistry in patients. For the residents and dental students she teaches immediate assessment for urgent care, diagnosis and presentation of the primary treatment plan and treating the patient immediately. Also teaches comprehensive diagnosis and treatment plan in complete rehabilitation, esthetics, simple and complex oral surgery like extraction of thirds molars, alveoloplasties, crown lengthening, implant placement, bone grafting, bumps and close sinus lifts, operative, fix prosthodontics, endodontics, periodontics, complete dentures and digital immediate or interim dentures, Removable prosthodontics and all aspects of the general dentistry,
Dr. Vargas Green served as a Director of the Geriatric course 2022-2023, Director of the San Antonio Metropolitan Minitries Transicional Living Center (SAMM) TLC Dental clinic since 2016-2020 with collaboration with Dental Hygiene and Graduate Periodontics Dept, Pedodontics Department and Comprehensive Dentistry. She is also a faculty advisor for the American Student Dental Association (ASDA) since 2016 to present. Dr. Vargas Green collaborated on a Research project since 2003-2018 and 2023 latest publication about quality of life with Dr Tom Oates at the University of Maryland at Dental School looking at long term healing of dental implants in diabetic patients both controlled and uncontrolled.
Professional Background
- 2010 - MPH - Public Health - University Of Texas at Houston School of Public Health
- 2003 - Postdoctoral Fellowship certificate - Geriatric Dentistry Fellowship (Geriatric Fellowship UTHSCSA Medical School/University Health System/Audie Murphy Veterans Hospital) - University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio, University Health System - University Affiliated Hospitals /Audie Murphy Veterans Hospital
- 1987 - DDS - General Dentistry - Colegio Odontologico Colombiano
- 1887 - Postdoctoral Training - Hospital Dentistry and Geriatrics training - University Hospital/Department of Health (Tolima, CO)
- 2001 - Fellow, Geriatric Dentistry - Geriatric Hospital Dentistry - University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio, University Health System - University Affiliated Hospitals
05/ 2008 - 2022 Assistant Marshall for Dental School Class Graduation: Selected by each graduating class to hood the graduates during the graduation ceremony
05/2008 Inducted into Omicron Kappa Upsilon, National Dental Honor Society
07/2005 Fellow, Hispanic Dental Excellence Fellowship
07/2001 Geriatric Fellow, Geriatric Fellowship from the University Medical school at San Antonio
- 09/2024 - Professor, Tenure - University of Texas Health San Antonio, Comprehensive Dentistry, San Antonio
- 09/2012 - Associate Professor, Tenure - University of Texas Health San Antonio, General Dentistry, San Antonio
- 09/2003 - Assistant Professor, Tenure Track - University of Texas Health San Antonio, Diagnostic Science, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 7/2016 - Present, 1st & 2nd Dental Student Clinic Rotation Student Supervision, UT Health San Antonio
- 7/2016 - Present, Diagnosis Treatment Clinic, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2016 - 2020, Heroes for the Homeless, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2016 - Present, Undergraduate Student Supervision, UTHealth Science Center San Antonio
- 5/2012 - Present, SELC7094 - Teaching Honors Program (THP)
- 7/2010 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, UTHealth San Antonio
- 7/2010 - Present, Operative Dentistry Clinic, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2005 - Present, Juniors and Senior Dental Student General Dentistry Clinic, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2007 - Present, Clinic Introduction, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2007 - Present, Intro to Patient Care, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2005 - Present, General Dentistry Clinic, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2006 - Present, Occlusion Clinic, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2006 - Present, Complete Dentures Clinic, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2005 - Present, Fixed Prosthodontics Clinic, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2006 - Present, Junior and Senior General Dentistry, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 5/2005 - Present, Operative Dentistry Clinic, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2005 - Present, Clinical Patient Management, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2005 - Present, Esthetic Dentistry, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Research & Grants
NIH Title Diabetes: Implant Integration, Success, and Benefit Research Focus: To prove that quality of life was improveded in both controlled and uncontrolled diabetic patients that recieved implants.
"SAMM infant Student-Run Dental Clinic". UTHSCSA Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics Mini/mid community service learning grant Focus of this project was Interprofessional Colaboration developement.
"SAMM infant Student-Run Dental Clinic". Research Focus: Promotion of Dental Health Leadership development.
Funding Agency NIH Title Diabetes: Implant Integration, Success, and Benefit Status Active Period 12/2006 - 12/2018 Role Co-Principal Investigator Grant Detail Principal Investigator in an RO1 NIH Research Project working with placing implant supported dentures in diabetic patients. This study focuses on providing dental implants for support of mandibular dentures. Our goal is to contribute to the quality of life for our diabetic patients giving them the opportunity to receive this standard of dental care. As of May 2012, we have delivered dentures to 134 patients. Input from the participants supports our hypothesis that their quality of life has improved radically. This study will be a cohort study of poor glycemic control in type 2 Diabetes. Patients will show that it is directly related correlation to short-term impairments and delays in implant integration, but does not impair longer-term implant integration.
Funding Agency Center of humanities and ethics Title "SAMM infant Student-Run Dental Clinic" UTHSCSA Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics Mini/mid community service learning grant Status Active Period 9/2016 - 5/2018 Role Co-Principal Investigator Grant Detail San Antonio Metropolitan Ministries Transitional Living & Learning Center (SAMM TLLC) of San Antonio, Texas is an interfaith ministry whose mission is to help the homeless by providing shelter, housing and services including medical and dental care.
we will be working with the medical and pharmacy students while conducting the study. Dental students and Dental hygiene student officers plan to collaborate with the medical and pharmacy students at SAMMinistries by working together when treating or screening patients at the clinic. We plan to emphasize the impact nutrition has on patients oral cavity and overall health. We have medical consults/referrals sent to the medical clinic when patients have prehypertension/ hypertension and/or diabetes.
The vicinity of both dental and medical clinics provides a unique environment where interdisciplinary collaboration can exist between dental and medical professionals. The timeline of the intended activity of the UT Health Science Center of San Antonio dental team (Inter-professional: dental, dental hygiene, medical and pharmacy students) is to provide medical and dental care and oral health education to the SAMM TLLC community beginning this year and continuing for as long as possible. The medical student and dental student officers will be involved in the service-learning project. Every month UTHSCSA faculty, dental students and dental hygiene students volunteer three times a month to provide dental screenings, urgent care and periodontics care. The medical and pharmacy students rotate every Wednesday to the clinic at SAMMinistries as well.Title: SAMM Infante Dental SRFC E.”Bud” Tarrson Dental Student Community Leadership Award
Funding Agency: American Dental Association ADA Foundation Title: Project #: 165114
Period: 12/19/2018- 12/15/2020 Role: Principal Investigator % Effort: 10%
Total Costs: $5000.00
Grant Detail: San Antonio Metropolitan Ministries Transitional Living & Learning Center (SAMM TLLC) of San Antonio, Texas is an interfaith ministry whose mission is to help the homeless by providing shelter, housing and services including dental care.
09/2016 - 05/2017 Group Leader Interim GPG7
06/2006 - 2022 Assistant Group Leader GPG7
06/2022 - 05/2023 Director of the Geriatric Junior Corse and Rotation
06/2022 - Present Advance General Dentistry Clinic Faculty
10/2024 - Present Geriatric Clinic Faculty
06/2021 - Present General Dentistry Faculty Practice
06/2016 - Present PTAC Promotion and Tenure Committee voting member 07/2016 - 06-2020 Director Dental Clinical SAMM Shelter 'the Infante Student-Run Clinic at San Antonio Metropolitan Ministries Transitional Living & Learning Center'
7/2016 - Present American Student Dental Association, San Antonio Chapter, Faculty Representative 08/2018 - 08/2018 Japanese Exchage Program, 10 Japanese Students I served as Host Mentor in clinic of Japanese dental students in San Antonio 03/2019-03-2019 Japanese Exchange Program served as mentor responsable to 10 UT senior dental students visit Japan at the University of ASAHI and MEKAI 1 week. 09/2019 - 09/2019. Honduras Mission trip /Serve as mentor and clinical coverage /teaching 4 "2nd year Advance General Dentistry Residents" to treat Medically Compromised patients children5/2015 - 06/2020 LEAD Lecturer clinic coverage Learning Enhancement for Achievement in Dentistry by Hispanic Center of Excellence
09/2010 - 07/ 2022 International Dental Program and Dental School Interviewer
04/2010- 2020 School Annual Dental Science Symposium Judge
07/2016- 05/2020 University Director San Antonio School of Dentistry and San Antonio Metropolitan Ministries Transitional Living & Learning Center
07/2016-Present School ASDA San Antonio Chapter Faculty Representative Faculty Representative
05/2015 - 05/2017 School LEAD 1-3 Predental / Incoming DS1 Learning Enhancement for Achievement in Dentistry by Hispanic Center of Excellence Lecturer and LEAD 7 DS3 Learning Enhancement for Achievement in Dentistry Hispanic Center of Excellence (HCOE) Faculty UTHSCSA
03/2010- 03/2019 Annual Dental Science Symposium Judge
03/2009-Present School Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU) Convocation Committee
Service to the Profession
08/2015-09/2015 National External evaluator for promotion at the University of Iowa Evaluator (External for University of Iowa)
04/2012- 2017. National American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Advisor, Mentor, News Letter Editor, Secretary, Vice-Chair, Chair
09/2008-10/2008 National American Dental Association Annual Session (ADA) Volunteer
01/2005-05/2006 National Oral Health Project Contributor Translator Spanish OHIP Qestionaire University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
07/2003-Present National UTHSCSA Registered Translator Translator
08/2015-09/2015 National External evaluator for promotion at the University of Iowa Evaluator
Critical evaluation of candidate Dr. Straub-Morarend credentials.
04/2012-Present National American Dental Education Association (ADEA)
09/2008-10/2008 National American Dental Association Annual Session (ADA) Volunteer
01/2005-05/2006 National Oral Health Project Contributor
Provided translation of the Oral Health Instrument Profile for migrant and seasonal farm workers in North Carolina.
07/2003-Present UTHSCSA Registered Translator Translator OHIP
02/2011-02/2011 Patient Care Community Interview for KWEX Univision Television Invited speaker to promote the Diabetic Implants Study to the Hispanic Community in the local area.
07/2007-07/2008 Patient Care Community A.R. "Tony" and Maria J. Sanchez Family Foundation Mobile Dental Van UTHSCSA Pilot Program
Supervised dental students on mobile dental van at the Colonias Project, Laredo, Texas.
07/2007-03/2008 Patient Community Care Faculty
San Antonio Christian Dental Clinic.
03/2002-03/2002 Health Education Service to the Homeless in San Antonio University Representative
07/2001-07/2005 Patient Care Community Service to the Geriatric Community University Representative
03/2001-03/2006 Community North and North-East Independent Elementary School Career Day Speaker
Clinical research "Diabetes: Implant Integration, Success, and Benefit" changed globally the perseption of placing implants on diabetic patients and survival. As Co-Principal Investigator working with placing implant supported dentures in diabetic patients. Focuses on providing implants for support of mandibular dentures. Goal is to contribute to the quality of life for our diabetic patients giving them the opportunity to receive this standard of dental care. Patients will show that it is directly related correlation to short-term impairments and delays in implant integration, but does not impair longer-term implant integration.
Japanese Exchange Program, 10 Japanese dental students, served as Host Mentor in clinic on San Antonio / 1 week
Japanese Exchange Program served as mentor responsable to 10 senior UT dental students visiting Japan at the University of ASAHI and MEKAI /1 week.
Honduras Mission trip /Serve as mentor and clinical coverage /teaching 4 "2nd year Advance General Dentistry Residents" to treat Medically Compromised patients children 1 week
Green AV, Hill K, Seitz S, Teixeira E, Denton J, Hendricson W, Maverick K. Longitudinal Assessment of Dental Students? Vision: Baseline, 2nd and 3rd year Data; 2012 Jun. (Journal of Dental Research). Green AV, Hill K, Seitz S, Teixeira E, Denton J, Hendricson W, Maverick K. Longitudinal Assessment of Dental Students. Vision: Baseline and 2nd year Data; 2012 Mar. (Dental Science Symposium, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX). Green AV, Hill K, Seitz S, Teixeira E, Denton J, Hendricson W, Maverick K. Longitudinal Assessment of Dental Students? Vision: Baseline and 2nd Year Data; 2011 Apr. (Journal of Dental Education). M. Partida N, Green AV, Hendricson W, Galvan A , Halligan K
Heroes For The Homeless: Innovative Strategies for Teaching Dental Students about Cultural Competency; 2010 May. (Journal of Dental Education). Green AV, Weed R, Littlefield J. Comparison of Clinical Restorative Production to State Board Pass Rate; 2008 Feb. (Journal of Dental Education). Green, AV, Partida, N,. Oral Health Needs of the Chronically Homeless Population; 2006 May. (J Special Dental Care).Dissertation/Thesis
Vargas A. Homeless Access To Dental Health Care: Creation Of A Dental Service Model Embedded On The Homeless Shelter Proquest MPH Thesis; 2010. 50 p.
Electronic/Web Publication
Valent J, Green AV. Formocresol vs Direct Pulp Capping with Calcium Hydroxide in Primary Teeth UTHSCSA CAT Library, CAT# 765; 2011 Sep. 1 p. R. Bryn Cooper, Vargas A. Oral Irrigation Is Effective When Used In Addition To Tooth Brushing As An Alternative To Flossing. An evidence-based synopsis UTHSCSA CAT Library, CAT# 480; 2010 Sep. 1 p.
Journal Article
Herrero F, Green AV, Oates, T. The Impact of Implant retained overdentures on type 2 diabetic and non-diabetic edentulous patietns patients: Satisfaction and quality of life in a prospective cohort study. Nov 2022 Journal of Dentistry 127 (1): 104357
Shantz, M, Sankrar V, K Green AV. Topical Doxycycline Hyclate Reduces Pain & Increaces Recovery speed for Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis compared to a Placebo? Texas Dental Association Journal (TDAJ) 2016 Jul;. Allison E, Green AV. Fluoride Reduces Dental Erosion International Journal of Evidence-Based Practice for the Dental Hygienist 2016 Apr;2(1):4-5. Thomas W Oates Patrick Galloway Peggy AlexanderPeggy Alexander Adriana Vargas Green Guy Huynh-Ba Jocelyn Feine, C Alex McMahan. The effects of elevated hemoglobin A(1c) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus on dental implants: Survival and stability at one year December 2014 (1939) 145(12):1218-26 DOI: 10.14219/jada.2014.93 Journal of the American Dental Association 2014 Dec;:1218-1226. Oates TW Jr, Galloway P, Alexander P, Vargas Green A, Huynh-Ba G, Feine J,
McMahan CA. The effects of elevated hemoglobin A(1c) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus on dental implants: Survival and stability at one year The Journal of the American Dental Association 2014 Dec;145(12):1218-1226.Oates TW Jr, Galloway P, Alexander P, Vargas Green A, Huynh-Ba G, Feine J, McMahan CA. The effects of elevated hemoglobin A(1c) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus on dental implants: Survival and stability at one year. The Journal of the American Dental Association 2014 Dec;145(12):1218-1226
Le A, Green AV. CAT #3196 Incidence of Caries in Patients with Down Syndrome 2017 Mar;.
Clinical Researcher - Surgery SLA implants and Restoring implants in diabetic and non-diabetic patients for edentulous patients with mandibular over dentures to benefit nutrition and quality of life. This research also included dentate diabetic controlled and un-controlled patients placing 2 SLA implants only on the Mandible to prove the healing process for quality of life.
UTHSCSA Dental School Clinical professor -
Oral Surgery, Geriatric dentist, Implant surgery,
Geriatric and hospital dentistry, restorative, prosthodontics fixed and removable
Patients that are Immunocompromized and polypharmacy challanged