For administrative calls, please contact:
- Kristi McBrearty
- mcbreartyk@uthscsa.edu
- 210-567-4547
Departments & Divisions
Maxim S Eckmann, M.D.
Professor & Chair, Department of Anesthesiology
Ramamurthy Professorship in Pain Medicine
Board of Directors, American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
Dr. Eckmann was appointed Department Chair after serving as interim Chair for over a year. He leads one of the largest departments that provides anesthesia services to University Health, UT Health SA, and VA Health Systems including areas of general, regional, obstetric, transplant, hepatobiliary, cardiac, and critical care anesthesiology.
Dr. Eckmann was born and raised in Austin, Texas. He completed his undergraduate training at Texas A&M University, where he received the Gathright Scholar Award for the College of Engineering. After attending medical school and completing his internship at Baylor College of Medicine as a Presidential Scholar, he pursued residency at the University of Michigan Health System in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He then trained at UT Health SA for his Pain Medicine Fellowship, staying on as faculty thereafter. He has since maintained a diverse practice in clinical anesthesiology, interventional pain medicine, medical education, healthcare leadership, and clinical research.
Dr. Eckmann’s local leadership has included directorship of the Acute Pain Service, Pain Medicine Division, Pain Medicine Fellowship, and UT Health Anesthesiology Research program over a 15 year career at the HSC. In these roles, he has worked to expand inpatient and outpatient access to pain management specialty services. Dr. Eckmann has a special academic interest in chronic joint pain. He also lead a translational investigative team to create several novel procedural techniques in nerve ablation and is active in pre and post-market medical device development. Dr. Eckmann’s vision is to elevate departmental activities in research related to data science, transplant medicine, critical care, and pharmacology. In 2021, Dr. Eckmann was awarded with the Ramamurthy Endowed Professorship, named after his long-time mentor and friend, Dr. Somayaji Ramamurthy.
While Dr. Eckmann is recognized as a medical and technical expert, he also serves many national functions for the field of Anesthesiology. He is a Senior Examiner for the American Board of Anesthesiology, helping deliver certifying exams to future diplomates. He sits as a Board Member for the American Society of Regional Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, stewarding societal involvement in advocacy, continuing medical education, and practice guidelines. He is Past President and Board Member Emeritus for the Texas Pain Society, which is also dedicated to continuing education and advocacy.
Professional Background
- 2008 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Pain Medicine - University of Texas Health Science Center
- 2007 - Residency - Anesthesiology - University of Michigan Health System
- 2004 - Internship - Transitional - Baylor College of Medicine
- 2003 - MD - Medicine - Baylor College of Medicine
- 1998 - BS - Biomedical Engineering - Texas A & M University
- 2/2023 - Interim Chair - UT Health San Antonio - Department of Anesthesiology
- 9/2018 - Professor of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Anesthesiology, SAN ANTONIO
- 5/2017 - Executive Medical Director of Pain Medicine for Department of Anesthesiology and Executive Medical Director of Pain Medicine - University of Texas Health Science Center, Anesthesiology, San Antonio
- 1/2012 - Attending Physician - St. Luke's Baptist Healthcare SystemSan Antonio
- 4/2011 - Program Director, Pain Medicine Fellowship - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Anesthesiology, San Antonio
- 9/2008 - Staff Physician - University Health System, Anesthesiology, San Antonio
- 6/2024 - Department Chair - UT Health San Antonio - Department of Anesthesiology
Instruction & Training
- 3/2014 - Present, Rehabilitation Medicine Grand Rounds, UTHSCSA - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
- 4/2009 - Present, Pain Medicine Grand Rounds, UTHSCSA - Department of Anesthesiology
- 2/2009 - Present, Individual Instruction, UTHSCSA and SAUSHEC Departments of Anesthesiology
- 9/2008 - Present, Anesthesiology Grand Rounds, UTHSCSA Department of Anesthesiology
- 9/2008 - Present, Pre-Doctoral Student Supervision, UTHSCSA Department of Anesthesiology
- 7/2008 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, UTHSCSA Department of Anesthesiology
- 7/2008 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, University Hospital
- 7/2008 - Present, Pain Management, The University of Texas Health Science Center
2/2021 Ramamurthy Endowed Professorship
7/2020 Vice Chair of Clinical Research for the UT Health San Antonio, Department of Anesthesiology
Board Certifications
- American Board of Anesthesiology
- American Board of Pain Medicine