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- JoAnn Gongora
- gongora@uthscsa.edu
- 210-562-5844
Departments & Divisions
Edward G Brooks, M.D.
Professor and Division Chief
Miss Eloise Alexander Distinguished Professorship in Pediatric Asthma Research
Pediatric Allergy, Immunology and Infectious Diseases
Currently not seeking mentees
Dr. Edward Brooks received his training at Texas Tech University, the University of Texas Medical Branch and Harvard University. Dr. Brooks is a frequent speaker and consultant on airway inflammation caused by bacteria and air pollution as they relate to asthma. He actively investigates environmental influences on asthma and allergy mechanisms, and has written over 60 journal articles, book chapters, and reviews in immunology.
Professional Background
- 1993 - Postdoctoral Training - Immunology - Harvard University, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- 1991 - Clinical Fellowship - Allergy and Immunology - University of Texas Medical Branch
- 1989 - Postdoctoral Training - Immunology - University of Texas Medical Branch
- 1988 - Residency - Pediatrics - University of Texas Medical Branch
- 1985 - MD - Medicine - Texas Tech University School of Medicine
- 1981 - BS - Chemistry - Washington & Lee University
Dr. Brooks served on the NHLBI NAEPP Expert Panel (EPR-4) 2020 Asthma Guidelines Update
- 9/2013 - Adjunct Appoinment Pulmonary Diseases - UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, Internal Medicine, San Antonio
- 1/2009 - Professor - UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, Pediatrics, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 1/2017 - Present, Membership on Supervising Committee, UTHSCSA
- 10/2012 - Present, Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Research & Grants
Funding Agency ALK-Abello Title Correlation between T-cell specificities, HLA restriction and antibody specificities towards ragweed allergens and antigens. Status Active Period 10/2015 - 11/2017 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail The major goals of this project is to define the T-cell and IgE ragweed allergen epitopes in humans with seasonal ragweed allergic rhinitis
Waites KB, Ratliff A, Crabb DM, Xiao L, Qin X, Selvarangan R, Tang YW, Zheng X, Dien Bard J, Hong T, Prichard M, Brooks E, Dallas SD, Duffy L, Mixon E, Fowler KB, Atkinson TP. Macrolide-Resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the United States as Determined from a National Surveillance Program American Society for Microbiology; 2019 Jun.
J.A. Bernstein, H.J. Wedner, P.J. Busse, A. Banerji, M. Cicardi, C. Sufritti, E.G. Brooks, A. Cheifitz, L.B. Schwartz, C. Akin, D. Sexton, C. Stevens, L.E. Stolz11, M. Viswanathan, R. Faucette11, J.C. Biedenkapp11, Y.H. Chyung, B. Adelman. Refined Biomarker Assay to Evaluate the Role of Plasma Kallikrein in Various Disease States, J Allergy Clin Immunology; vol. 15, 2016 Feb.
Bernstein, JA; Wedner, HJ; Busse, P; Banerji, A; Cicardi, M; Suffritti, C; Brooks, E; Cheifitz, A; Schwartz, L; Akin, C; Sexton, D; Stevens, C; Stolz, L; Viswanathan, M; Kenniston, J; Faucette, R; Biedenkapp, J; Chyung, Y; Adelman, B. Refined Biomarker Assay to Evaluate the Role of Plasma Kallikrein in Various Disease States; 2016 Feb. (J Allergy Clin Immunol; vol. 15). Brooks EG. Airway Sensory Neuronal TRPA1 Does Not Mediate OVA Induced Allergic Asthma; 2015 Feb. (J Allergy Clin Immunology).
Das NA. Efficacy of Inhaled Nanoparticle Tacrolimus in Preventing Rejection in Rat Lung Transplant Model Orlando, FL: STS 50th Annual Meeting, Jan 2014.
Maselli DJ, Medina, J, Dube PH, Brooks EG, Coalson JJ, Peters JI. Identification of CARDS Toxin in the Bronchial Epithelial Lining Fluid After Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Mp) Inoculation: A Primate Model Chicago, Illinois, CHEST Annual Meeting, Oct 2013.
Patil, M., Brooks EG, Henry MA, Akopian AN. House Dust Mite Group 2 Allergen Modulates LPS-Induced Responses in Airway Sensory Neurons, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Feb 2013,13 (2).
Journal Article
Li She, Liping Yan, Edward G. Brooks, Peter H. Dube, Yan xiang, Fushun Zhang, Hamad H. Alanazi, Yilun Sun, Yong Liu, Xin Zhang, Xiao-Dong Li . Sensing and Signaling of Immunogenic Extracellular RNAs Restrain Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cell-Driven Acute Lung Inflammation and Airway Hyperresponsiveness Plos One 2020 Jul.
Sixto M Leal Jr, Arthur H Totten, Li Xiao, Donna M Crabb 2, Amy Ratliff 2, Lynn B Duffy, Karen B Fowler, Emily Mixon, Jonas M Winchell, Maureen H Diaz, Alvaro J Benitez, Bernard J Wolff, Xuan Qin, Y-W Tang, Mark Gonzalez, Raj Selvarangan, Tao Hong, Edward Brooks, Steve Dallas, T Prescott Atkinson, Xiaotian Zheng, Jennifer Dien Bard, Ken B Waites. Evaluation of Commercial Molecular Diagnostic Methods for Detection and Determination of Macrolide Resistance in Mycoplasma pneumoniae J. Clin. Microbiol. 2020 May;58(6):1-12.
Peter A Würtzen, Ilka Hoof, Lars H Christensen, Zuzana Váczy, Helene Henmar, Guillermo Salamanca, Claus Lundegaard, Lise Lund, Tatiana Kráľova, Edward G Brooks, Peter S Andersen. Diverse and highly cross-reactive T-cell responses in ragweed allergic patients independent of geographical region Allergy 2020 Jan;75(1):137-147.
K B Waites, A Ratliff, D M Crabb, L Xiao 3, X Qin, R Selvarangan, Y-W Tang, X Zheng, J Dien Bard, T Hong, M Prichard , E Brooks, S Dallas, L Duffy, E Mixon, K B Fowler, T P Atkinson. Macrolide-Resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae in the United States as Determined from a National Surveillance Program J. Clin. Microbiol. 2019 Oct;57(11):1-12.
She L, Alanazi HH, Yan L, Zou Y, Sun Y, Dube PH, Brooks EG, Barrera GD, Lai Z, Chen Y, Liu Y, Zhang X, Li XD. Immune Sensing of Aeroallergen-Associated Double-Stranded RNA Triggers an IFN Response and Modulates Type 2 Lung Inflammation Journal of Immunology 2019 Sep;203(9):2520-2531.
Guajardo JR, Zegarra-Bustamante MA, Brooks EG. Does Aeroallergen Sensitization Cause or Contribute to Eosinophilic Esophagitis? Clinical reviews in allergy 2018 Aug;55(1):65-69.
Maselli DJ, Medina JL, Brooks EG, Coalson JJ, Kannan TR, Winter VT, Principe M, Cagle MP, Baseman JB, Dube PH, Peters JI. The Immunopathologic Effects of Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Community-acquired Respiratory Distress Syndrome Toxin. A Primate Model American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology 2018 Feb;58(2):253-260.
Das NA, Peters JI, Simmons JD, Wang Y, O'Donnell KP, DeArmond DT, Coalson JJ, Brooks EG, Johnson SB. The efficacy of inhaled nanoparticle tacrolimus in preventing rejection in an orthotopic rat lung transplant model The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 2017 Sep;154(6):2144-2151.
Wood PR, Kampschmidt JC, Dube PH, Cagle MP, Chaparro P, Ketchum NS, Kannan TR, Singh H, Peters JI, Baseman JB, Brooks EG. Mycoplasma pneumonia and health outcomes in children with asthma Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2017 Aug;119(2):146-152.
JL Medina, Brooks EG, Chaparro A, Dube DH. Mycoplasma pneumoniae CARDS toxin elicits a functional IgE response in Balb/c mice PloS One 2017 Feb;12(2). Akopian AN, Fanick ER, Brook EG. TRP channels and traffic-related environmental pollution-induced pulmonary disease Semin Immunopathol 2016 May;38(3):331-338.
Kampschmidt JC, Brooks EG, Cherry DC, Guajardo JR, Wood PR. Feasibility of Spirometry Testing in Preschool Children Pediatric Pulmonology 2016 Mar;51(3):258-266. Reno AL, Brooks EG, Ameredes BT. Mechanisms of Heightened Airway Sensitivity and Responses to Inhaled SO2 in Asthmatics Environ Health Insights 2015 Apr;9:13-25.
Kwan, A, Abraham, RS, Currier, R, Brower, Andruszewski, K, Abbott, JK, Baker, M, Ballow, M, Bartoshesky, LE, Bonilla, FA, Brokopp, C, Brooks, E, Caggana, M, Celestin, J, Church, JA, Comeau, AM, Connelly, JA, Cowan, MJ, Cunningham-Rundles, C, Dasu, T, Dave, N, De La Morena, MT, Duffner, U, Fong, C-T, Forbes, L, Freedenberg, D, Gelfand, EW, Hale, JE, Hanson, IC, Hay, BN, Hu, D, Infante, A, Johnson, D, Kapoor, N, Kay, DM, Kohn, DB, Lee, R, Lehman, H, Lin, Z, Lorey, F, Abdel-Mageed, A, Manning, A, McGhee, S, Moore, TB, Naides, SJ, Notarangelo, LD, Orange, JS, Pai, SY, Porteus, M, Rodriguez, R, Romberg, N, Routes, J, Ruehle, M, Rubenstein, A, Saavedra-Matiz, CA, Scott, G, Scott, PM, Secord, E, Seroogy, C, Shearer, WT, Siegel, S, Silvers, SK, Stiehm, ER, Sugerman, RW, Sullivan, JL, Tanksley, S, Tierce, ML, Verbsky, J, Vogel, B, Walker, R, Walkovich, K, Walter, JE, Wasserman, RL, Watson, MS, Weinberg, GA, Weiner, LB, Wood, H, Yates, AB, Puck, JM. Newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency in 11 screening programs in the United States JAMA 2014 Aug;312(20):729-738.
Medina JL, Coalson JJ, Brooks EG, Le Saux CJ, Winter WT, Chaparro A, Principe MFR, Solis L, Kannan TR, Baseman JB, Dube PH. Mycoplasma pneumoniae CARDS toxin exacerbates ovalbumin-induced asthma-like inflammation in BALB/c mice PlosOne 2014 Jul;9(7).
Varasteh, A-R., Sankian, M., Midoro-Horiuti, T., Moghadam, M., Shakeri, M.T., Brooks EG, Goldblum, R.M., Chapman, M.D., Pomes, A. Molecular cloning and expression of Cro s 1: an occupational allergen from saffron pollen (Crocus sativus) Reports of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2012 Oct;1(1):1-8.
Peters JI, Singh, H., Brooks EG, Diaz, J., Kannan TR, Coalson JJ, Baseman, J, Cagle, M., Baseman JB. Persistence of Community-Acquired Respiratory Distress Syndrome Toxin-Producing Mycoplasma pneumoniae in Refractory Asthma Chest 2011 Aug;140(2):401-407. Ryan MW, Brooks EG. Rhinosinusitis and comorbidities Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2010 May;10(3):188-193.
Dr. Brooks cares for children and adults with allergies, asthma, hypersensitivity disorders and immune deficiency and children with rheumatological conditions.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Allergy & Immunology