Departments & Divisions
David Dooley, M.D.
Dr. David Dooley is a Professor of Medicine at the UT-Long School of Medicine in San Antonio. He is an Army brat with many moves but it ended up well enough for him to make it into the University of Notre Dame and then to Washington University in St. Louis for medical school. He entered the Army for an internship in Hawaii (where at least his wife got to go to the beach), then did internal medicine residency and chief residency at Brooke Army hospital in San Antonio. He served 4 years as a general internist in Augsburg, Germany, before returning to Brooke for an infectious diseases fellowship. He remained on ID faculty in San Antonio for 15 years, serving as ID Associate Program Director and then as PD, as well as ID consultant to the Army Surgeon General, before Army retirement in 2005. He served a busy but fascinating 18 months in private practice in Waco Texas before family brought him back to San Antonio, where he’s served as the Associate Chief of Staff for Education at the Audie Murphy VAMC until now. He is responsible for facilitating the placement and support of all GME and Associated Health residents as well as students at the VA. He attends in the ID/HIV clinic and on internal medicine wards and ID consults at the VA and on the HIV ward at University Hospital. He is the author of over 70 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters. He and wife Michelle eagerly await easing of the COVID difficulties so they can start visiting their 3 children and 6 grandchildren again.
Professional Background
- 1979 - MD - Washington University
- 1975 - BS - Pre-Professional Studies - University of Notre Dame
- 1990 - Fellowhip - Infectious Diseases - Brooke Army Medical Center - San Antonio, TX
- 1982 - Residency - Internal Medicine - Brooke Army Medical Center - San Antonio, TX
- 1980 - Internship - Internal Medicine - Tripler Army Medical Center - Honolulu, HI
- 09/2016 - Professor of Medicine - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio