Departments & Divisions
Research Areas
CardiovascularBobby Belarmino, PT, DPT, PhD, CCS
Assistant Professor
Dr. Bobby Belarmino received his Bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapy at Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation in the Philippines, his Master’s degree in Applied Physiology at Columbia University in New York. He then completed his Doctor of Physical Therapy at MGH Institute of Health Professions at Boston, Massachusetts, and then completed his PhD in Physical Therapy at Texas Woman’s University in Houston, Texas. He is a Cardiopulmonary Clinical Specialist (CCS), certified by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialty. Dr. Belarmino is the only CCS in the San Antonio area and one of a few with this certification in State of Texas. His research interests are in the area of ICU rehabilitation, reducing hospital readmission in cardiovascular and pulmonary populations, and improving frailty in elderly population through rehabilitation interventions.
Professional Background
- 2020 - PhD - Physical Therapy - Texas Woman's University (Houston)
- 2006 - Doctor of Physical Therapy - MGH Institute of Health Professions
- 2003 - Master of Arts - Applied Physiology - Columbia University
- 1992 - Bachelor of Science - Physical Therapy - Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation
2003, Excellence Team Award for Rehab Center Physical Therapists “Acute Care” Team, Mount Sinai Hospital, NY, NY
2010, Faculty Speaker, Graduation Ceremony of Class 2010, Department of Physical Therapy, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY
2012, Faculty Speaker, Graduation Ceremony of Class 2012, Department of Physical Therapy, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY
2012, Merit Award Recipeint, Cardiovascular and Pulmoanry Section, APTA
- 03/2019 - Assistant Professor - UT Health San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 07/2012 to 12/2021 , Adjunct Faculty (Guest Lecturer/ Lab Instructor), Texas Woman’s University (Houston Campus)
- 01/2019 to 03/2020, Rehab Education Specialist and Faculty Clinical Mentor , Houston Methodist Hospital
- 07/2012 to 12/2018 , Senior Physical Therapist (Level 4)/ Clinical Mentor , Houston Methodist Hospital
- 12/2017 to 06/2017 , Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch
- 06/2016 to 06/2017 , Contributing Author for Geriatric Certification Tract, Evidenced in Motion (EIM)
- 08/2008 to 07/2012 , Assistant Professor in Clinical Physical Therapy/ Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education, New York Medical College
- 06/2007 to 08/2008 , Master Clinician and Program Director (Outpatient Pulmonary Rehab Program), Mount Sinai Hospital (NY, NY)
- 10/2005 to 06/2007 , Physical Therapy Supervisor (Cardiopulmonary/Orthopedic Unit), Burke Rehabilitation Hospital
- 02/2004 to 08/2008 , Adjunct Faculty , Hunter College, CUNY
- 06/2002 to 09/2005 , Advance Physical Therapy Clinician , Mount Sinai Hospital (Cardiac Care Center), NY, NY
- 06/2001 to 06/2002, Adjunct Instructor , Long Island University (Brooklyn, NY)
- 03/1999 to 06/2002 , Senior Physical Therapist II, Mount Sinai Hospital (Cardiac Care Center), NY, NY
- 03/1999 to 12/2001 , Home Health Physical Therapist, Mount Sinai Home Health Agency, NY, NY
- 01/1998 to 02/1999 , Staff Physical Therapist, Mediplex Outpatient Rehabilitation Center, Bradenton, FL
- 11/1995 to 12/1998 , Senior Physical Therapist, Riverfront Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center, Bradenton, FL
- 03/1994 to 11/1995 , Traveling Physical Therapist, Sunbelt Physical Therapy Services, Inc.
- 10/1992 to 04/1993 , Staff Physical Therapist, St. Luke’s Medical Center
- 08/1992 to 10/1992 , Volunteer Physical Therapist, The Medical City General Hospital
Research & Grants
ICU rehabilitation, use of inspiratory muscle trainer to ventilatory dependent s/p lung transplant patients, and reducing hospital readmissions
Authorship/participation: Belarmino (PI); Co-investigator: Lin, Clegg, Stoltz, Voelker
Amount of funding awarded $5,000
Nature of project Levels of perceived confidence, communication, and teamwork collaboration of student of Allied Healthcare Professions using interprofessional critical care simulation experiences
Date and source June 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023: LINC Seed Grant, UT Health San Antonio
Chair, Student Progress Commitee
Member, Admisison Commitee
Member, Interprofessional Education Commitee
Member, Common Didactic IPE Committee, Office of Linking Interprofessional Networks for Collaboration (LINC), UT Health San Antonio
Representative of Physical Therapy Department, EPIC Workgroup, UT Health San Antonio Multispecialty and Reseach Hospital
Service to the Profession
- Editorial Member, Philippines Journal of Physical Therapy
- Manuscript Reviewer for Journal of Acute Physical Therapy, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy Journal, Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU
2023- Present: Chair, Virtual Education Committee, Academy of Acute Care Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
2022- Present: Member, Health Policy Task Force, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM)
2021- Present: Member, Research Committee, Academy of Acute Care Physical Therapy of APTA
2022- Present: Reviewer, Research Committee, Academy of Acute Care Physical Therapy of APTA
02/2019- Present: Reviewer, CSM Abstracts of the Academy of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy (APTA)
02/2019- Present: Grant Reviewer, Academy of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy (APTA)
02/2008 to 02/2013: Co-Chair of Public Relations, Section of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy (APTA)
201-2012: Member of Technology Committee, New York New Jersey Clinical Education Consortia
03/2009 to 06/2009: Item Writer, Federation of State Board of Physical Therapy
Community Service Projects at New York Medical College (Valhalla, NY)
- 2009- Moving towards glycemic control: A guide to exercise for people living with Type 2 diabetes
- 2009- A health and wellness screening program for the general public
- 2010- Moving towards better glycemic control: “Como lograr un mejor control glycemico…”
- 2010- A health and wellness screening program for the general public
- 2011- A health and wellness screening program for the public
2013- Invited speaker to Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group. Kelsey-Seybold Clinic, Houston, TX. (TOPIC: “Importance of exercises in preventing deconditioning”)
10/2019- Present: Abstarct Reviewer, World Physiotherapy Congress
Fein B, Ragsdale J, Pawlik, A, Belarmino B, Davis D. Post-Professional Clinical Residencies and Fellowships in Acute Care. Educational programming session presentation at 2014 Combined Sections Meeting (APTA), Las Vegas, NV.
Perme C, Belarmino B, Lapnawan J, Paranilam J, Ragsdale J, Scheinin S. Characteristics of patients refereed to acute care physical therapy in the intensive care unit after lung transplant. Poster presentation at 2017 NEXT Conference and Exposition (APTA), Nashville, TN.
Perme C, Schell W, Mondkar R, Lapnawan J, Estrada C, Reeves K, Bjorkland R, Belarmino B, Stawarz-Gugala A, Paranilam J, Ragsdale J. Safety and feasibility of mobilizing patients with external ventricular and lumbar drains. Platform presentation 2018 Combined Sections Meeting (APTA), New Orleans, LA.
Belarmino B, Mitchell K, Gleeson, P, & Lin SJ, Mondkar RS. Effects of exercise training in patients with chronic heart failure; an updated systematic review. Cardiopulm. Phys. Ther. J. 2018 Jan; 29(1): 43-44. (PUBLISHED ABSTRACT)
Perme, C, Schwing, T, de Guzman K, Arnold, C, Stawarz-Gugaka, A, Paranilam, J, Belarmino B, Bjorklund R, Bridges C, Estrada C, Lapnawan J, Mondkar R, Schell W, Ragsdale J. Relationship of the Perme ICU Mobility Score and Medical Research Council Sum Score with discharge destination for patients in five different intensive care units. Poster presentation at the 2019 Combined Sections Meeting (APTA), Washington, DC.
Belarmino B, Mitchell K, Gleeson P, Lin SJ. Characteristics of patients who had unplanned versus planned hospital readmissions while receiving post-acute inpatient rehabilitation. Poster presented at the 2019 Texas Physical Therapy Association (TPTA) Annual Conference, Woodlands, TX.
Belarmino B, Mitchell K, Gleeson P, Bickley C. Effects of acute physical therapy services on psychological attributes of individuals with acute decompensated heart failure. Virtually presented as a poster at 2021 Combined Sections Meeting (APTA).
Belarmino B, Mitchell K, Gleeson P, & Bickley C. Effects of acute physical therapy services on individuals with acute decompensated heart failure. Arch Phys Med Rehabil.2021 Oct;102(10):e98-e99.DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2021.07.771. (PUBLISHED ABSTRACT)
Belarmino B, Mitchell K, Gleeson P, Bickley C. Factors Predicitng All-Cause 30-Day Hospital Readmisison on Individuals with Acute Decompenated Heart Failure. Platform presentated (Virtual) at 2021 Combined Sevtions Meeting (APTA).
Belarmino B & Clegg A. Difference in the level of confidence among physical therapy and occupational therapy students who received interprofessional critical care simulation experiences. Virtually presented as a poster at 2021 Annual Conference of Texas Physical Therapy Association (TPTA).
Stolboushkin, C, Mondkar R, Schwing T, & Belarmino B. Physical Therapy Practice for Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19 in the Intensive Care Unit, Cardiopulm. Phys. Ther. J. 2022 April;33(2): 60-69. doi: 10.1097/CPT.0000000000000188
Lin, M., Clegg, A., Stoltz, I., Voelker, K., & Belarmino, B. (2023). Student perceived confidence in IPEC competencies increased after an IPE simulation experience. J. Allied Health.2023 Spring;52(1):75. (PUBLISHED ABSTRACT)
Belarmino B & Mondkar R. Relationships between changes in levels of psychological stressor and physical activity in patients with acute decompensated heart failure (pilot study). Poster presented at 2023 Annual Conference of Texas Physical Therapy Association (TPTA).
Warkentin, T, Belarmino B, & Mondkar, R. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Prescriptions for Patients with Neurologic Conditions. Educational programming session presented at 2023 Annual Conference of Texas Physical Therapy Association (TPTA). Round Rock, TX.
Mondkar R, Attori A, Bridges C, Stawarz-Gugala A, Stolboushkin C, Schwing T, Ragsdale J, & Belarmino B. Using outcome measures to transition ambulation from physical therapy to nursing for patients with mechanical circulatory support: A pilot study. J Acute Care Phys Ther. 2024;15(2):55-63. doi: 10.1097/JAT.0000000000000236.
Belarmino B & Mondkar R. Changes between physical mobility and perceived health status of patients with acute decompensated heart failure. Cardiopulm. Phys. Ther. J. Jan. 2024;35(1): p a9-a34. doi:10.1097/CPT.0000000000000243 (PUBLISHED ABSTRACT)
Belarmino B, Voelkner K, Clegg A, Stolz I, Carreon M, Koerner C, & Lin, M. Confidence, Communication, and Teamwork of Allied Healthcare and Nursing Students after Interprofessional Critical Care Simulation Experience: A Mixed Method Study. Poster presented at Kenneth I.Shine MD, Academy of Health Science Education Conference. Austin, TX.
Board Certifications
- 2025 - Board Certified in Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy