Departments & Divisions
Alice K Gong, M.D.
Professor and Medical Director
William & Rita Head Distinguished Chair in Developmental and Environmental Neonatology
Not only do we provide care at our community--my mission is to be a leader in neonatal health in the country. I'm a neonatologist here at UT Health San Antonio and medical director for our PREMIERe Program. I received my medical degree from University of Mississippi School of Medicine and have been in practice for more than twenty years, specializing in neonatal-perinatal medicine. I received the Kaliski Award for Pediatrician in Advocacy, for my service to patients and pediatricians. I'm driven by giving back. I feel like I need to help other people get to where they need to go. In addition, I want to show compassion and help patients navigate difficult times. I believe its always good to have a passion for something. One of my favorite quotes is an " have an attitude of gratitude." I'm a wife, mother, and grandmother, who speaks multiple languages, including Chinese (Cantonese).
Professional Background
- 1985 - Clinical Fellowship - Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine - State University of New York
- 1983 - Residency - Pediatrics - State University of New York
- 1982 - Residency - Pediatrics - University of Texas Medical Branch
- 1980 - MD - Medicine - University of Mississippi Medical Center
- 1976 - BS - Chemistry (Magna Cum Laude) - Mississippi Baptist University
- 10/2014 - Medical Director - UTHSCSA - PREMIEre Program, Pediatrics, San Antonio
- 11/2009 - Neonatologist - Community Medicine Associates, Pediatrics, San Antonio
- 1/2008 - Medical Director of Newborn Nursery - University Health System, Pediatrics, San Antonio
- 9/2006 - Professor - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Pediatrics
- 9/2004 - Associate Faculty - UTHSCSA , Center for Humanities and Ethics
- 9/1992 - Medical Director and Medical Director of NNP Clinical Education - University Health SystemSan Antonio
- 9/1989 - Assistant Scientist (Adjunct) - Texas Biomedical Research InstituteSan Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 11/2014 - 11/2020, Why is Breastfeeding important to you, UTHSCSA
- 7/2000 - Present, Neonatal Fellow's Lecture Series, UTHSCSA
- 7/2000 - Present, Neonatology Journal Club, UTHSCSA
- 12/1998 - Present, Neonatal Monthly Didactic Lectures, University Hospital
- 7/1985 - Present, Neonatal Patient Seminars for MSIIIs
Research & Grants
Funding Agency National Eye Institute Title A Multicenter Trial of Early Treatment for Retinopathy of Prematurity, Phase II, A Follow-up Study Status Active Period 2/2003 - Present Role Co-Principal Investigator Grant Detail A follow-up study of babies enrolled in the early treatment of ROP study.
Funding Agency Columbia University, Einhorn Family Trust Title Family Nurture Intervention in NICU Status Active Period 1/2017 - 12/2017 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail Funding Agency SOM Translational Women`s Health Research Program Title Family Nurture Intervention in NICU Status Active Period 1/2017 - 12/2017 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail
Elizabeth Chang, MSII
Bruce Paper, B.A.
Sara L. Gill, PhD, RN, IBCLC
Alice Gong, MD
. Health Literacy in Breastfeeding; 2011 Feb. (Journal of Investigative Medicine).Journal Article
Sorrell M, Moreira A, Green K, Jacob R, Tragus R, Keller L, Quinn A, McCurnin D, Gong A, El Sakka A, Mittal N, Blanco C. Favorable Outcomes of Preterm Infants With Parenteral Nutrition?associated Liver Disease Treated With Intravenous Fish Oil?based Lipid Emulsion J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2017 May;64(5):783-788.
Guillory C, Gong AK. Livingston J, Creel L, OCampo E, McGee-Garrett T. Texas Pulse Oximetry Project: A Multicenter Educational and Quality Improvement Project for Implementation of Critical Congenital Heart Disease Screening Using Pulse Oximetry Am J Perinatol 2017 Mar;34(9):856-860.
Gong AK, Guillory C, Creel L, Livingston JE, McKee-Garrett TM, Fortunov R. A Multicenter Initiative for Critical Congenital Heart Disease Newborn Screening in Texas Neonatal Intensive Care Units Am J Perinatol 2017 Feb;34(9):839-844.
Quinn GE, Barr C, Bremer D, Fellows R, Gong A, Hoffman R, Repka MX, Shepard J, Siatkowski RM, Wade K, Ying G. Changes in Course of Retinopathy of Prematurity from 1986 to 2013: Comparison of Three Studies in the United States Opthalmology 2016 Apr;123:1-6.
Gong AK, Johnson Y, Livingston J, Matula K, Duncan A. Newborn intensive care survivors: a review and a plan for collaboration in Texas Maternal Health, Neonatology and Perinatology 2015 Oct;1(24).
Kemper AR et al for e-ROP Cooperative Group. Retinopathy of Prematurity Risk Prediction for Infants with Birth Weight Less than 1251 Grams Journal of Pediatrics 2015 Jan;166(2):257-261.
DelliFraine J, Langabeer J 2nd, Delgado R, Williams JF, Gong A. A Transition Strategy for Becoming a Baby-Friendly Hospital: Exploring the Costs, Benefits, and Challenges Breastfeeding Medicine 2013 Apr;:170-175.
Not Specified
Wade KC, Ying GS, Baumritter A, Gong AK, Kemper AR, Quinn GE, eROP Cooperative Group. Factors in Premature Infants Associated with Low Risk of Developing Retinopathy of Prematurity JAMA Ophthalmology 2018 Nov;.
Guillory C, Needham J, Fortunov R, Miranda-Guzman M, Gong A. Screening Compliance for Critical Congenital Heart Disease in all Texas Newborns Pediatric Research 2017 May;.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Pediatrics/Neonatal-Perinatal
- American Board of Pediatrics