Michael Charlton, Ph.D. CHP, CIH, CSP, CHMM, CFI
Vice President, Facilities & Capital Planning
Chief Facility Planning Officer
Dr. Charlton holds a joint appointment with Facilities & Capital Planning and the Department of Radiology. He currently serves as an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Radiology as well as the Vice President for Facilities & Capital Planning at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
Emery, R.J.; Pollock, J.; Charlton, M.A. Notices of violation issued to Texas radioactive material licensees inspected in 1995. Health Phys. 73(4):706-709, 1997.
Emery, R.J.; Charlton, M.A. Assessing the results of receipt monitoring programs for packages containing radioactive materials. Health Phys. 77(S1):S55-S59, 1999.
Emery, R.J.; Charlton, M.A.; Goodman, G.R. Radiation safety program outcomes as indicated by regulatory compliance activities from 1988 to 1997 in Texas. Health Phys. 78(3):335-342, 2000.
Emery, R.J.; Charlton, M.A.; Mathis, J.L. Estimating the administrative cost of regulatory noncompliance: a pilot method for quantifying the value of prevention. Health Phys. 78(S5):S40-47, 2000.
Costello, R.G.; Emery, R.J.; Charlton, M.A. Radioactive waste minimization implications of clinically indicated exsanguination procedures. Health Phys. 79(3):291-293, 2000.
Emery, R.J., Hopkins, J., Charlton, M.A. Anticipating and addressing workplace static magnetic field effects at levels <0.5 mT. Health Phys. 79(S2):S72-S76, 2000.
Emery, R.J.; Charlton, M.A.; Orders, A.B.; Hernandez, M. Using fault tree analysis to identify causes of non-compliance: enhancing violation outcome data for the purposes of education and prevention. Health Phys. 80(S2):S16-S21, 2001.
Charlton, M.A.; Emery, R.J. An analysis of reported incidents involving radiopharmaceuticals for the development of intervention strategies. Health Phys. 81(5):585-591, 2001.
Emery, RJ, Orders, AB, Charlton, MA. Piloting a new radiation protection program strategy: rewarding compliance rather than sanctioning non-compliance. Health Phys. 82(S1):S18-S22, 2002.
Emery, RJ, Orders, AB, McCrary, JR, Charlton, MA. An evaluation and comparison of compliance inspection outcomes data for radiation protection programs in Maine and Texas. Health Phys. 82(3):395-399, 2002.
Emery, RJ, Orders, AB, Charlton, MA. Texas dental x-ray compliance: an analysis of trends for the purposes of education and prevention. Texas Dent J. 119(9):916-921, 2002.
Hageman JP, Charlton MA A methodology for performing security risk assessments on fixed-location sources in the medical and research environment. In: Proceedings of the 38th midyear topical meeting on materials control and security: risk assessment, handling, and detection. McLean, VA: Health Physics Society; 2005.
Emery RJ, Charlton MA Radiation Protection Programs. In: Nollet L, Poschl M, eds. Concentration of radionuclides in food and the environment: prevention and human health. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press – Taylor & Francis Group; 2006.
Charlton, MA Biosafety programs. In: Haight JM, ed. ASSE safety professionals handbook. Des Plaines, IL: ASSE Press; 2008.
Wang, X, Esquivel, C, Nes, E, Papanikolaou, N, Charlton, MA The neutron dose equivalent evaluation and shielding at the maze entrance of a Varian Clinac 23EX treatment room. Med Phys. 38(3):1141-9, 2011.
Emery, R. J., Charlton, M. A. and Brown, B. J. 2011. Contemporary Industrial Hygiene Considerations for Health Care Work Settings. Patty's Industrial Hygiene. 2525–2547.
Watson, JA, Charlton, MA Designing, implementing, and conducting a web-based radiation safety training program to meet Texas standards for radiation protection. Health Phys. 103(S3):S188-193, 2012.
Thoreson, KF, Charlton, MA Determining the applicability of the Landauer nanoDot as a general public dosimeter in a research imaging facility. Health Phys. 103(S3):S217-226, 2012.
Charlton, MA Biosafety programs. In: Haight JM, ed. ASSE safety professionals handbook, Second Edition. Des Plaines, IL: ASSE Press; 2012.
Pate, W, Charlton, MA, Wellington, C Measurement & Analysis of 8-Hour TWA sound pressure levels in a vivarium decontamination facility. Arch Env Occup Health. 68(3):1-7, 2013.
Wang, X, Charlton, MA, Esquivel, C, Eng, TY, Papanikolaou, N Measurement of Neutron Dose Equivalent outside and inside of the Treatment Vault of GRID Therapy. Med Phys. 40(9):. 2013
Brito-Delgado, A, Ramsey, G, Charlton, MA, Guittierez, AN, Wiatrowski, WA, Suri, R Improved peak skin dose calculation method and comparison of OSL Nanodot dosimeter measurements in FGI radiology procedures. Health Phys. Submitted 2016.
Amy Brito Delgado, M.Sc.; Dane R Cohen, M.D.; Tony Y Eng, M.D.; Dennis N Stanley, Ph.D.; Zheng Shi, M.D., Ph.D.; Michael A Charlton, Ph.D Modeling the Target Dose Fall-off in Step-and-Shoot IMRT and VMAT Planning Techniques for Cervical SBRT. Medical Dosimetry. Med. Dos. 2017