Departments & Divisions
Robert A Clark, M.D.
Assistant Vice President for Clinical Research, Office of the VPR
Our lab carries out basic and translational research relevant to human diseases, with a major focus on mechanisms of the inflammatory response and oxidative stress, as well as the cell biology and biochemistry of human phagocytic cells. We have contributed to fundamental understanding of the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by the phagocyte NADPH oxidase system, the biological roles of these products, and the genetics and biochemistry of NADPH oxidase deficiency. In recent years, we have turned our attention to the structure, function, and physiologic roles of several novel non-myeloid members of the NADPH oxidase (NOX) gene family, focusing particularly on the involvement of these oxidases in disease pathogenesis and the transcriptional regulation of genes that are relevant to the biology of aging. Our recent studies include mechanistic work on neurodegenerative disorders, especially Parkinson’s disease.
Professional Background
- 1967 - MD - Medicine (Alpha Omega Alpha) - Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons
- 1963 - AB - Mathematics (Magna Cum Laude) - Syracuse University
- Internship - Medicine - University of Washington Hospital
- Postdoctoral Fellowship - Infectious Diseases - Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, NIAID, NIH
- Residency - Chief Resident in Medicine - Harborview Medical Center
- Residency - Resident in Medicine - Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
- 9/2012 - Professor - UTHSCSA, Medicine, San Antonio
- 8/2006 - Assistant Vice President for Clinical Research and Director, Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science - University of Texas Health Science Center at San AntonioSan Antonio
- 9/1994 - Professor - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Physiology, San Antonio
- 7/1994 - Staff Physician - South Texas Veterans Health Care System, Audie L. Murphy DivisionSan Antonio
- 7/1994 - Attending Physician - University Hospital, University Health SystemSan Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 9/2012 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, UTHSCSA
- 7/1994 - Present, Clin Infectious Disease, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Research & Grants
Funding Agency NIH/NHLBI Title Pathobiology of Occlusive Vascular Disease (Program Director - James Stockand) Status Active Period 9/2007 - 8/2022 Role Contributor Grant Detail This NIH training grant supports postdoctoral training in the area of occlusive cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and degenerative disorders of cardiovascular tissues. Funding Agency Veterans Health Administration Title Analysis of Olfactory Dysfunction for Early Diagnosis of Parkinson`s Disease Status Active Period 4/2016 - 3/2020 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail This project will define the basis for olfactory dysfunction in early Parkinson?s disease in a genetic murine model employing expertise in olfaction, neurodegeneration, oxidative stress, neurobehavioral testing, and advanced imaging technologies. Funding Agency Department of Veterans Affairs Title Macrophage-Mediated Gene Delivery of Neurotrophic Factors for Parkinson`s Disease Status Active Period 10/2011 - 9/2019 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail Using a chronic MPTP mouse model and regulatable glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF)-expressing lentivectors, this project explores the efficacy and safety of hematopoietic stem cell-based macrophage-mediated GDNF gene therapy as a potential approach to Parkinson?s disease. Funding Agency NIH/NIA Title Training Grant on the Biology of Aging (Program Director - Nicolas Musi) Status Active Period 5/1998 - 4/2018 Role Contributor Grant Detail This grant supports training for post-doctoral fellows in the basic biology of aging. Funding Agency NIH/NCATS Title Institute for Integration of Medicine & Science: A Partnership to Improve Health (Clinical and Translational Science Award) Status Active Period 5/2013 - 4/2018 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail This Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) provides a broad range of infrastructure support across the institution and its CTSA partners. This UL1 component provides all CTSA support except for the KL2 Career Development Award and TL1 Training Award, which are listed separately. I served as the NIH Contact PI and Director of the IIMS. Note that this 2013-2018 CTSA comprises a new award (with a different grant number) from the 2008-2013 CTSA, due to a change in the NIH sponsoring center from NCRR to NCATS. Also note that due to NIH delays the period from 05/2013 to 09/2013 was funded by an extension of the prior award, but for consistency those funds are included in the first year amount reported here. Funding Agency NIH/NCATS Title Institute for Integration of Medicine & Science (IIMS): A Partnership to Improve Health (KL2 Mentored Career Development component of the Clinical and Translational Science Award) Status Active Period 5/2013 - 4/2018 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail This institutional research career development award represents the KL2 component of the Clinical and Translational Science Award. The goal is to support the career development of promising young clinical and translational investigators. I serve as the overall PI of the CTSA. My effort on the KL2 program is covered within the UL1 award. Funding Agency NIH/NCATS Title Institute for Integration of Medicine & Science (IIMS): A Partnership to Improve Health (TL1 component of the Clinical and Translational Science Award) Status Active Period 5/2013 - 4/2018 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail This institutional research training award represents the TL1 component of the Clinical and Translational Science Award. The goal is to support the research training of promising graduate students working in areas of translational science. I serve as the overall PI of the CTSA. My effort on the TL1 program is covered within the UL1 award. Funding Agency Veterans Health Administration Title Center for Personalized Medicine Status Active Period 4/2014 - 3/2018 Role Co-Principal Investigator Grant Detail This Program Project Grant (Program Director - Sunil K. Ahuja) supports three thematic projects and a core for carrying out research on the pathogenesis of HIV/AIDS, with an emphasis on host genetic and epigenetic determinants of susceptibility, disease progression, and response to therapy.
Clark RA. Hv1 H channel sustains neutrophil Nox2 activity, yet suppresses HOCl formation (in press) J Leuk Biol 2015 Jan;.
Journal Article
He W, Jimenez F, Martinez H, Harper NL, Manoharan MS, Carillo A, Ingale P, Liu Y, Ahuja SS, Clark RA, Rather CG, Ramirez DA, Andrews CP, Jacobs RL, Ahuja SK. Cockroach sensitization mitigates allergic rhinoconjunctivitis symptom severity in patients allergic to house dust mites and pollen J Allergy Clin Immunol 2015 Sep;136(3):658-666. Gornalusse G, Mummidi S, Gaitan AA, Jimenez F, Ramsuran V, Picton A, Rogers K, Manoharan M, Avadhanam N, Murthy KK, Martinez H, Molano Murillo AM, Chykarenko ZA, Hutt R, Daskalakis D, Shostakovich L, Karim SA, Martin JN, Deeks SJ, Hecht F, Sinclair E, Clark RA, Okulicz J, Valentine FT, Martinson N, Tiemessen CT, Ndung`u T, Hunt PW, He W, Ahuja SK. Epigenetic mechanisms, T-cell activation, and CCR5 genetics interact to regulate T-cell expression of CCR5, the major HIV-1 coreceptor Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 2015 Aug;112(34):E4762-E4771. Okulicz JF, Le TD, Agan BK, Camargo JF, Landrum ML, Wright E, Dolan ML, Ganesan A, Ferguson TM, Smith DM, Richman DD, Little SL, Clark RA, He W, Ahuja SK. Influence of the timing of antiretroviral therapy on the potential for normalization of immune status in human immunodeficiency virus 1-infected individuals JAMA Internal Med 2015 Jan;175(1):88-99. Li G, Chen C, Liang S, Ballard C, Biju KC, Reddick RL, Clark RA, Li S. Hematopoietic knockdown of PPAR? reduces atherosclerosis in LDLR-/- mice (in press) Gene Therapy 2015 Jan;. de Figueiredo ASP, Salmon A, Bruno F, Jimenez F, Martinez HG, Halade GV, Ahuja SS, Clark RA, DeFronzo RA, Abboud HE, El Jamali A. Nox2 mediates skeletal muscle insulin resistance induced by a high-fat diet J Biol Chem 2015 Jan;290(21):13427-13439.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine