Departments & Divisions
Meredith Flores, M.D.
Assistant Professor
I have experience providing education for mothers of children with NAS (Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome) through the MOMmies (Moms on Methadone) program, a Medication Assisted Treatment program for pregnant and parenting mothers with Substance Use Disorders. I also have experience as a General Pediatrician in a busy outpatient clinic including many WCE and newborn visits during which I followed the development of infants and children. I also have experience managing withdrawal in newborns with NAS in the UH NICU. I now have the privilege of following these infants in the Overcoming WithdrawaL Clinic (OWL Clinic), a follow-up clinic for infants discharged from UH who had NAS during the newborn period. The OWL Clinic provides continuity of care and monitoring of development after discharge. It is through these experiences that I have come to love caring for this vulnerable population of children and their families!
Professional Background
- 2014 - Residency - Pediatrics - University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio- San Antonio, TX
- 2011 - M.D. - Medicine - Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine- College Station, TX
- 2006 - B.A. - Biology/English - St. Olaf College- Northfield, MN
- 2020 - present - Director, Overcoming WithdrawaL Clinic (OWL Clinic), San Antonio, TX. This is a follow-up clinic for infants discharged from UH who had NAS during the newborn period. The OWL Clinic provides continuity of care and monitoring of symptoms of withdrawal as w - University Health System
- 2020 - present - Director, NICU Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Program, University Hospital (UH), San Antonio, TX - University Health System
- 2015 – 2016 - Assistant/Clinical Professor, Department of Pediatrics, The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, San Antonio, TX - The University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, San Antonio, TX
- 2015 – 2016 - General Pediatrician, New Braunfels, TX
2019- 2020 “Increasing Breastmilk Use in the NICU” This Quality Improvement project included data collection and analysis, co-creation of a checklist and volume log, nursing and resident/med student education on lactation and use of the checklist, bi-weekly audits of the checklist use weekly to bi-monthly meetings of the subcommittee, administering surveys to parents, and presentation of findings.
2005 - 2006 Tri Beta National
2006 B.A. cum laude
2019 Completed the Clinical Safety & Effectiveness Course
2011-2014 Student Member, American Academy of Pediatrics
2019-Present Member, American Academy of Pediatrics
Board Certifications
- 2014 - American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) Certification