Departments & Divisions
Ameya J Baxi, MD
Assistant Professor/Clinical
Dr. Baxi is board certified in radiology from India (DMRD, DNB) and USA (DABR). The overarching theme of his academic career has been the application of innovative multimodality imaging methods for cardiothoracic, emergency, and cancer imaging to enhance patient care. Dr. Baxi's clinical skills include evaluating the entire spectrum of cardiothoracic examinations, notably conventional radiology, CT, and MR imaging of emergency, oncologic and interstitial lung disease related chest radiology and cardiac radiology. He is actively involved in research and does many presentations at various national and international radiology conferences. He frequently interacts with clinicians to include pulmonologists, cardiologists, and cardiothoracic surgeons in critical cases, treatment planning, and general patient care. In addition, he constantly works to increase the efficiency of the Radiology department in the creation of reports and improving on numerous templates (CT, US, and MRI) related to cardiothoracic imaging. Dr. Baxi works to maintain image quality and safety of patients undergoing Cardiac CT and MR studies.
Dr. Baxi is the Director of Low Dose Lung Cancer Screening. He standardized the protocols based on current literature and initiated a multidisciplinary committee including pulmonology, primary care, radiology, thoracic surgery, interventional radiology, and medical and radiation oncology, as well as CT technologists. He also raised awareness about lung cancer screening with the health providers and did a presentation in Downtown San Antonio to the primary care physicians accredited to UHS regarding which exam to order, when to order, when and how to follow patients based on nodule size by preparing a protocol and road map depending on lung nodule, size, location, and associated findings to ensure appropriate recommendations and follow up. This resulted in improved quality of the exams with decreased radiation dose.
To enhance his leadership skills, he enrolled himself in Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Course Cohort 21-A Multi-disciplinary approach and governance for implementing successfully Low Dose Lung Cancer Screening. Dr. Baxi, has also successfully completed the Executive Development Program in August 2020. He was very fortunate to get selected for this year-long training program taught by award-winning UTSA College of Business faculty and select teachers from UT Health. He believes that this program greatly helped him improve his leadership and communication skills. Along with his current responsibilities, he also serves on several other committees such as the Diversion committee and Committee on Cancer and Cancer Practice Steering Committee.
Dr. Baxi is also involved in teaching and mentoring many medical students, radiology residents, and fellows in numerous scientific projects by doing presentations on regular basis. He enjoys educating and mentoring residents and fellows. He is involved in several academic, teaching, and educational projects and won many awards. He has contributed to 11 articles as contributing author, corresponding author first author or senior author in peer reviewed indexed journals with high impact factor. He has presented/co-authored my work in over 100 exhibits at national and international radiology meetings. Dr. Baxi has also created an APP: Drugs in Radiology. He works to maintain image quality and safety of patients undergoing Cardiac CT and MR studies.
Professional Background
- 2017 - MD - Radiology - American Board of Radiology
- 2016 - Clinical Fellowship - Emergency Radiology - University of Texas Health Science Center of San Antonio
- 2015 - Clinical Fellowship - Body Imaging Fellowship - University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 2014 - Clinical Fellowship - Cardiothoracic Radiology - University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio
- 2008 - MD - Radiology - National Board of Examinations
- 2007 - Postdoctoral Training - DNB- Senior Radiology resident - Care Hospitals
- 2005 - Postdoctoral Training - Post DMRD Resident - Care Hospitals
- 1998 - BM BS - Government Medical College
- 7/2016 - Assistant Professor/Clinical and Faculty Physician - University of Texas Health Science Centere at San Antonio, Radiology, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 7/2019 - 6/2020, Individual Instruction, University of Texas Health Science Center
- 7/2016 - Present, Individual Instruction, UTHSCSA
- 7/2016 - Present, Lecture series for Radiology residents and medical students, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 7/2016 - Present, RADI6024; Radiological anatomy and Physiology
Journal Article
Restrepo CS,
Gonzalez TV,
Baxi A,
Rojas CA. Infected ("Mycotic") coronary artery aneurysm: Systematic review J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr. 2019 Jan 26 2019 Jan;. Baxi AJ, Chintapalli K, Katkar A, Restrepo CS, Betancourt SL, Sunnapwar A. Multimodality Imaging Findings in Carcinoid Tumors: A Head-to-Toe Spectrum RadioGraphics 2017 Mar;37(2):516-536. Ocazionez D, Girish SS, Vargas D, Dicks D, Chaturvedi A, Nachiappan AC, Murillo H, Baxi A, Restrepo CS. Imaging of Intrathoracic Paragangliomas Semin Ultrasound CT and MRI 2017 Jan;38(6):584-593. Baxi AJ, Tavakoli,S, Vargas, D, Restrepo, CS. Bands, Chords, Tendons and Membranes in the Heart: An Imaging Overview Curr Probl Diagn Radiology 2016 Nov;45(6):380-391. Murillo H, Restrepo CS, Marmol-Velez JA, Vargas D, Ocazionez D, Martinez-Jimenez S, Reddick RL, Baxi AJ. Infectious Diseases of the Heart: Pathophysiology, Clinical and Imaging Overview RadioGraphics 2016 Jul;36(4):963-983. Baxi Aj, Restrepo CS, Vargas, D, Marmol-Velez A, Ocaziones D, Murillo H. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy from A to Z: Genetics, Patholphysiology, Imaging and Management RadioGraphics 2016 Mar;36(2):335-354. Baxi A. Cardiopulmonary and Gastrointestinal Manifestations of Eosinophilic Diseases and Idiopathic Hyper-eosinophilic Syndromes: Radiological Spectrum with Emphasis on Cross-Sectional Imaging RadioGraphics 2016 Jan;36(2):451-451. Baxi A, Restrepo, CS, Mumbower AL, McCarthy, MJ, Katre, RS. Cardiac Injuries: A Review of Multidetector Computed Tomography Findings Trauma Mon 2015 Nov;20(4).Review Article
Baxi AJ. Overview of complications of acute and chronic myocardial infarctions: revisiting pathogenesis and cross-sectional imaging Postgrad Med J 2019 2019 Jan;.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Radiology