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- Kelly Limehouse
- limehouse@uthscsa.edu
- 210-450-3504
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Maria Jose Cervantes Mendez, D.D.S., M.S., F.A.A.P.D.
Director of Postdoctoral Program
Associate Professor/Clinical
Dr. Cervantes received her dental degree from the Intercontinental University in Mexico City. After working as a general practitioner for a couple years she began her residency training at UT Health San Antonio in pediatric dentistry, later on she continued her education and got a master's degree in orthodontics at the Intercontinental University in Mexico City.
Dr. Cervantes previously worked as a private practitioner specializing in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics in Mexico City. She served as a part-time faculty member at Universidad Intercontinental for undergraduate students in the pediatric and orthodontic programs from 2001 to 2009 when she joined the faculty at UT Health San Antonio.
She is an active member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, American Dental Association, San Antonio Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and Certified by the Mexican Board of Pediatric Dentistry. Her interests include teaching and research in the area of human growth and development.
Dr. Cervantes has been a part of the Continuing Education department providing CE courses and maintains an intramural faculty practice oriented toward comprehensive dental care for pediatric patients.
Maria Jose Cervantes M., D.D.S., M.S., earned her dental degree at the Intercontinental University at Mexico City (UIC). After working as a general practitioner, she completed her pediatric dental residency at UT Health San Antonio and earned a master’s degree in orthodontics at UIC.
Currently she serves as the Postdoctoral Program Director in Pediatric Dentistry. As a full time faculty, she provides didactic and clinical teaching for both pre-doctoral and post-doctoral students. Her research interests include human growth and development, cleft lip and palate, restorative materials, and caries prevention. She also maintains an intramural faculty practice oriented towards comprehensive dental care for pediatric patients.
She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry and active member of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, American Dental Association, American association of Orthodontists, Texas Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and San Antonio Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
Professional Background
- 2005 - Orthodontics - Universidad Intercontinental
- 2001 - Postdoctoral Training - Pediatric Dentistry - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1997 - DDS - Dentistry - Universidad Intercontinental
- 1/2016 - Faculty Member - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Graduate School of Biomedical SciencesSan Antonio
- 4/2013 - Program Director - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Developmental Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, San Antonio
- 2/2011 - Pediatric Dentist - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 12/2009 - Assistant Professor/Clinical - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Developmental Dentistry, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 9/2017 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, UTHSCSA, School of Dentistry
- 10/2016 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, UTHSCSA, School of Dentistry
- 9/2010 - Present, Pedi Ortho Clinic V, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 9/2010 - Present, Orthodontics V, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 9/2010 - Present, Orthodontics IV, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 6/2010 - Present, Ped Dent/Ortho Clinic IV, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 1/2010 - Present, Pedi/Orth Clinic V, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 1/2010 - Present, Pedi/Ortho Clinic III, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 1/2010 - Present, Orthodontics III, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 12/2009 - Present, Orthodontic Clinic I, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 12/2009 - Present, Pedi Ortho Clinic II, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 12/2009 - Present, Pedi/Ortho Clinic I, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 9/2009 - Present, Pediatric Dentistry Lecture, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 4/2009 - Present, Orthodontics II, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 4/2009 - Present, Orthodontics I, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 4/2009 - Present, Pediatric Dentistry Clinic, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Electronic/Web Publication
Patel, Atish Ketan
Cervantes Mendez M. Limited Evidence to Support the Use of Tooth-Colored Bonded Restorative Materials as Replacements for Stainless Steel Crowns (SSCs) After Pulpotomies on Primary Molars 2014 Apr. Available from: https://cats.uthscsa.edu/found_cats_view.php?id=2694 . Cervantes Mendez M
Suri, Komal. Effectiveness of a Fixed Functional Appliance When Compared to Headgear in Treating Class II Malocclusion 2014 Apr. Hanks B
Cervantes Mendez M. A Partial Pulpotomy is an Effective Treatment for patients with Complicated Crown Fractures (CCFs) of Young Permanent Incisors 2014 Mar. Faltys D.
Cervantes Mendez M
Roberts J. Preventive Dental Programs Initiated During Pregnancy are Effective in Reducing the Incidence of Severe Early Childhood Caries in Children 2014 Mar. Available from: https://cats.uthscsa.edu/found_cats_view.php?id=2680 .Journal Article
Cutler, Christopher W, Parise, Mary, Seminario, Ana Lucia, Cervantes Mendez MJ, Piskorowski, Wilhem, Silva, Renato. Should attendance be required in lecture classrooms in Dental Education? Two Viewpoints Journal of Dental Education 2016 Dec;80(12):1474-1478.