For administrative calls, please contact:
- Yahaira Ortiz
- ortizy@uthscsa.edu
- 210-567-5139
Departments & Divisions
Boyd Bills, DPM
Dr. Boyd Bills has been practicing both clinical and surgical podiatry in the San Antonio since graduating from residency. He grew up in a small town in Ohio where he graduated from Lake High School. After highs school, Dr. Bills attended Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah where he received a bachelor's degree in Exercise Science. An active lifestyle and sport have always played a large part in Dr. Bills's life. Prior to graduating from his undergraduate program, he decided to pursue a career in medicine, so he could help others as he had been helped in the past. He returned to Ohio to attend the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine, which was acquired by Kent State University during his four years of schooling. Dr. Bills spent the better part of a year at the Cleveland Clinic in a volunteer internship following podiatric medical school. He then matched with Swedish Covenant Hospital's residency program in Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Bills was extensively trained in elective foot and ankle surgery as well as foot and ankle trauma and inpatient medicine.
Within the specialty of podiatry, Dr. Bills focuses on the musculoskeletal issues of the foot and ankle. He takes great interest in foot reconstruction of all ages, foot and ankle injuries, ankle reconstruction, and bunions.