Departments & Divisions
Christopher D Chaput, MD
Division Chief Spine Surgery
Department of Orthopaedics
Dr. Chaput graduated from Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas, then attended Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. He did his residency in orthopedic surgery at Scott & White Hospital/Texas A&M Health Science Center. After completing a fellowship in spinal reconstructive surgery in Baltimore, he was recruited back to Scott & White to help grow the spine division and create a center for orthopedic research that would introduce orthopedic residents to the research process and help to create advances in implant fixation, bone healing, and clinical outcomes.
Professional Background
- 2003 - Clinical Fellowship - Spinal Reconstructive Surgery - The Maryland Spine Fellowship
- 2002 - Residency - Orthopedic Surgery - Scott & White Memorial Hospital
- 1997 - MD - Medicine - Baylor College of Medicine
- 1993 - BA - English and Philosophy (Magna Cum Laude) - Southwestern University
Dr. Chaput has participated in trials that examined the effectiveness of cervical disk replacement, bone morphogenetic proteins and the use of native stem cells to improve fusion. He worked extensively with the stem cell researchers at Texas A&M to develop carriers that help stem cells heal bone in the spine faster and more reliable. He has also helped to design implants in the cervical spine that make fixation stronger and easier to achieve.
- 1/2019 - Laura B. Flawn, MD Endowed Distinguished Professorship in Diseases of the Spine and Spine Trauma - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Orthopaedic Spine Surgery
- 1/2018 - Associate Professor / Clinical - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Orthopaedics
Instruction & Training
- 1/2003 - Present, Undergraduate Student Supervision
Clough BH, Zeitoni S, Krause U, Chaput CD, Cross LM, Gaharwar AK, Gregory CA. Rapid Osteogenic Enhancement of Stem Cells in Human Bone Marrow using a Glycogen-Synthease-Kinanse-3-Beta Inhibitor Improves Osteogenic Efficacy In Vitro and Inv Vivo; 2018 Apr. (Stem Cell Trans Med). Hughes JD, Barley JH, Brennan KL, Maldonado YM, Brennan ML, Chaput CD. Rate of Contralateral hip fracture after dynamic hip screw vs intramedullary nail for treatment of pertrochanteric hip fractures; 2017 Jul. (Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings). Chaput CD. Optimization of Scaffolds and Surface- Based Treatment for Orthopaedic Applications Spine; 2016 Apr.
Journal Article
Chaput CD, Shar A, Jupiter D, Hubert Z,Clough B, Krause U, Gregory CA. How stem cell composition in bone marrow aspirate relates to clinical outcomes when used for cervical spine fusion Journal PLOS One 2018 Sep;. Clough BH, Zeitouni S. Krause U, Chaput CD, Cross LM, Gaharwar AK, Gregory CA. Rapid Osteogenic Enhancement of Stem Cells in Human Bone Marrow Using a Glycogen-Synthease-Kinase-3 Beta Inhibitor Improves Osteogenic Efficacy in Vitro and In Vivo Stem Cells Tranlational Medicine 2018 2018 Apr;. Christopher Chaput, Nathan B. Haile, Adity A M.Muzumdar, David M. Gloystein, Vasilios A. Zerris, Paul J. Tortolani, Mark Rahm, Mark Moldavsky, Suresh Chinthakunta and Saif Khalil. Anterior Fixation of Floating Facet Fractures in the Cervical Spine: A Prospective Case Series and Biomechanical Analysis International Journal of Spine Surgery 2018 Mar;:85-91. Clough BH, McNeill EP, Palmer D, Krause U, Bartosh TJ, Chaput CD, Gregory CA. An Allograft generated from adult stem cells and their secreted products efficiently fuses vertebrae in immunocompromised athymic rats and inhibits local immune responses Spine Journal 2017 Mar;:418-430. Vaughn C, Jordan M., Chaput C,. The Relationship of Body Mass Index to Total Hip Arthroplasty Complications Texas Orthopaedic Journal 2016 Jan;:61-72. Kurd MF, Chaput CD, Ferrell D,. Minimally Invasive Midline Fusion: LinkSpine The International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery Journal 2016 Jan;. Vadie S, Maldonado Y, Chaput C,. The Rate and Progression of Facet Arthrodesis after Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion Texas Orthopaedic Journal 2016 Jan;:61-72. Licht H, Mark M, Vassaur J, Jupiter D, Regner J, Chaput C,. The Relationship of Obesity to Increasing Healthcare Burden in the Setting of Orthopaedic Polytrauma The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 2015 Nov;. Su B, Chaput CD,. Treatment of Spinal Conditions in Young Adults: Cortical Lumbar Screw Techniques Operative Techniques in Orthopaedics 2015 Sep;25(3):187-193. Chaput C,. The Walmart Signature Patient Program: Lesson from the First Year Spineline 2015 Apr;. Chaput C, Moss I,. Wonder Medicine for the Spine: Hope or Hype? Spineline 2015 Mar;:10-12. Clough BH, McCarley MR, Krause U, Zeitouni S, Froese JJ, McNeill EP, Chaput CD, Sampson HW, Gregory CA,. Bone Regeneation with Osteogenically Enhanced Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Extracellular Matrix Proteins Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2014 Jul;. Chaput CD, Allred JJ, Pandorf JJ, Song J, Rahm MD,. The Significance of facet joint cross-sectional area on magnetic resonance imaging in relationship to cervical degenerative spondylolisthesis The Spine Journal: Official Journal of the North American Spine Society 2013 Aug;:856-861. Phillips FM, Lee JY, Geisler FH, Cappuccino A, Chaput CD, Devine JG, Reah C, Gilder KM, Howell KM, McAfee PC,. A prospective, randomized, controlled clinical investigation comparing PCM cervical disc arthroplasty with anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. 2-year results from the US FDA IDE clinical trial Spine(Phila Pa 1976) 2013 Jul;. Caroom C, Tullar JM, Benton EG Jr, Jones JR, Chaput CD,. Intrawound Vancomycin Powder Reduces Surgical Site Infections in Posterior Cervical Fusion The Spine Journal 2013 Jun;38(14):1183-1187.
Dr. Chaput has extensive experience in minimally invasive and complex reconstructive techniques for the entire spine. He has a special emphasis on cervical spine (neck) issues including myelopathy, trauma and cervical deformity. His treatment goals for his patients are to avoid surgery if possible, do the smallest surgery that will reliably improve a person’s quality of life, and to treat every patient, in the same manner, he would want a family member treated.
Board Certifications
- 2005 - American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery