Departments & Divisions
Oralia V Bazaldua, Pharm.D.
Family Medicine Residency Program
I am a PharmD Faculty for the Department of Family & Community Medicine, the Director of Departmental Pharmacy Education and Director of the Pharmacotherapy Clinic. I have a passion for teaching appropriate medication use to both providers and patients. I have expertise in "Health Literacy and Medication Use" and have presented extensively on this topic. My mission is to collaborate and lead the improvement of appropriate medication use in ambulatory care settings. I am actively involved in local community organizations and International Research Groups. With the current needs in health care reform, I am also actively involved in quality improvement initiatives, especially as they relate to medication reconciliation and the prevention of medication related errors.
Professional Background
- 1997 - Residency - Primary Care/Managed Care - The University of Colorado School of Pharmacy and Kaiser Permanente
- 1996 - PharmD - Pharmacy - The University of Oklahoma Health Science Center
- 1992 - Residency - Hospital Pharmacy Practice - Parkland Memorial Hospital
- 1991 - BS - Pharmacy - The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy
- 9/2014 - Professor/Clinical - UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, Family & Community Medicine, San Antonio
- 7/2010 - Adjunct Associate Professor - The University of the Incarnate Word Feik School of PharmacySan Antonio
- 7/1998 - Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor - The University of Texas at Austin College of PharmacyAustin
Instruction & Training
- 7/2012 - Present, Bread Butter Case Discussions, UTHSCSA
- 7/2009 - Present, Prescriber`s Letter Discussion, UTHSCSA
- 7/2007 - Present, Individual Instruction, The Robert B Green Campus - University Health System
- 3/2002 - Present, Pharmacotherapy
- 11/1997 - Present, Pharmacotherapy Rounds
Research & Grants
Funding Agency National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Title MEDication Focused Outpatient Care for Underutilization of Secondary Prevention (MED-FOCUS) Status Complete Period 9/2015 - 8/2019 Role Principal Investigator Grant Detail
I served as a member of our Hospital Service for 13 years.
Serve as a mid-level provider in the anti-coagulation clinic to care for patients on warfarin requiring evaluation and management. I have expertise in this area and serve as a consultant to other providers.
Editor, Online Resource: I am on editorial board for "iforumrx.com"; an interactive web-based community designed to inform ambulatory care pharmacy specialists, pharmacy residents, and student pharmacists about high-quality, practice-changing evidence.
Diversity Committee: I provide my expertise & experience to inform and guide the advancement of diversity and inclusion throughout academic medicine.
Serve on an IRB subcommittee - "Unanticipated Problems Involving Risks and Subjects to Others" (UPIRSO). We review reports of unanticipated problems submitted by investigators before they are submitted for full board review.
Board Certifications
- 1998 - Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist