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- Alain-del Arrieta
- arrietaa3@uthscsa.edu
Departments & Divisions
William Garner, DrPH, MPH, FACHE
Associate Professor
Dr. William Garner is an academic leader with over 25 years of significant leadership experience in higher education, public health policy, and healthcare. Deep and demonstrable dedication to educating, developing, and training the next generation of health professionals from all backgrounds. Demonstrated effectiveness in building diverse teams, optimizing resources, responding to changing situations, shaping functional efficiency, and accomplishing strategic goals. Demonstrated collaborative and collegial engagement with faculty, staff, students, and administrators. Proven interpersonal and communication skills savvy, relational influence, gravitas, maturity, and experience providing advice and counsel at all levels, including C-level and board-level engagement. Board-certified healthcare executive and Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE). DrPH and MPH degrees in health administration and policy. Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) proficiency.
Professional Background
- 2009 - Doctor of Public Health - Health Management and Policy - University of North Texas Health Science Center
- 2002 - Master of Public Health - Health Policy and Administration - University of North Texas Health Science Center
- 1997 - Bachelor of Arts - English and General Business - Texas A&M University-Commerce
2016 - present, Fellow, American College of Healthcare Executives – American College of Healthcare Executives
Honors and Awards
- Outstanding Student Paper Award Recipient, American School Health Association for "A Report on the Distribution of School Health Services in Texas," (2002).
- Bob Crow Award Recipient, University of North Texas Health Science Center for program evaluation of the service at the All Church Home for Children, Fort Worth, Texas, (2000).
- 2023 - present - Associate Professor - University of North Texas at Dallas
- 2023 - 2024 - Associate Dean of Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairs & Associate Professor - UT School of Public Health San Antonio
- 2017 - 2023 - Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator - University of North Texas at Dallas
- 2020 - 2021 - Senior Director, 340B & Hospital Policy - Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
- 2012 - 2016 - Director, Government Relations - Parkland Health and Hospital System
- 2011 - 2012 - Legislative Director for Health Affairs - The National Governors Association
Research & Grants
- Virginia Commonwealth University Center for the Study of Tobacco Products (VCU CSTP), Garner, W (PI) 09/01/2020–08//31/2021. "Disproportionality in tobacco policy and practice: A mixed-method impact analysis in Tobacco Regulatory Science." Guided by mixed methods research methodologies, this study will examine the effects of age-verification conditions on the demand for and use of tobacco/nicotine products and how observed retailer tobacco marketing practices are shaped by neighborhood characteristics and retailer knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes about tobacco/nicotine products. Amount: $ 30,987. Status: Funded
- University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center (GMAP Region 3), Garner, W (PI) 09/01/2020–07/01/2021. "Behavioral analytic approaches to understanding tobacco-cancer health disparities." For this project, junior researchers (students) will be mentored in population-based tobacco-related cancer disparities. Amount: $ 7,500. Status: Funded
- University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center (GMAP Region 3), Garner, W (PI) 09/01/2019–08/31/2020. "Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco." The Geographical Management of Cancer Health Disparities Program (GMaP) Region 3 Travel Funds Award will support attending the 2020 Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Conference. Amount: $ 1,500. Status: Funded
- U. S. Department of Education. "Teaching American History." (2002). To raise student achievement by improving teacher knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of traditional American history. Amount: $995,260. Status: Funded
- Texas Education Agency. "Technology Applications Readiness Grants for Empowering Texas (TARGET)." (2002). To improve student achievement and teacher effectiveness through technology integration training that is TEKS aligned with a focus on reading in the early grades. Amount: $896,388. Status: Funded
- U.S. Department of Justice. "Juvenile Mentoring Program (JUMP)." (2001). To support one-to-one mentoring projects for youth at-risk of failing in school, dropping out of school, or becoming involved in delinquent behavior, including gang activity and substance abuse. Amount: $219,997. Status: Funded
- Texas Education Agency. "Investment Capital Fund." (2001). To help schools identify and train parents and community leaders who will hold the school and the school district accountable for achieving high academic standards. Amount: $199,656. Status: Funded
- Texas Education Agency. "Texas After-School Initiative for Middle Schools, Cycle 2, Year 4." (2001). To increase academic achievement for participating students, reduce referrals to the juvenile justice system for students, and increase the involvement of parents and mentors. Amount: $190,385. Status: Funded
- Texas Education Agency. Advanced Placements/IB Incentive. (2001). To plan and implement new College Board/AP courses in math and science. Amount: $31,273. Status: Funded
- Barbara Bush Foundation. "The First Lady's Family Literacy Initiative for Texas." (2001). To enhance existing literacy instructional programs for families. Amount: $25,000. Status: Funded
Service to the Profession
- Parliamentarian, Governing Counsel, Texas Public Health Association, 2020-Present
- Member, Board of Associate Editors, Tobacco Regulatory Science. 2019-Present.
- Member, Review Board, American Journal of Health Behavior. 2019-Present.
- Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Center for Scientific Review, Risk, Prevention and Health Behavior (RPHB) IRG, ZRG1 ZRG1 RPHB P 58, National Institutes of Health (NIH). May-July 2021.
- Ad-Hoc Reviewer, Center for Scientific Review, Risk, Prevention and Health Behavior (RPHB) IRG, ZRG1 RPHB P 57, National Institutes of Health (NIH). May-July 2021.