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Erin P Finley, PhD MPH
Founding Director, Dissemination & Implementation Consultation Core (ReACH Center)
Trained in medical anthropology and behavioral science and with expertise in implementation science and post-deployment health, I have led, co-led, or served as co-investigator for studies funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Department of Defense, National Institutes of Health, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and public-private partnerships. In 2012, the American Anthropological Association and Society for Applied Anthropology honored me with the Margaret Mead Award for my book Fields of Combat: Understanding PTSD among Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan (ILR/Cornell University Press). I was a 2012-2013 Fellow of the NIMH/VA Implementation Research Institute (IRI) at Washington University in St. Louis, and have participated in a number of programs within VA’s Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI), including the EMPOWER/Women’s Health QUERI (A. Hamilton, PI), the PACT/Care Coordination QUERI (Rubenstein/Ganz, Co-PIs), and the Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Partnered Evaluation Initiative (N. Soni, PI). In 2019, I served as invited faculty for both the IRI and the NIH’s Training Institute for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (TIDIRH). I regularly publish on Veterans health and healthcare access, substance use and mental health treatment availability, and the utilization of diverse methods in implementation planning and evaluation.
Professional Background
- 2010 - Postdoctoral Training - Health Services Research - South Texas Veterans Health Care System
- 2009 - PhD - Medical Anthropology - Emory University
- 2007 - Master of Arts - Anthropology - Emory University
- 2006 - Master of Public Health - Behavioral Science (Best Thesis Nomination) - Emory University
- 1999 - BA - Anthropology (Magna Cum Laude) - Emory University
- 2023 - Present - Professor/Research - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Psychiatry, San Antonio
- 2022 - Present - Co-Lead - Qualitative Methods, CSHIIP
- 2021 - Present - Investigator - CSHIIP, Greater Los Angeles Veterans Healthcare System
- 2020 - Present - Founding Director - Dissemination and Implementation Consultation Core, ReACH Center, UT Health San Antonio
- 2018 - 2023 - Associate Professor/Research - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Psychiatry, San Antonio
- 2017 - 2021 - Affiliated Investigator - CSHIIP, Greater Los Angeles Veterans Healthcare System
- 2010 - 2021 - Research Health Scientist/Investigator - VERDICT, South Texas Veterans Health Care System
- 2013 - 2018 - Assistant Professor/Research - UT Health San Antonio, Division of Hospital Medicine
- 2010 - 2020 - Adjunct Assistant Professor - UT Health Science Center at San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 09/2019-01/2020, Facilitator, NIH/OBSSR Training Institute for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (TIDIRH)
- 06/2019, Expert Faculty, Implementation Research Institute, Washington Universitty of St. Louis Brown School of Social Work
- 08/2008-11/2008, Anthropology 385/Global Health, Culture, and Society 102: Introduction to Global Health (w/ Dr. Peter J. Brown), Emory University, Department of Anthropology
- 08/2008-11/2008, Global Health 557: Global Health: Anthropological Perspectives (w/ Dr. Peter J. Brown), Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health
Research & Grants
Funding Agency National Institutes of Mental Health Title Improving and Sustaining Delivery of CPT for PTSD in Mental Health Systems Status Active Period 4/2016 - 3/2021 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Goals: Hybrid III Implementation-Effectiveness methods will be used across three diverse mental health systems to: 1) Examine the impact of two Implementation Strategies (ISs) for sustained EBP delivery on the use and effectiveness of CPT; and 2) Assess each ISs?s acceptability, compatibility and perceived effectiveness within routine care settings in diverse systems using a mixed-methods approach to monitor stakeholder satisfaction and perceptions of potential barriers and facilitators to ths ISs and to CPT sustainment. Funding Agency VA Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Title Enhancing Mental and Physical Health of Women through Engagement and Retention (EMPOWER) Status Active Period 10/2015 - 9/2020 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Goals: 1) Use an evidence-based implementation strategy that emphasizes local tailoring of care models, multilevel stakeholder engagement, and systematic evaluation of complex implementation processes in order to enrich organizational capacity for innovations in women Veterans? VHA health care; 2) implement personalized, proactive, patient-centered innovations in VHA women?s health that are acceptable, feasible, satisfactory, relevant, and effective for both providers and patients, thereby encouraging women Veterans? engagement and retention and sustainability of the innovations; and 3) generate implementation ?playbooks? for our partners that are scalable and serve as guidance for future implementation of a broader array of evidence-based women?s health programs and policy. Funding Agency VA Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Title Improving Patient-Centered Care Coordination for High-Risk Veterans in PACT Status Active Period 10/2015 - 9/2020 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Goals: 1) Develop a care coordination toolkit and coaching manual to improve care for high-risk Veterans; 2) Pilot a toolkit and distance coaching intervention for PACT sites to enhance coordination of care for high-risk Veterans; 3) Using a cluster-randomized design at the clinic level, compare the effectiveness of the online toolkit alone to the combination of the online toolkit plus distance coaching for PACT sites. Funding Agency Department of Veterans Affairs Title Evaluation of Implementation of a National Point-of-Care Ultrasound Training Program Status Active Period 10/2016 - 9/2020 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail This Department of Veterans Affairs QUERI partnered evaluation project is evaluating the impact of a Point-of-care Ultrasound (POCUS) Training Course on provider skill acquisition and retention; the frequency of POCUS use by trained providers; and the barriers/facilitators to POCUS in the VHA. Data sources include the pre- and post-course assessment tools knowledge and skills tests, medical coding data, and course evaluations. Providers that participate in the POCUS Training Course are being compared to control providers from wait-listed facilities. Findings from this project will guide ongoing efforts of our operating partners, Specialty Care Centers of Innovation (SCCI) and the Simulation Learning and Research Network (SimLEARN), to build a national POCUS training program and facilitate implementation of POCUS use system-wide in the VA healthcare system. Funding Agency Public-Private Partnership by Henry M. Jackson Foundation for Advancement of Military Medicine Title The Veterans Metric Initiative Status Active Period 4/2015 - 3/2020 Role Co-Principal Investigator Grant Detail Goal: To identify factors and programs predictive of Veterans' well-being following separation from military service. Funding Agency Department of Veterans Affairs Health Services Research and Development Office Title Sensemaking in VHA Health Care Systems: A Focus on Readmissions Status Active Period 7/2014 - 9/2018 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Goals: 1) Elucidate how sensemaking unfolds across professional cultures and organizational units to reduce readmissions, the origins of which cannot easily be attributed to any one single organizational or patient level failure; 2) Build an agent-based model based on results from the qualitative data to gain further insights into the interdependencies and relative effects of the various agents and their actions on readmission rates. Funding Agency VA Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Title National Rural Health Evaluation Status Active Period 10/2015 - 9/2017 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Goals: 1) Create the Veterans Rural Health Atlas (VeRHA) and annotated chart book that will characterize geographic variation in access, utilization, quality, satisfaction, and outcomes for rural Veterans using existing data sources and GIS mapping. 2) Identify the specific socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental factors associated with geographic variation in access, utilization, quality, satisfaction and outcomes for rural Veterans. 3) Describe perceived access and need, and identify preferences for and barriers and facilitators to health and healthcare among rural Veterans in hot and cold spots.
2019- Judge, Poster Competition, Department of Medicine Research Day, UT Health San Antonio
2016-2018- Pilot Women's Health Funding Committee, UT Health San Antonio
2015-2016- CLIK Pilot Funding Committee, UT Health San Antonio
2013-2018- MD with Research Distinction Committee, UT Health San Antonio
2011- Judge, Poster Competition, Practice-Based Research Network Convocation, UT Health San Antonio
Service to the Profession
Journal Reviewer
2020-Present- Implementation Science Communications
2019-Present- BMC Public Health
2018-Present- PLOS One
2017-Present- Drug and Alcohol Dependence
2017-Present- Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy
2016-Present- Pain Medicine
2016-Present- Military Behavioral Health
2016-Present- Professional Psychology
2016-Present- Psychological Services
2015-Present- Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry
2015-Present- Military Psychology
2015-Present- Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
2015-Present- Brain Imaging and Behavior
2014-Present- Psychiatric Services
2011-Present- Journal of Traumatic Stress
2011-Present- Journal of General Internal Medicine
2011-Present- Military Medicine
2010-Present- Social Science and Medicine
2010-Present- Medical Anthropology Quarterly
2010-Present- Medical Care
2014- Contexts
2014- Research on Aging
2011- Depression Research and Treatment
2010- Psychology of Violence
2010- Education Research
2009- Journal of Family Life
Elected Positions
2015-2018- Member-at-Large, Society of Medical Anthropology Executive Board
2015-2018- Chair, Communications Committee, Society of Medical Anthropology
2023-Present- Member, Qualitative Methods Learning Collaborative Advisory Board
2022-Present- Co-Lead, Qualitative Methods, Center for the Study of Healthcare Innovation, Implementation, and Policy, VA Greater Los Angeles
2013, 2015, 2017-Present- Board Member, Scientific Merit Review Board, Panel 4, Behavioral and Mental Health
2015-Present- Abstract Reviewer, HSR&D/QUERI National Meeting
2022- Faculty, Military Suicide Research Consortium Outcomes to Military Implementation Scholars Program
2021- Subject Matter Expert, VA Mental Health Research Portfolio Review, Office of Research and Development
2020-2021- Assistant Chair, South Texas Veterans Health Care System Research and Development Committee
2018-2019- University of Texas System Veterans Leadership Task Force
09/2008-11/2008- Volunteer Consultation, Operation Reunion, Center for Health Care Sciences
2008- Humanities Advisor, "Veteranos" (Documentary), Laura Varela Films
04/2004-08/2004- Volunteer Mental Health Screening, Refugee Stress Clinical Dekalb County Board of Health
- Aronson, K. R., Perkins, D. F., Morgan, N. R., Bleser, J. A., Vogt, D., Copeland, L. A., Finley, E. P., & Gilman, C. L. (2020, July 2). The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Combat Exposure on Mental Health Conditions Among New Post-9/11 Veterans. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Advance online publication. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/tra0000614
- S Dang, L Penney, R Trivedi, P Noël, MJ Pugh, EP Finley, JA Pugh, C VanHoutven, L Leykum. (In press) Caring for caregivers during COVID-19. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
- S Maguen, B Griffin, D Vogt, LA Copeland, EP Finley, DF Perkins. (in press) Gender Differences in Prevalence and Outcomes of Exposure to Potentially Morally Injurious Events among Post-9/11 Veterans. Journal of Psychiatry Research.
- EP Finley, S Schneegans, M Curtis, V Bebarta, J Maddry, D McGeary, JS Potter. (in press) Confronting challenges to opioid risk mitigation in the U.S. health system: Recommendations from a panel of national experts. PLOS One.
- Noël PH, Barnard JM, Barry FM, Simon A, Lee ML, Olmos-Ochoa TT, Chawla N, Rose DE, Stockdale SE, Finley, E.P., Penney LS, Ganz DA. (in press) Patient Experience of Health Care System Hassles: Dual System vs. Single System Users. Health Services Research.
- Morgan, N.R., Aronson, K.R., Bleser, J.A., Davenport, K.E., Vogt, D., Copeland, L.A., Finley, E.P., Perkins, D. (in press) Reducing barriers to Veterans’ use of programs and services as they transition to civilian life. Psychiatric Services.
- Nillni, Y., Shayani, D., Finley, E.P., Copeland, L.A., Vogt, D., Perkins, D. (in press) The impact of PTSD and moral injury on women veterans’ perinatal outcomes following separation from military service. Journal of Traumatic Stress.
- Abraham, T.A., Finley, E.P., Drummond, K.L., Haro, E.K., Hamilton, A.B., Townsend, J., Lyttman, A.J., Hudson, T.J. (in press) A method for preserving the rigor and richness of qualitative data during team-based analysis of large data sets. American Journal of Evaluation.
- EP Finley, HA Garcia, VA Ramirez, EK Haro, J Mignogna, B DeBeer, SW Stirman. (2020) Treatment selection among posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) specialty care providers in the Veterans Health Administration: a thematic analysis. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 12(3):251-259. doi: 10.1037/tra0000477.
- Richardson, C., Chesnut, R.P., Morgan, N.R., Bleser, J.A., Vogt, D., Copeland, L.A., Finley, E.P., Perkins, D.F. (2020) Examining the factor structure of the moral injury events scale in a Veteran sample. Military Medicine. 185(1-2):e75–e83. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usz129.
- Hamilton, A., Wiltsey-Stirman, S., Finley, E.P., Klap, R., Mittman, Brian S., Yano, E.M., Oishi, S. (2020) Usual care among providers treating women Veterans: managing complexity and multimorbidity in the era of evidence-based practice. Invited manuscript for Special Issue of Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services, “From Research Training to Scientific Advancement: Contributions from the Implementation Research Institute.” doi: 10.1007/s10488-019-00961-y.
- Miake-Lye, I., Delevan, D., Ganz, D., Mittman, B., Finley, E.P. (2020) Unpacking organizational readiness for change: an updated systematic review and content analysis of assessments. BMC Health Services Research. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-4926-z.
- Dyer, K.E., Moreau, J.L. Finley, E.P., Bean-Mayberry, B., Farmer, M.M., Bernet, D., Kress, A., Lewis, J.L., Batuman, F.K., Haskell, S.G., Hamilton, A.B., Moin, T. (2020) Tailoring an evidence-based lifestyle intervention to meet the needs of women Veterans with prediabetes. Women & Health. doi: 10.1080/03630242.2019.1710892.
- Copeland, L.A., Finley, E.P., Vogt, D., Perkins, D.F., Nillni, Y.I. (2020) Gender differences in newly separated Veterans’ use of health care. American Journal of Managed Care. 26(3):200-207. doi: 10.37765/ajmc.2020.42633.
- Aronson, K., Perkins, D., Morgan, N., Bleser, J., Vogt, D., Copeland, L.A., Finley, E.P., Gilman, C.L. (2019) Post-9/11 Veteran transitions to civilian life: predictors of the use of employment programs. Journal of Veterans Studies. 5(1): 14–22, doi:10.21061/jvs.v5i1.127.
- McClendon, J., Perkins, D., Copeland, L.A., Finley, E.P., Vogt, D. (2019) Patterns and correlates of racial/ethnic disparities in posttraumatic stress disorder screening among recently separated Veterans. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 68. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2019.102145.
- Baig, M., Finley, E.P., Pugh, J.A., Roache, J.D., Meraj, A., Tapia, R.N. (2019) Enhancing access to psychiatric care for posttraumatic stress disorder in Veterans with mild traumatic brain injury through integrated services. Psychiatry Quarterly 90(4):815-827. doi: 10.1007/s11126-019-09668-7.
