For administrative calls, please contact:
- Irma Garcia
- garciaip@uthscsa.edu
- 210-567-6147
Departments & Divisions
John H. Calhoon, M.D.
President's Council Chair for Excellence in Surgery
Dr. Calhoon is both a congenital and adult cardiac surgeon. Only a few surgeons in the country have these combined areas of interest and ability. He takes pride in clear and genuine communication concerning each patients care to the best of his ability.
He enjoys performing complex neonatal and congenital heart repairs in cases of all sizes and ages. The team he leads is known nationally and internationally for their results and care.
Specific areas he excels and is considered by many to master are:
- Complex aortic root reconstruction and replacement
- Complex (often reoperative) coronary artery bypass
- Treating severe heart valve and heart infections with surgery.
- Tracheal and bronchial injury or tumor surgery and management
- Ross Procedure and complications of the same (reconstruction of failed prior Ross autograft operations)
Dr. Calhoon obtained his medical degree at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas in 1981. He is Board Certified in Thoracic Surgery and Congenital Cardiac Surgery. He joined the group in 1989 and is Professor and Founding Chair of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery. His interests and expertise include complex congenital heart surgery; heart and lung transplantation; complex adult cardiac surgery; the Ross procedure; less invasive cardiac surgery, and improving education and patient care. Nationally, he has served as President of the TSDA, President of the STSA, President of the TSF and is currently President of the STS. He was elected a Director of the ABTS and ultimately became its Chair. Locally, he has been Chairman of the Dominion Country Club, and President of the local AHA affiliate. He is a founder and now Emeritus Board Member of HeartGift San Antonio, an organization that sponsors charitable lifesaving congenital heart repair on kids from around the globe. Aside from the humbling professional honors above, he is very proud to have been selected as an Outstanding Young Texas Ex from the University of Texas. His greatest success was in finding, successfully courting, and marrying his wife, Ms. Sarah Lucero, a former award-winning local television journalist and anchor who now focuses on her own fitness and wellness brand and provides personal communications expertise through her company “Spotlight with Sarah”. They are proud of their children Satchel, Stetson, Seve and James.
Professional Background
- 1985 - Residency - Resident - General Surgery - Univ. of Texas Health Science Center
- 1981 - MD - Medicine - Baylor College of Medicine
- 1978 - BS - Biochemistry - University of Texas
- Residency - Chief Resident - General Surgery - Univ. of Texas Health Science Center
- Residency - Chief Pediatric - Cardiovascular Resident - Harvard Medical School Boston Children`s Hospital
- Residency - Chief Resident - Cardiothoracic Surgery - Univ. of Texas Health Science Center
- Residency - Senior Resident - Cardiothoracic Surgery - Univ. of Texas Health Science Center
- 5/2019 - Interim Holder, William Randolph Hearst Chair in Congenital Heart Disease - Univ. of Texas Health Science Center, Cardiothoracic Surgery, San Antonio
- 2/2018 - Director, Pediatric Heart Center - UT Health San Antonio, Cardiothoracic Surgery, San Antonio
- 11/2017 - Chief, Pediatric Heart Surgery - UT Health San Antonio, Cardiothoracic Surgery, San Antonio
- 9/2010 - Department Chair - Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Univ. of Texas Health Science CenterSan Antonio
- 12/2004 - President`s Council Chair for Excellence in Surgery - Univ. of Texas Health Science Center, Cardiothoracic Surgery, San Antonio
- 7/1999 - Active Staff - Baptist Health SystemSan Antonio
- 9/1997 - Professor - Univ. of Texas Health Science Center, Ob-Gyn, San Antonio
- 9/1997 - Professor - Univ. of Texas Health Science Center, Pediatrics, San Antonio
- 5/1997 - Active Staff - Mays Cancer Center San Antonio
- 4/1997 - Provider - UT Health Physicians
- 9/1989 - Consultant - Wilford Hall USAF HospitalSan Antonio
- 9/1989 - Consultant - Brooke Army Medical CenterSan Antonio
- 1/1989 - Active Staff - University Health System San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 8/2008 - Present, Medical Student CT Journal Club, UTHSCSA
- 4/2008 - Present, Abiomed: Ventricular Assist Training Course, UTHSCSA
- 3/2008 - Present, CT Surgery Journal Club, UTHSCSA
- 1/1994 - Present, Education, UTHSCSA
- 1/1989 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, UTHSCSA
Research & Grants
President's Translational and Entreprenueurial Research Fund Award IPTEF
Project Title: Safe Intravenous Project
Tech ID: HSC-1304
July 1, 2020 - January 31, 2021
Thoracic Surgery Foundation for Research and Education
American Board of Thoracic Surgery
The Society of Thoracic Surgeons
Joint Council for Thoracic Surgery Education
Southern Thoracic Surgical Association
Thoracic Surgery Directors Association
American Heart Association, San Antonio Chapter
San Antonio Surgical Society
University Health System Foundation’s Vice Chair
American Heart Association, Southwest Affiliate
San Antonio HeartGift Program - Founder
Dominion Homeowners Association Board of Directors
San Antonio Argyle Monday Business Forum
Dominion Country Club
San Antonio Longhorn Club
Lehenbauer DG, Calhoon JH. Commentary: Atrioventicular canal repair: Surgeon preference reigns supreme J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2020 Mar;159(3):1026-1027.
Lehenbauer DG, Calhoon JH. Commentary: All tissue valves fail J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2020 Mar;159(3):1072-1073.
Patel MR, Calhoon JH, Dehmer GJ, Grantham JA, Maddox TM, Maron DJ, Smith PK . ACC/AATS/AHA/ASE/ASNC/SCAI/SCCT/STS 2017 Appropriate Use Criteria for Coronary Revascularization in Patients With Stable Ischemic Heart Disease : A Report of the American College of Cardiology Appropriate Use Criteria Task Force, American Association for J Nucl Cardiol 2017 Jun
Patel MR, Calhoon JH, Dehmer GJ, Grantham JA, Maddox TM, Maron DJ, Smith PK. ACC/AATS/AHA/ASE/ASNC/SCAI/SCCT/STS 2017 Appropriate Use Criteria for Coronary Revascularization in Patients With Stable Ischemic Heart Disease : A Report of the American College of Cardiology Appropriate Use Criteria Task Force, American Association for J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017 May
Patel MR, Calhoon JH, Dehmer GJ, Grantham JA, Maddox TM, Maron DJ, Smith PK . ACC/AATS/AHA/ASE/ASNC/SCAI/SCCT/STS 2017 Appropriate Use Criteria for Coronary Revascularization in Patients With Stable Ischemic Heart Disease : A Report of the American College of Cardiology Appropriate Use Criteria Task Force, American Association for J Nucl Cardiol 2017 Apr
Otto CM, Kumbhani DJ, Alexander KP, Calhoon JH, Desai MY,Kaul S, Lee JC, Ruiz CE, Vassileva CM. 2017 ACC Expert Consensus Decision Pathway for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in the Management of Adults With Aortic Stenosis: a report of the American College of Cardiology Task Force on Clinical Expert Consensus Documents J Am Coll Cardiol 2017 Mar;69(10):1313-1346.
Patel MR, Calhoon JH, Dehmer GJ, Grantham JA, Maddox TM, Maron DJ, Smith PK. ACC/AATS/AHA/ASE/ASNC/SCAI/SCCT/STS 2017 Appropriate Use Criteria for Coronary Revascularization in Patients With Stable Ischemic Heart Disease : A Report of the American College of Cardiology Appropriate Use Criteria Task Force, American Association for J Am Coll Cardiol. 2017 Feb
Calhoon JH, Pan H, Husain SA. Femoral vein homograft right ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit: Is it all about the value? Ann Thorac Surg 2017;103(6):1975
Patel MR, Calhoon JH, Dehmer GJ, Grantham JA, Maddox TM, Maron DJ, Smith PK. ACC/AATS/AHA/ASE/ASNC/SCAI/SCCT/STS 2016 Appropriate Use Criteria for Coronary Revascularization in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes J Am Coll of Cardiol 2016 Dec
Nelson E, Calhoon JH. Presidential Address: America and Thoracic Surgery Ann Thorac Surg 2016 Oct;102(4):1035-1039.
Carroll ND, Beers KM, Maldonado EM, Calhoon JH, Husain SA. . Novel Annular and Subvalvular Enlargement in Congenital Mitral Valve Replacement. Ann Thorac Surg 2016 Sep;102(3):277-279.
Calhoon JH. Placing technique before judgment? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2015 Nov;150(5):e81-82.
Husain SA, Rahman M, Baisden C, Forgione D, Kane LC, Neish SR, Calhoon JH. Creating A “Value Index”: A Method to Compare Regional Programs Performing Congenital Heart Surgery Journal of Health Care Finance 2015 Sep;42:1-12.
Gupta B, Dodge-Khatami A, Fraser CD Jr, Calhoon JH, Ebeid MR, Taylor MB, Salazar JD. Systemic Semilunar Valve Replacement in Pediatric Patients Using a Porcine, Full-Root Bioprosthesis Ann Thorac Surg 2015 Aug;100(2):599-605.
Calhoon JH. 50th Anniversary Landmark Commentary on Trinkle JK, Richardson JD, Franz JL, Grover FL, Arom KV, Holmstrom FM. Management of flail chest without mechanical ventilation. Ann Thorac Surg 2015 May;99(5):1501-1502.
Eilers AL, Nazarullah AN, Shipper ES, Jagirdar JS, Calhoon JH, Husain SA. Cardiac Inflammatory Myofibrolastic Tumor: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg 2014 Oct;5(4):556-564.
Husain SA, Pasquali SK, Jacobs JP, Hill KD, Kim S, Kane LC, Calhoon JH, Jacobs ML.. Congenital Heart Operations Performed in the First Year of Life: Does Geographic Variation Exist? Ann Thorac Surg 2014 Sep;98(3):912-918.
Lebastchi AH, Tackett JJ, Argenziano M, Calhoon JH, Gasparri MG, Halkos ME, Hicks GL Jr, Iannettoni MD, Ikonomidis JS, McCarthy PM, Starnes SL, Tong BC, and Yuh DD. First nationwide survey of US integrated 6-year cardiothoracic surgical residency program directors J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014 Aug;148(2):408-415.
O‘Gara PT, Calhoon JH, Moon MR, Tommaso CL. Transcatheter Therapies for Mitral Regurgitation: A Professional Society Overview from the American College of Cardiology, American Association for Thoracic Surgery, Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions Foundation, and The Society of J Thorac Cardiovas Surg 2014 Mar;147(3):837-849.
Gara PT, Calhoon JH, Moon MR, Tommaso CL. Transcatheter therapies for mitral regurgitation: a professional society overview from the american college of cardiology, the american association for thoracic surgery, society for cardiovascular angiography and interventions foundation, and the society Catheter Cardiovasc Interv 2014 May;83(6):849-863.
Husain S, Pasquali SK, Jacobs JP, Hill K, Kim S, Kane L, Calhoon J. Geographic Variation of Congenital Heart Disease Requiring Operative Intervention with the First Year of Life: An Analysis of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery Database. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2014;98:912-918.
Board Certifications
- 2009 - American Board of Thoracic Surgery - Subspecialty Congenital Heart Surgery
- 1989 - American Board of Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery