Sabrina T. Bent, M.D.,M.S.
Sabrina T. Bent, M.D., M.S. is a clinical professor of Anesthesiology and Medical Director of Pediatric Anesthesiology in the Department of Anesthesiology at UT Health San Antonio.
She received her medical doctorate from the University of Virginia School of Medicine in Charlottesville, Virginia. She completed a master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Her internship was completed in General and Thoracic Surgery at Duke University Hospital in Durham, North Carolina. Her residency in Anesthesiology was completed at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida. She then completed her fellowship in Pediatric Anesthesiology at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Dr. Bent is board certified in Anesthesiology and Pediatric Anesthesiology by the American Board of Anesthesiology. Her expansive career has included multiple academic leadership roles at several leading academic medical centers. Additionally, Dr. Bent has over nine years of clinical and leadership experience in anesthesia private and corporate practice. She has special interests in pediatric anesthesiology, research, engineering applications in medicine, perioperative and practice management. Dr. Bent has received several honor and awards in her career.
As Medical Director of Pediatric Anesthesiology, Dr. Bent hopes to expand and grow the clinical, education and research areas in Pediatric Anesthesia at the UT Health San Antonio. A state-of-the-art, 300-bed Women’s and Children’s Hospital as part of the University Health System will open in 2022. Dr Bent expects this new hospital to become the premier hospital in the region for pediatric surgical and anesthesia services.
Professional Background
- 1990 - Master of Science - Biomechanics - Duke University
- 1989 - Doctor of Medcine - Medicine - University of Virginia School of Medicine
- 2010 - Anesthesia Business Group Management Program - Wharton School of Business , University of Pennsylvania
- 2001 - Clinical Scientist Training Program, Fellow - Baylor College of Medicine
- 1996 - Pediatric Anesthesia Fellowship, Clinical Research - Hospital for Sick Children Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- 1995 - Residency - Anesthesia - University of South Florida
- 1992 - Internship - General and Thoracic Surgery - Duke University Medical Center
- 2007-2017 - Clinical Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics - Tulane University School of Medicine New Orleans, Louisiana
- 1998 – 2003 - Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics - Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas Texas Children’s Hospital
- 1996 - 1998 - Assistant Professor - Yale University School of Medicine
Research & Grants
Merck- Cubist Pharmaceuticals, ASPECT-NP: Total Award: $80,000-$100,000 -2015-2016
Merck- Cubist Pharmaceuticals, TRIUS: Total Award: $80,000-$100,000-2015-2017
Clinipace Worldwide, Grifols Therapeutics Inc.: Total Award: $227,958 -2014-2017
Covidien, LLC: Total Award: $199,976. 2011-13
EVAC Use in the OR: Total Award: $138,633. 2009-10
Oxygen Saturation Monitoring in the General Care Floor (GCF): Total Award: $43,268. 2009-10
Javelin Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Total Award: $61,762. 2008-09
- Incorporating body-type (apple vs. pear) in STOP-BANG questionnaire improves its validity to detect OSA
- The optimal length of insertion of central venous catheters for pediatric patients
- Cardiovascular effects of sevoflurane, isoflurane, halothane, and fentanyl-midazolam in children with congenital heart disease.
- . Volume ventilation of infants with congenital heart disease: a comparison of Drager, NAD 6000 and Siemens, Servo 900 C ventil
- Anesthetic and perioperative outcome of teenagers and adults with congenital heart disease. Cardiology in the Young, vol. 11 su
- Pressure control ventilation: three anesthesia ventilators compared using an infant lung model.
- The effect of transesophageal echocardiography on hemodynamic variables in small infants undergoing cardiac surgery.
- Comparison of NAD 6000 and servo 900C ventilators in an Infant Lung Model
- The effect of transesophageal echocardiography on ventilation in small infants undergoing cardiac surgery.
- . A controlled study of transesophageal echocardiography to guide central venous catheter placement in congenital heart surgery
- Jacquelyn Paetzold, D.O and Sabrina T. Bent, M.D., M.S. A Review of CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain – 2016. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2016
- Alanah Webb, M.D., Eric Glenn, M.D., Sabrina T. Bent, M.D., M.S. Flash Pulmonary Edema After Bronchospasm: A Case Report. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2016
- Si Zhang, D.O., Seth Christian, M.D., Sabrina Bent, M.D., M.S. Suspected Psychogenic Non Epileptic Seizure Following General Anesthesia. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, Puerto Rico, N. America, May 2015
- Jacquelyn Paetzold, D.O., Jeffrey B Bice, B.S., Jonathan P. Eskander, M.D., Matthew Porcelli, M.D., Anne McConville, M.D., Jonathan Weed, M.D., Sabrina T. Bent, M.D., M.S. Emergent Inter-Hospital, Direct Operating Room-to-Operating Room Transport of an Anesthetized Patient.
- Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, Puerto Rico, N. America, May 2015
- Hardeman, M.D., Henry Liu, M.D., Sabrina Bent, M.D., M.S. Unanticipated Challenges: One-Lung Ventilation in a Patient with Prior Tracheal Stents. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, Atlantic Beach, FL, April 2014
- Liu H, Tan J, Chen M, Pierre N, Zhang L, Bent S, Rosinia FA, The Effects of Digoxin on gene expressions related to myocardial fibrosis in cultured rat cardiomyocytes. 36th SCA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. March 2014
- Arthur Mora, M.H.A., Sabrina Bent, M.D.,M.S., Stephanie Russo, M.P.H., C.P.H., Nakeisha Pierre, M.D., Claudia Campbell, Ph.D.. Financial Burdens of Cancelled Surgeries: Implications for Performance Improvement. Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD, June 2013
- Jamie Hardeman, M.D., Sabrina Bent, M.D., M.S. Delayed Presentation of Concurrent Harlequin and Horner's Syndrome after Paravertebral Infusion Anesthesia. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2013
- Nicole Weiss, M.D., Nakeisha Pierre, M.D., Sabrina Bent, M.D., M.S. Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations for Off-Pump CABG. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2013
- Oscar Rodriguez, M.D., Brian McClure, M.D., Sabrina Bent, M.D., M.S. Neuraxial Anesthesia and Cardiac Arrest. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2013
- Timothy Ku, M.D., Sabrina Bent, M.D., M.S. Epidural Adjuvants - Mechanisms and Efficacy in Chronic Pain Management. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, New Orleans, LA, April 2013
- Viet Nguyen, M.D., Eric Glenn, M.D., Frank Rosinia, M.D., Charles Fox, M.D., Philip Kalarickal, M.D., Sabrina Bent, M.D. Healthcare Reform Drives Growing Interest in Practice Management. Practice Management 2013, Las Vegas, NV, January 2013
- Scott D. Kelley, M.D., Santosh J. Agarwal, M.S., Mary G. Erslon, M.S.N., Sabrina T. Bent, M.D. The Incidence and Economic Impact of Postoperative Pneumonia. IARS Clinical and Scientific Congress 2012, Boston, MA, May 2012. Awarded Best in Category IARS 2012
- Lindsay Attaway, MD, Anne McConville, MD, Michael Tahir, MD, Lihua Zhang, MD, PhD, Sabrina Bent, M.D., M.S. Anesthetic Considerations for a Parturient with Muscular Dystrophy, Harrington Rod Instrumentation and a History of Malignant Hyperthermia. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, Puerto Rico, N. America, April 2012
- Eric Glenn, M.D., Charles J. Fox, M.D., Sabrina Bent, M.D., M.S. Anesthetic Considerations of a Patient with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT). Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, Puerto Rico, N. America, April 2012
- Rebecca Johnson, MD, Lyndia Jones, MD, Sabrina Bent M.D., M.S. Successful Epidural Anesthesia for Cesarean Section in a Parturient with a Lumboperitoneal Shunt. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, Puerto Rico, N. America, April 2012
- C Henry Liu, M.D., Jiao Liu, M.D., Philip L. Kalarickal, M.D., MPH, Sabrina Bent, M.D., M.S., Charles J. Fox, M.D., Frank Rosinia, M.D., Marilyn M. Li, M.D., Alan Kaye, M.D., Ph.D.. Changes of Gene Expression Related to Activation of Peritoneal and Epithelial Macrophages Induced by Digoxin Exposure in Cultured Rat Cardiomyocytes. IARS Clinical and Scientific Congress 2012, Boston, MA May 2012
- S. T. Bent, MS, MD, S. Russo, M.P.H.,C.P.H., M. Henry, B.S., F.A. Rosinia, M.D. Intraoperative Comparison of Continuous vs. Intermittent Subglottic Suctioning with the EVAC Endotracheal Tube. World Congress of Anesthesiology 2012, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 2012
- Claudia Campbell, Ph.D., Arthur Mora, M.H.A., Stephanie Russo, M.P.H., C.P.H., Nadira Abdur-Rahman, Nakeisha Pierre, M.D., Frank Rosinia, M.D., Sabrina Bent, M.D., M.S. The Financial Burden of Cancelled Surgeries: Implications for Performance Improvement. Practice Management 2012, Orlando, FL, January 2012
- M. Sherrier, B.S., M. Peters, B.S., B. Yang, B.S., H. Fitzhugh, B.S., M. Bartlein, B.S., N. Horwitz, M.S., S. Russo, M.P.H., C.P.H., F. Rosinia, M.D., S. Bent, M.D., M.S. Analyzing First-Case Starts Utilizing Process Engineering Techniques. Practice Management 2012, Orlando, FL, January 2012
- N. Telusca, M.D., M.P.H., J. Crowley, M.D., M.S., M.P.H., S. Russo, M.P.H., C.P.H., F. Rosinia, M.D., A. Closson, B.S., M.B.A., M. Guidry, R.N., B.S.N., C.N.O.R., M.P.H., S. Bent, M.D., M.S. Operating Room Efficiency: New Paradigms in Scheduling. Practice Management 2012, Orlando, FL, January 2012
- S. T. Bent, M.D., M.S., S. Russo, M.P.H.,C.P.H., M. Henry, B.S., F.A. Rosinia, M.D. Intraoperative Comparison of Continuous vs. Intermittent Subglottic Suctioning with the EVAC Endotracheal Tube. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting 2011 Chicago, IL. October 2011
- M. Sherrier, B.S., M. Peters, B.S., B. Yang, B.S., H. Fitzhugh, B.S., M. Bartlein, B.S., N. Horwitz, M.S., S. Russo, M.P.H., C.P.H., F. Rosinia, M.D., S. Bent, M.D., M.S. Analyzing First-Case Starts Utilizing Process Engineering Techniques. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting 2011, Chicago, IL. October 2011
- N. Telusca, M.D., M.P.H., J. Crowley, M.D., M.S., M.P.H., S. Russo, M.P.H., C.P.H., F. Rosinia, M.D., A. Closson, B.S., M.B.A., M. Guidry, R.N., B.S.N., C.N.O.R., M.P.H., S. Bent, M.D., M.S. Operating Room Efficiency: New Paradigms in Scheduling. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting 2011, Chicago, IL. October 2011
- J. Mehl, DO and S. T. Bent, MS, MD. Drug Shortages in Anesthesia: Implications on Practice and Patient Care. (Literature Review). Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, Orlando, FL May 2011
- S. Tomajian, MD; M. Tahir, MD; S. T. Bent, MS, MD; F. Rosinia, MD. Continuous Spinal Anesthesia in a Morbidly Obese Parturient (Case Report). Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, Orlando, FL May 2011
- Mathew K, Kalarickal P, Yarborough M, Bent S. Dermatomyositis and Anesthesia: A Report of a Case and Review of the Literature. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, Puerto Rico, N. America, May 2010
- Shepherd J, Weaver M, Attaway L, Primeaux P, Bent S, Strickland T, Yarborough M, Rosinia F, Liu H. Patient with Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia Undergoing Heart Transplantation: Systemic Anticoagulation with Argatroban. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, Puerto Rico, N. America, May 2010
- Glenn E, Koveleskie J, Bent S. Cannulation of Persistent Left SVC During Placement of Left Internal Jugular Catheter. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, Puerto Rico, N. America, May 2010
- Broussard C, McClure B, Bent S. Pulmonary Embolism: Operative Management in an Unstable Patient. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, Puerto Rico, N. America, May 2010
- Tahir MA, McConville AP, Rosinia FA, Bent ST. Anesthesia for Cesarean Section and Hysterectomy in Placenta Previa Percreta with Urinary Bladder Invasion: An Alternative Anesthetic Approach. American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting 2009, New Orleans, LA, October 2009
- Christian SI, Primeaux P, Bent S. Bilateral Compartment Syndrome following Prolonged Surgery in the Lithotomy Position. Gulf Atlantic Anesthesia Resident Research Conference, Miami, FL, May 2009
- Lewin M, Rivenes S, Schoenig H, Stayer S, Bent S, Ayres N, Fraser C, Andropoulos D. Effect of Anesthesia Upon Pre-Operative Pulmonary and Systemic Blood Flow, and Cardiac Contractility in Pediatric Heart Patients. American Society of Echocardiography, Chicago, IL, June 2000
- Andropoulos DA, Stayer SA, Bent ST, Campos CJ. Proper Depth of Insertion of Central Venous Catheters in Infants, Children, and Young Adults Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. Poster Presentation. IARS Clinical and Scientific Congress, Honolulu, HI, March 2000
- Stayer SA, Bent ST, Campos CJ, Skjonsby BS, Andropoulos DB. Comparison of three ventilators in an infant lung model. Poster discussion. Society for Pediatric Anesthesia, Ft. Myers, FL, Feb 2000
- Stayer SA, Bent ST, Andropoulos DB. Comparison of Dräger, NAD 6000 (D) and Siemens, Servo 900C (S) ventilators in infants with congenital heart disease. Poster discussion. Society for Pediatric Anesthesia, Ft. Myers, FL, Feb 2000
- Stayer SA, Bent ST, Campos CJ, Skjonsby BS, Andropoulos DB. Comparison of NAD 6000 and Servo 900C ventilators in an infant lung model. Poster discussion. Society for Pediatric Anesthesia, Ft. Myers, FL, Feb 2000
- Andropoulos DB, Ayers NA, Fraser CD, Stayer SA, Bent ST, Campos CJ. The effect of insertion of a transesophageal echocardiography probe on ventilation in small infants undergoing cardiac surgery. Poster discussion. IARS Clinical and Scientific Congress, Los Angeles CA, 1999
- Andropoulos DB, Stayer SA, Bent ST, Campos CJ, Fraser CD, Bezold LI. Transesophageal echocardiography as a guide to central venous catheter placement in congenital cardiac surgery. Poster discussion. Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists, Chicago, IL, April 1999
- Andropoulos DB, Stayer SA, Bent ST, Campos CJ, Fraser CD. The effect of transesophageal echocardiography on hemodynamics in small infants undergoing cardiac surgery. Anesthesiology 1999, 91, A1294. Poster discussion. American Society of Anesthesiologists, Dallas, TX, April 1999
- Bent ST, Räsänen J, León MA. Detection of Lung Injury with Conventional and Neural Network-Based Analysis of Continuous Data. Presented at the American Society of Anesthesiologists 1995 Meeting, Atlanta, GA and the 21st Annual Gulf-Atlantic Residents Research Conference, Stone Mountain, GA, 1995
- Bent ST, Derasari M, Kalra M. Alkalinization of Mepivacaine Does Not Accelerate Onset Time of Brachial Plexus Block. Presented at the American Society of Anesthesiologists 1994 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA and the 20th Annual Gulf-Atlantic Residents Research Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, 1994
- Derasari M, Morgan A, Kalra M, Bent ST. A Study of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) on Onset of Brachial Plexus Block via Axillary Approach. Presented at the 20th Annual Gulf-Atlantic Residents Research Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, 1994
- Bent ST, Fu E. Salvage of Tracheal Tube after Severing Cuff Tubing. Presented at the 19th Annual Gulf-Atlantic Residents Research Conference, Galveston, TX, 1993
- Bent ST, Mangar D. Limitations of Transesophageal Echocardiography in a Patient with Severe Mitral Regurgitation. Presented at the 19th Annual Gulf- Atlantic Residents Research Conference, Galveston, TX, 1993
- Patrick McCarty, M.D. and Sabrina Bent M.D., M.S. Methods of Monitoring. Essentials of Pediatric Anesthesiology. Cambridge University Press. Editors: Alan Kaye, Charles Fox and James Diaz. In Press. 2014
- Post Anesthesia Care Unit. Operating Room Leadership and Management. A Liu, M Yarborough, S Bent. Editors: Richard Urman, Charles Fox, Alan Kaye. Cambridge University Press. October 2012
- Philip L. Kalarickal, Sabrina T. Bent, Michael J. Yarborough, Kavitha A. Mathew and Charles Fox. Pulmonary Hypertension - From Bench Research to Clinical Challenges ISBN 978-953-307-835-9 Edited by: Roxana Sulica and Ioana Preston Publisher: InTech. management-of-pulmonary-hypertension. December 2011
- Bent ST. Left to Right Shunts. Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease. Editors: Andropoulos DA, Stayer SA, Russell I; ISBN-13: 978-1405120609 ISBN-10: 1405120606; Blackwell Futura Publishing, 2005
Letter to Editor
Stayer SA, Bent ST, Andropoulos DA. Proper probe positioning for infants with compromised ventilation from transesophageal echocardiography. Anesth Analg. 2001 Apr; 92(4):1076-7
Book Chapters