- Hamilton, A., Finley, E.P. (2019) Qualitative methods in implementation research: an introduction. Psychiatry Research. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2019.112516
- Garcia, H.A., Mignogna, J., Song, J., Debeer, B., Finley, E.P. (2019) Provider factors predict use of evidence-based psychotherapies in Veterans Affairs PTSD Specialty Programs: The role of profession, theoretical orientation, and training. Traumatology. doi: 10.1037/trm0000220.
- Vogt, D., Taverna, E., Nillni, Y., Booth, B., Perkins, D.F., Copeland, L.A., Finley, E.P., Gilman, C.L. (2019) Development and validation of a tool to assess military veterans’ status, functioning, and satisfaction with key aspects of their lives. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. doi: 10.1111/aphw.12161
- Abel, J., Allen, O., Bullock, D.E., Finley, E.P., Walter, E.A, Schnarrs, P., Taylor, B. (2019) “I don’t want to look sick skinny”: Perceptions of body image and weight loss in Hispanics living with HIV in South Texas. Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice 12:2.
- Haro, E.K., Mader, M., Noel, P.H., Garcia, H.A., Vogt, D., Bernardy, N., Bollinger, M., Pugh, M.J., Finley, E.P.(2019) The impact of trust, satisfaction, and perceived quality on preference for setting of future care among veterans with PTSD. Military Medicine. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usz078.
- Olmos-Ochoa, T., Mudnal, P., Cheetu, N., Ganz, D., Noel, P., Stockdale, S., Simon, A., Barnard, J., Finley, E.P.(2019) Staff perspectives on primary care teams as de facto “hub” for care coordination in VA: A qualitative study. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2019 May;34(Suppl 1):82-89. doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-04967-y.
- Mattocks, K., Cunningham, K., Elwy, R. Finley, E.P., Greenstone, C., Mengeling, M., Perez, J., Pizer, S.D., Sherrod, A., Vanneman, M., Weiner, M., Bastian, L.A. (2019) Recommendations for the evaluation of cross-system care coordination from the VA SOTA Working Group on VA/non-VA care. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2019 May;34(Suppl 1):18-23. doi: 10.1007/s11606-019-04972-1.
- Garcia, H.A., DeBeer, B., Mignogna, J., Finley, E.P. (2019) Treatments Veterans Health Administration PTSD specialty program providers report their patients prefer: The role of training and theoretical orientation. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 2019 Feb 28. doi: 10.1037/tra0000442.
- Perkins, D.F., Aronson, K.R., Morgan, N., Bleser, J., Vogt, D., Copeland, L.A., Finley, E.P., Gilman, C. (2019) Veterans’ use of programs and services as they transition to civilian life: baseline assessment for the Veteran Metrics Initiative. Journal of Social Service Research. doi: 10.1080/01488376.2018.1546259.
- Aronson, K.R., Perkins, D.F., Morgan, N., Bleser, J., Davenport, K., Vogt, D., Copeland, L.A., Finley, E.P., Gilman, C.L. (2019) Going it alone: Post-9/11 Veteran non-use of healthcare and social service programs during their early transition to civilian life. Journal of Social Service Research. doi: 10.1080/01488376.2018.1493410.
- Swan, A.A., Amuan, M.E., Morissette, S.B, Finley, E.P., Eapen, B., Jaramillo, C.A., Pugh, M.J. (2018) Long-term physical and mental health outcomes associated with traumatic brain injury severity in Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans. Brain Injury 32(13-14):1637-1650. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2018.1518539.
- H Garcia, J Benzer, EK Haro, EP Finley. (2018) Occupational burnout among PTSD specialty clinic providers in the Veterans Health Administration: Perceptions of bureaucratic and political oversight. Mental Health and Prevention 12:42-49. doi: 10.1016/j.mhp.2018.09.001.
- Villarosa-Hurlocker, M., Cucarello, L., Garcia, H., Finley, E.P. (2019) Professional burnout of psychiatrists in a Veterans Health Administration: exploring the role of the organizational treatment. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 46(1):1-9 doi: 10.1007/s10488-018-0879-5.
- EP Finley, AK Huynh, A.K., Farmer, M., Bean-Mayberry, B., Moin, T., Oishi, S., Moreau, J.L., Dyer, K.E., Lanham, H.J., Leykum, L., Hamilton, A.B. (2018) Periodic reflections: a method of guided discussions for documenting implementation phenomena. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 18(1):153. doi: 10.1186/s12874-018-0610-y.
- Noel, P.H., Parchman, M.L., Hazuda, H.P., Wang, C.P., Espinoza, S.E., Finley, E.P., Bollinger, M. (2018) Provider-Related Linkages between Primary Care Clinics and Community-Based Senior Centers Associated with Diabetes-Related Outcomes. Journal of Applied Gerontology. Jun 1:733464818782853. doi: 10.1177/0733464818782853.
- Huynh, A.K., Hamilton, A.B., Bean-Mayberry, B., Farmer, M.M., Stirman, S.W., Moin, T., Finley, E.P. (2018) Mapping implementation strategies in complex interventions: a method for pragmatic planning in implementation and evaluation research. Frontiers in Public Health. May 18;6:134. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2018.00134
- Penney, L.S., Nahid, M., Leykum, L.K., Lanham, H.J., Noel, P.H., Finley, E.P., Pugh, J.A. (2018) Interventions to reduce readmissions: Can complex adaptive system theory explain the heterogeneity in effectiveness? BMC Health Services Research. 18:894. doi: 10.1186/s12913-018-3712-7
- Finley, E.P., Mader, M., Haro, E., Noel, P.H., Bernardy, N., Rosen, C.S., Bollinger, M., Garcia, H., Sherrieb, K., Pugh, M.J. (2018) Use of guideline-recommended treatments for PTSD among community-based providers in Texas and Vermont: implications for the Veterans Choice Program. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research. doi: 10.1007/s11414-018-9613-z
- Vogt, D., Perkins, D., Copeland, L.A., Finley, E.P., Jamieson, C., Booth, B., Lederer, S., Gilman, C. (2018) The Veterans Metric Initiative Study of U.S. Veterans’ Experiences during their Transition from Military Service. BMJ Open. 8(6). 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020734.
- Penney, L., Leykum, L., Lanham, H., Noel, P., Finley, E.P., Pugh, J.A. (2018) Protocol for a mixed methods study of hospital readmissions: sensemaking in Veterans Health Administration Health Care System in the United States. BMJ Open 8(4). 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020169.
- Ganz, D.A., Barnard, J.M., Smith, N., Miake-Lye, I., Delevan, D.M., Simon, A., Rose, D.E., Stockdale, S.E., Chang, E.T., Noel, P.H., Finley, E.P., Lee, M.L., Zulman, D.M., Cordasco, K.M., Rubenstein, L.V. (2018) Development of a web-based toolkit to support improvement of care coordination in primary care. Translational Behavioral Medicine. 8(3):492–502. doi:10.1093/tbm/ibx072
- Finley, E.P., Warzinski, S., Tami, C., Pugh, M.J., McGeary, D., Penney, L., Potter, J.S. (2018) Implementing Prescription Drug Monitoring and Other Clinical Decision Support for Opioid Risk Mitigation in a Military Healthcare Setting: A Qualitative Feasibility Study. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association May 1;25(5):515-522. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocx075. [Note: Editor’s Choice Article; Notable Article in AMIA’s 2019 Year in Review; Finalist for the 2019 Diana Forsythe Award, granted by the People and Organizational Issues Working Group of the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) for work at the intersection of informatics and social science].
- Kazanis, W., Pugh, M.J., McGeary, D., Tami, C., Bebarta, V., Finley E.P., Potter, J.S. (2018) Opioid use patterns among active duty service members and civilians: 2006-2014. Military Medicine. Mar 1;183(3-4):e157-e164. doi: 10.1093/milmed/usx014.
- Finley, E.P., Noel, P.H., Lee, S., Haro, E.K., Garcia, H., Rosen, C., Bernardy, N., Pugh, M.J., Pugh, J.A. (2018) Psychotherapy practices for Veterans with PTSD among community-based providers in Texas. Psychological Services. 15(4):442-452. doi: 10.1037/ser0000143. [Note: Best 2018 Publication Senior MIRECC Investigator Award, South Central Mentall Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center (MIRECC)]
- Hamilton, A.B., Farmer, M., Moin, T., Finley, E.P., Haskell, S.G., Lang, A.J., OIshi, S.M., Bean-Mayberry, B. (2017) Enhancing mental and physical health of women through engagement and retention (EMPOWER): A protocol for a program of research. Implementation Science 12:127. doi: 10.1186/s13012-017-0658-9.
- Finley, E.P., Mader, M., Bollinger, M., Haro, E.K., Garcia, H.A., Huynh, A.K., Pugh, J.A., Pugh, M.J. (2017) Characteristics associated with utilization of VA and non-VA care among Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. Military Medicine, 182(11), e1892-e1903. doi: 10.7205/MILMED-D-17-00074.
- Finley, E.P., Garcia, A., Rosen, K.,McGeary, D., Pugh, M.J., Potter, J.S. (2017) Evaluating the impacts of prescription drug monitoring programs: a scoping review. BMC Health Services Research 17:420. doi 10.1186/s12913-017-2354-5.
- Pugh, M.J., Swan, A., Carlson, K., Jaramillo, C.A., Eapen, B., Amuan, M.E., Delgado, R., McConnell, K., Finley, E.P., Grafman, J., and the Trajectories of Resilience and Complex Comorbidity Study team. (2017) Traumatic brain injury severity, comorbidity, social support, family functioning, and community reintegration among veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Feb;99(2S):S40-S49. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2017.05.021.
- Stirman, S.W., Finley, E.P., Shields, N., Cook, J., Haine-Schlagel, R., Burgess, J., Dimeff, L., Suvak, M., Gutner, C., Gagnon, D., Masine, T., Beristianos, M., Mallard, K., Ramirez, V., Monson, C. (2017) Improving and sustaining delivery of CPT for PTSD in mental health systems: a cluster randomized trial. Implementation Science 12(1): 32. doi 10.1186/s13012-017-0544-5.
- Hanson, E.R., Finley, E.P., Petershack, J.A. (2017) What do pediatric residents gain from an experience in juvenile justice? Insights from the qualitative analysis of community-based learning. Academic Pediatrics 17(3):296-302. doi: 10.1016/j.acap.2016.12.006.
- Finley, E.P., Mader, M., Haro, E., Noel, P.H., Bernardy, N., Rosen, C.S., Bollinger, M., Garcia, H., Sherrieb, K., Pugh, M.J. (2017) Community clinicians and the Veterans Choice Program for PTSD care: Understanding provider interest during early implementation. Medical Care. Jul;55 Suppl 7 Suppl 1:S61-S70. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000000668.
- Pugh, M.J., Finley, E.P., Wang, C.P., Copeland, L.A., Jaramillo, C.A., Swan, A.A., Elnitsky, C.A., Leykum, L.K., Mortensen, E.M., Eapen, B.A., Noel, P.H., Pugh, J.A., and the TRACC Research Team. (2016) A retrospective cohort study of comorbidity trajectories associated with traumatic brain injury in Veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Brain Injury 30(12):1481-1490. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2016.1219055.
- Noel, P., Parchman, M.L., Finley, E.P., Wang, C.P., Bollinger, M., Espinoza, S.E., Hazuda, H.P. (2016) Primary care-public health linkages: older primary care patients with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes encouraged to attend community-based senior centers. Preventive Medicine Reports 4: 283-288. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.06.023
- Rosen, C.S., Matthieu, M., Wiltsey-Stirman, S., Cook, J.M., Landes, S.J., Bernardy, N.C., Chard, K.M., Crowley, J.J., Eftekhari, A., Finley, E.P., Hamblen, J.L., Kehle-Forbes, S.M., Meis, L.A., Mott, J.M., Rodriguez, A., Ruggiero, K.J., Ruzek, J.I., Smith, B.N., Trent, J.L., Watts, B.V. (2016) Review of studies on the system-wide implementation of evidence based psychotherapies for posttraumatic stress disorder in the Veterans Health Administration. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research 43(6):957-977.
- Copeland, L.A., Finley, E.P., Bollinger, M., Amuan, M., Pugh, M.J. (2016) Comorbidity correlates of death among New Veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan. Medical Care 54(12):1078-1081. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000000588.
- Soban, L., Finley, E.P., Miltner, S. (2016) Identifying patterns in implementation of hospital pressure ulcer prevention programs: a six-site qualitative study. Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing 43(3): 248-53. doi: 10.1097/WON.0000000000000228.
- Collett, G.A., Song, K., Jaramillo, C.A., Potter, J.S., Finley, E.P., Pugh, M.J. (2016) Prevalence of central nervous system polypharmacy and association with overdose and suicide-related behavior in Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans in VA care 2010-2011. Drugs – Real World Outcomes 3(1): 45-52. doi: 10.1007/s40801-015-0055-0.
- Finley, E.P., Pugh, M.J., Palmer, R.F. (2016) Validation of a Measure of Family Resilience among Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans. Military Behavioral Health 4(3): 205-219. doi:10.1080/21635781.2016.1153530
- Garcia, H.A., McGeary, C.A., Finley, E.P., McGeary, D.D., Ketchum, N.S., Peterson, A.L. (2015) Burnout among psychiatrists in the Veterans Health Administration. Burnout Research 2(4): 108-114. doi:10.1016/j.burn.2015.10.001.
- Garcia, H.A., McGeary, C.A., Finley, E.P., McGeary, D.D., Ketchum, N.S., Peterson, N.L. (2015) The Influence of trauma and patient characteristics on provider burnout in VA PTSD specialty programmes. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice 89(1): 66-81. doi: 10.1111/papt.12057.
- Finley, E.P., Bollinger, M., Noel, P.H., Pugh, J.A., Amuan, M., Copeland, L.A., Dassori, A., Palmer, R., Bryan, C., Pugh, M.J. (2015) A national cohort study of the association between the polytrauma clinical triad and suicide-related behavior among US Veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan. American Journal of Public Health 105:380-387. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014.301957
- Simmonds, M., Finley, E.P., Vale, S., Pugh, M.J., Turner, B.J. (2015) A qualitative study of Veterans on long-term opioid analgesics: Barriers and facilitators to multimodality pain management. Pain Medicine. doi: 10.1111/pme.12626
- Finley, E.P., Garcia, H.A., Ketchum, N.S., McGeary, D.D., McGeary, C.A., Wiltsey Stirman, S., Peterson, A.L. (2015) Utilization of evidence-based psychotherapies in Veterans Affairs posttraumatic stress disorder outpatient clinics. Psychological Services 12(1):73. doi: 10.1037/ser0000014
- Garcia, H.A., McGeary, C.A., Finley, E.P., McGeary, D.D., Ketchum, N., Peterson, A.L. (2015) Evidence-based treatments for PTSD and VHA provider burnout: a preliminary study of the impact of cognitive processing and prolonged exposure therapies. Traumatology 21(1):7-13 doi:10.1037/trm0000014.
- Finley, E.P. (2014) Empowering veterans with PTSD in the recovery era: advancing dialogue and integrating services. Annals of Anthropological Practice 37(2): 75-91.
- McMillan, K.K., Pugh, M.J., Hamid, H., Salinsky, M., Pugh, J.A., Noel, P.H., Finley, E.P., Leykum, L.K., Lanham, H.J., LaFrance, W.C. (2014) Providers' perspectives in treating psychogenic nonepileptic seizures: Frustration and hope. Epilepsy & Behavior.
- McGeary, C., Garcia, H., McGeary, D., Finley, E.P. (2014) Burnout and coping: Veterans Health Administration posttraumatic stress disorder mental health providers. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 6(4):390-397.
- Pugh, M.J., Leykum, L.K., Lanham, H.J., Finley, E.P., Noel, P.H., McMillan, K.K., Pugh, J.A. (2014) The implementation of the epilepsy center of excellence to improve access to and quality of care - protocol for a mixed methods study. Implementation Science 9(44).
- Kruger, K., Stern, S., Anstead, G., Finley, E.P. (2014) Perceptions of companion dog benefits on well-being of US military veterans with HIV/AIDS. Southern Medical Journal 107(3):188-193.
- Pugh, J.A., Wang, C.P., Espinoza, S., Noël, P.H., Bollinger, M., Amuan, M., Finley, E.P., Pugh, M.J. (2014) Influence of frailty-related diagnoses, high-risk prescribing in elderly adults, and primary care use on readmissions in fewer than 30 days for Veterans aged 65 and older. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society62(2):291-298.
- Turner, B.J., Winkler, P., Navuluri, N., Finley, E.P. (2014) A qualitative study of family healthy lifestyle behaviors of Mexican-American and Mexican Immigrant fathers and mothers. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (available online 12 February 2014).
- Pugh, M.J., Finley, E.P., Copeland, L.A., Wang, C.P., Noel, P.H., Amuan, M.E., Parsons, H.M., Wells, M., Elizondo, B., Pugh, J.A. (2014) Complex comorbidity clusters in OEF/OIF Veterans: the Polytrauma Clinical Triad and beyond. Medical Care 52(2):172-81.
- Garcia, H., McGeary, C., McGeary, D., Finley, E.P., Peterson, A. (2014) Burnout in Veterans Health Administration mental health providers in posttraumatic stress clinics. Psychological Services 11(1):50-59.
- Garcia, H., Finley, E.P., Ketchum, N., Jakupcak, M., Dassori, A. (2014) A survey of perceived barriers and attitudes toward mental health care among OEF/OIF veterans at VA outpatient mental health clinics. Military Medicine 179(3):273-278.
- Pugh, M.J., Hesdorffer, D., Wang, C., Amuan, M., Tabares, J., Finley, E.P., Cramer, J., Kanner, A., Bryan, C. (2013) Temporal trends in new exposure to antiepileptic drug monotherapy and suicide-related behavior. Neurology 81(22):1900-6.
- Finley, E.P., Pugh, J.A., Lanham, H.J., Leykum, L., Veerapaneni, P., Parchman, M.L. (2013) Relationship quality and patient-assessed quality of care in VA primary care clinics: development and validation of the Work Relationships Scale. Annals of Family Medicine 11(6):543-9.
- Finley, E.P., Pugh, M.J., Garcia, H.A., Wang, C.P., Noel, P.H. (2013) Self-efficacy for life tasks in OEF/OIF Veterans: assessing functional concerns in the clinic. Military Behavioral Health 1:93-99.
- Finley, E.P., Pugh, M.J., Brown, P.J., Noel, P.H. (2012) Validating a measure of self-efficacy for life tasks in male OEF/OIF Veterans. Psychology of Men and Masculinity 13(2), 143-157.
- Noël, P.H., Zeber, J., Pugh, M.J., Finley, E.P., Parchman, M.L. (2011) A pilot survey of post-deployment health care needs in small community-based Primary Care clinics. BMC Family Practice 12:79.
- Pugh, M.J., Tortorice, K., Van Cott, A.C., Tabares, J., Finley, E.P., Bollinger, M.J. (2011) Changes in anti-epileptic drug choice for older Veterans with new-onset epilepsy: 2002 to 2006. J Am Geriatr Soc 59(5):955-6. PMID: 21568976
- Garcia, H.A., Finley, E.P., Lorber, W., Jakupcak, M. (2011) A preliminary study of the association between traditional masculine behavioral norms and PTSD symptoms in Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans. Psychology of Men and Masculinity 12(1):55-63.
- Finley, E.P., Zeber, J.E., Pugh, M.J., Cantu, G., Copeland, L.A., Parchman, M.L., Noel, P.H. (2010) Postdeployment healthcare for returning OEF/OIF Military Personnel and their social networks: a qualitative approach. Military Medicine 175(12):953-957.
- Jeffreys, M., Leibowitz, R., Finley, E.P., Arar, N. (2010) Trauma disclosure to health care professionals by Veterans: clinical implications. Military Medicine 175(10):719-724.
- Finley, E.P., Baker, M., Pugh, M.J., Peterson, A. (2010) Patterns and perceptions of intimate partner violence committed by returning Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. Journal of Family Violence 25(8):737.
- Finley, E.P., Pugh, M.J., Jeffreys, M. (2010) ’Talking, love, time’: two case studies of positive post-deployment coping in military families. Journal of Family Life, January 20, 2010.
- Liebschutz, J.M., Battaglia, T., Finley, E.P., Averbuch, T. (2008) Disclosing intimate partner violence to health care clinicians - what a difference the setting makes: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health 8:229.
- Liebschutz, J.M., Darko, G.O., Finley, E.P., Cawse, J.M., Bharel, M., Orlander, J.D. (2006) In the minority: Black physicians in residency and their experiences. Journal of the National Medical Association 98(9): 1-8.
- Battaglia, T., Finley, E.P., Liebschutz, J.M. (2003) Survivors of intimate partner violence speak out: trust in the patient-provider relationship. Journal of General Internal Medicine 18(8):617-623.
- Finley, E.P. (1999) Rather than face that place again: Care-seeking among Mayan women in Guatemala. Southern Anthropologist. Spring/Summer 26(1):16-30.
- Finley, E.P. (In press) A homecoming. In Global Health Narratives: A Reader for Youth, Second Edition. Emily Mendenhall, ed. University of New Mexico Press.
- Finley, E.P. (2015) Cultural influences for Veterans living with PTSD. In Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology, Third Edition. Eds. Peter J Brown and Svea Closser. Left Coast Press.
- Finley, E.P. (2015) The few, the proud: Women combat veterans and posttraumatic stress disorder in the U.S. In Global Mental Health: Anthropological Perspectives. Brandon Korht and Emily Mendenhall, eds. Routledge.
- Finley, E.P. (2014) The chaplain turns to God: negotiating post-traumatic stress disorder in the U.S. Military. InGenocide and Mass Violence: Memory, Symptom, Recovery. Devon Hinton and Alexander Hinton, eds. Cambridge University Press.
- Finley, E.P. (2012) War and dislocation: a neuroanthropological model of trauma among American Veterans with combat PTSD. In The Encultured Brain: Neuroanthropology Foundations. Daniel H. Lende and Greg Downey, eds. MIT Press.
- Brown, P.J., Barrett, R.L., Padilla, M.B., Finley, E.P. (2009) Medical anthropology: an introduction to the fields. In Understanding and Applying Medical Anthropology. Peter J. Brown, ed., New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Finley, E.P. (2016) Book review: Mental health in the war on terror: Culture, science, and statecraft. Medical Anthropology Quarterly.
- Closser, S., Finley, E.P. (2016) A New Reflexivity: Why Anthropology Matters in Contemporary Health Research and Practice, and How to Make it Matter More. American Anthropologist 118(2): 385-390.
- Finley, E.P., Penney, L. (2016) Anthropology in the Public Sector: The Anthropology of Engagement. Anthropology News, January 2016.
- Finley, E.P. (2013) Anthropology in the Public Sector: Comments from the 2012 Margaret Mead Award Recipient. Anthropology News, June 2013.
- Finley, E.P., McLeish, K., Wool, Z. (2009) The U.S. Military and the social life of war. Anthropology News, May 2009.
- Finley, E.P. (2005) Book review: Schizophrenia, culture, and subjectivity: the edge of experience. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 19(3): 357-359.
- Evans, C.V., Fielding, J.E., Brownson, R.C., England, M.J., Fullilove, M.T., Hinman, A.R., Isham, G.J., Land, G.H., Mahan, C.S., Mullen, P.D., Nolan, P.A., Scrimshaw, S.C., Teutsch, S.M., Thompson, R.S., Task Force on Community Prevention Services. (2001) Motor-vehicle occupant injury: strategies for increasing use of child safety seats, increasing use of safety belts, and reducing alcohol-impaired driving. A Report on Recommendations of the Task Force on Community Preventive Services. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 50(No. RR-7):1-12.
Finley, E.P. (2011) Fields of Combat: Understanding PTSD among Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. Culture and Politics in Health Care Work Series, Cornell University Press/ILR: Ithaca, NY.
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