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- Catherine McCarthy, MS
- mccarthyc@uthscsa.edu
- 210-567-5321
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Jannine D Cody, Ph.D
Director, Chromosome 18 Clinical Research Center
Director, Pediatric Clinical Research
Currently not seeking mentees
Dr. Jannine Cody is originally from Charles City, Iowa. She graduated from Hoover High School in Des Moines where she also attended Grandview College. At the University of Iowa, she earned a B.S. degree in General Science and a M.S. degree in Biology.
In 1990, Dr. Cody founded the Chromosome 18 Registry and Research Society as a way to bring affected families together and to learn from each other. To date, the Registry includes more than 3000 families affected by chromosome 18 abnormalities from around the world. In 1991, Dr. Cody enrolled in a Ph.D program at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; graduating in 1997. Dr. Cody is now a Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio.
While pursuing her Ph.D., she developed the multidisciplinary Chromosome 18 Clinical Research Center, the goal of which is to make the chromosome 18 conditions completely treatable. The research ranges from the molecular biology of the conditions, to the clinical consequences, to the psychosocial ramifications for the affected individual, the parents and the siblings. This work is primarily funded by the families of the Chromosome 18 Registry.
In an effort to ensure federal support for research into chromosome abnormalities, Dr. Cody has testified twice before the US Congress and has served on a variety of national committees and organizations related to genetics.
Professional Background
- 1999 - Postdoctoral Fellowship - Human Genetics - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1997 - PhD - Human Genetics - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1978 - MS - Biology - University of Iowa
- 1976 - BS - General Science - University of Iowa
- 1974 - AA - General Science - Grand View College
- 9/2013 - Mentoring Faculty Member in Genetics, Genomics and Development (GGD) Track - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Cellular & Structural Biology, San Antonio
- 9/2012 - Professor/Research and Scientific Director - Pediatric Clinical Research Unit (fka CHART Center), Pediatrics, San Antonio
- 9/2012 - Professor/Research - The University of Texas Health, San Antonio
- 1/1990 - President and Founder - The Chromosome 18 Registry and Research SocietySan Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 7/2013 - Present, Undergraduate Student Supervision, UTHSCSA
Research & Grants
Funding Agency NIH-NATL CTR FOR ADV TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCES Title INSTITUTE FOR INTEGRATION OF MEDICINE & SCIENCE: A PARTNERSHIP TO IMPROVE HEALTH (IIMS) Status Active Period 5/2018 - 4/2023 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail UTHSCSA?s mission is to achieve optimal integration of clinical and translational research, education, training, and career development across all UTHSCSA schools and among our partner organizations.
Funding Agency The Chromosome 18 Registry and Research Society Title The Chromosome 18 Clinical Research Center Status Active Period 7/1999 - 1/2035 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail This funding provides infrastructure support to the Chromosome 18 Clinical Research Center. The activities include: participant recruitment, collection of medical records and blood samples for DNA and lymphoblastoid cell lines, molecular analysis of the DNA samples to determine the extent and nature of the chromosome abnormality and maintenance of the medical records database.
Funding Agency SOM PILOT Title Identification of a new gene essential to CNS myelination Status Active Period 6/2017 - 5/2018 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail
Cody JD, Hasi-Zogaj M, Heard P, Hill A, Rupert D, Sebold C, Soileau B and Hale DE. Medical Management of Chromosome 18 Abnormalities; 2018 Jun. (European Soc of Human Genetics).
Sanchez A; Gould GG; Cody JD. Impact of Neto1 Deficiency on Murine Sociability Preferences; 2014 Nov. (Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Nov 15, 2014; Washington, DC).
Journal Article
Cody JD, Heard P, Rupert D, Hasi-Zogaj M, Hill A, Sebold C, Hale DE. Chromosome 18 Gene Dosage Map 2.0 Human Genet 2018 Dec;137(11-12):961-970.
Balog J, Goossens R, Lemmers RJLF, Straasheijm KR, van der Vliet PJ, van den Heuvel A, Cambieri C, Capet N, Feasson L, Manel V, Contet J, Kriek M, Donlin-Smith CM, Ruivenkamp CAL, Heard P, Tapscott SJ, Cody JD, Tawil R, Sacconi S, van der Maarel S. Monosomy 18p is a risk factor for FSHD J Med Genet 2018 Jul;57(7):469-478.
Moreira A, Das H, Hasi-Zogaj M, Soileau B, Hill A, Bruder JM, Hale DE, Cody JD. Abnormal Bone Mineral Content and Density in People with Tetrasomy 18p American Journal Medical Genetics 2018 Jul;179(3):417-722.
Cody JD, Hasi-Zogaj M, Heard P, Hill A, Rupert D, Sebold C, Soileau B, Hale DE. The Chromosome 18 Clinical Resource Center Mol Genet Genomic Med 2018 Mar;.
Hennig KM, Fass DM, Zhao W-N, Sheridan SD, Fu T, Erdin S, Storchevoi A, Lucente D, Cody JD, Sweetser D, Gusella J, Talkowski ME, Haggarty SJ. WNT/β-Catenin Pathway and Epigenetic Mechanisms Regulate the Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome and Schizophrenia Risk Gene TCF4 Mol Neuropsychiatry 2017 Jul;3(1):53-71.
Cody JD, Sebold C, Heard P, Carter E, Soileau B, Hasi-Zogai M, Hill A, Rupert D, Perry B, Atkinson SW, O`Donnell L, Gelfond J, Lancaster J, Fox PT, Hale DE. Consequences of chromsome18q deletions Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet 2015 Sep;169(3):265-280.
Hasi-Zogai M, Sebold C, Heard P, Carter E, Soileau B, Hill A, Rupert D, Perry B, Atkinson S, O`Donnell L, Gelfond J, Lancaster J, Fox PT, Hale DE, Cody JD. A review of 18q deletions Am J Med Genet, Part C 2015 Sep;169(3):251-264.
Cody JD, Hale DE. Making Chromosome abnormalities treatable conditions Am J Med Genet, Part C 2015 Sep;169(3):209-215.
Soileau B, Hasi M, Sebold C, Hill A, O`Donnell L, Hale DE, Cody JD. Adults with Chromosome 18 Abnormalities J Genet Couns 2015 Aug;24(4):663-674.
O'Donnell L,Soileau BT, Sebold C, Gelfond J, Hale DE, Cody JD. Tetrasomy 18p: Report of cognitive and behavioral characteristics Am J Med Genet A 2015 Jul;167(7):1474-1482.
Lemmers RJ, van den Boogaard ML, van der Vliet PJ, Donlin-Smith CM, Nations SP, Ruivenkamp CA, Heard P, Bakker B, Tapscott S, Cody JD, Tawil R, van der Maarel SM. Hemizygosity for SMCHD1 in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy Type 2: Consequences for 18p Deletion Syndrome Hum Mutat 2015 Jul;36(7):679-683.
Sebold C, Soileau B, Heard P, Carter E, O`Donnell L, Hale DE, Cody JD. Whole arm deletions of 18p: medical and developmental effects Am J Med Genet A 2015 Feb;167A(2):313-323.
Carter E, Heard P, Hasi M, Soileau B, Sebold C, Hale DE, Cody JD. Ring 18 molecular assessment and clinical consequences Am J Med Genet A 2015 Jan;167A(1):54-63.
Perry, B, Cody JD. Otologic characteristics of individuals with deletions of distal 18q The Laryngoscope 2014 Nov;124(11):2606-2609.
Perry BP, Sebold, C, Hasi, M, Heard, P., Carter, E., Hill, A., Gelfond JA, Hale DE, Cody, JD. Sensorineural hearing loss in people with deletions of 18q Otol Neurotol 2014 Jun;35(5):782-786.
Cody JD, Hasi, M, Soileau, B., Heard, P., Carter, E, Sebold, C, O`Donnell L, Perry, B., Stratton RF, Hale, DE. Establishing a reference group for distal 18q-: Clinical description and molecular basis Hum Genet 2014 Feb;133(2):199-209.
Hermetz KE, Newman S, Conneely KN, Martin CL, Ballif BC, Shaffer LG, Cody JD, Rudd MK. Large inverted duplications in the human genome form via a fold-back mechanism PLoS Genet 2014 Jan;10(1).