For administrative calls, please contact:
- Nicholas Lucio
- luciond@uthscsa.edu
- 210-567-3805
Departments & Divisions
Research Areas
Cancer Diabetes & Kidney Health Infectious Disease Longevity & Aging NeuroscienceYidong Bai, Ph.D.
Department of Cell Systems and Anatomy
Currently seeking M.S. & Ph.D. students
Dr. Yidong Bai's lab is interested in a comprehensive understanding of mitochondrial function at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and animal levels. Mitochondria play a central role in cellular energy and also regulate apoptosis, signal transduction and cell growth. Mitochondrial defects have been reported in a wide range of conditions, such as diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, cancers, and aging.
The central theme in the laboratory is to investigate the regulatory mechanisms working in mitochondria and the role of mitochondria in regulating various cellular pathways.
In particular, the lab is interested in the dynamics of the machinery for oxidative phosphorylation, the role of mitochondrial dysfunction in human diseases including cancer and aging process. Various approaches are also explored in restoring the mitochondrial function in cells with mitochondrial deficiency.
Professional Background
- 1996 - PhD - Biological Sciences (mentor: Larry Chasin) - Columbia University
- 1992 - MS - Biological Sciences - Columbia University
- 1991 - MA - Biological Sciences - Columbia University
- 1985 - BA - Microbiology - Fudan University
- Postdoctoral Training - Molecular Genetics (mentor: Giuseppe Attardi) - California Institute of Technology
HHMI New Faculty Fund (2002) UMDF New Investigator Award (2002)Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholar in Aging (2002) American Heart Association Scientist Development Grant (2004) Distinguished Scientists Seminar Program, University of South Alabama(2012) Best Citation Award, Journal of Genetics and Genomics (2014) Nominee of UTHSCSA Presidential Teaching Award (2017) Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Education, CSA, UTHSA (2018)
- 9/2017 - Professor - UTHSCSA, Cellular & Structural Biology, SAN ANTONIO
- 1/2012 - Associate Member - Mays Cancer Center, UTHSCSASan Antonio
- 11/2003 - Member - Barshop Institute, UTHSCSA, Barshop Institute, San Antonio
Instruction & Training
- 8/2018 - Present, CSAT 6077 Advance Cell and Histology, UTHSCSA
- 9/2017 - Present, BIME 6004 Biology for Bioengineers, UTSA-UTHSCSA
- 1/2017 - 5/2017, CSBL 6048 Biology of Aging, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 8/2016 - Present, CSBL5074 Intro to Research, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 9/2013 - Present, IBMS 5000 Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences, UTHSCSA
- 8/2008 - 5/2012, CSBL6021 Animal Models, The University of Texas Health Science Center
- 8/2008 - Present, INTD 6008 Mitochondria and Apoptosis, The University of Texas Health Science Center
Research & Grants
We have established infrastructure and also developed a number of new analytical techniques to study mitochondrial function and regulation of mitochondrial activities.
Related diseases: Neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, and mitochondrial diseases
Techniques: Real-time PCR, Blue Native Gel Analysis, Bioenergetic Assay, Mouse Models.
1 R01 GM130129 Bai (PI) 9/15/2018-8/31/2020 20%
NIH/NIGMS $579,500
“The role of Grp75 in supercomplex assembly and neurodegeneration”
The overall goal of this study is to investigate the regulation of assembly of respiratory supercomplex.
Role: PI
1 R01 GM109434-01A1 Bai (PI) 8/1/2014 - 5/31/2020 20%
NIH/NIGMS $1,136,200
“Regulation of Mitochondrial Respiratory Complex I Dynamics”
The overall goal of this study is to investigate the regulation of assembly of respiratory complex I.
Role: PI
William and Ella Owens Medical Research Foundation grant (Bai) 1/1/2016-12/31/2020 10%
Owens Medical Research Foundation $200,000
The regulation of mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in tumorigenesis
Role: PI
UL1TR001120 (PI-Robert Clarke) 9/01/2019-8/31/2020 5%
NIH/National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences
“The role of Hispanic-specific mitochondrial haplogroups on HCC in Mexican Americans”
The overall goal of this study is to role of Hispanic specific mitochondrial haplogroups in HCC.
Role: PI of a Pilot sub-grant on IIMS-CTSA
Pilot Grant for Parkinson’s Disease Research 4/1/2020-3/31/2021
Ruby and Perry Stevens Parkinson’s Disease Center of Excellence
“Dysregulation of mitochondrial chaperon and supercomplex assembly in neurodegeneration”
Role: PI 5%
1 R01 DK 118630 – 01 (Carless) 10/1/2018-9/30/2022 4 %
NIH/NIDDK, $89,373 (for Bai Lab)
“Epigenetics of energy homeostasis, bioenergetics and obesity”
I am responsible for planning experiments and discuss appropriate targets for cellular bioenergetics.
Role: Co-I
1 R56 AG057785-01 (Ikeno) 9/30/2018-8/31/2020 5 %
I am responsible for planning and performing experiments on mitochondrial bioenergetics.
Role: Co-I
2. Bai, Y., and Attardi, G. (1998). The mtDNA-encoded ND6 subunit of mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase is essential for the assembly of the membrane arm and the respiratory function of the enzyme. EMBO Journal, 17(16), 4848-4858.
3.Bai, Y., Lee, D., Yu, T., and Chasin, L.A. (1999). Control of 3' splice site choice in vivo by ASF/SF2 and hnRNP A1. Nucleic Acids Res, 27(4), 1126-1134.
4. Bai, Y.,Shakeley, R.M., and Attardi, G. (2000). Tight control of respiration by NADH dehydrogenase ND5 subunit gene expression in mouse mitochondria. Mol Cell Biol, 20(3), 805-815.
5.Bai, Y., Hajek, P., Chomyn, A., Chan, E., Seo, B.B., Matsuno-Yagi, A., Yagi, T., and Attardi, G. (2001). Lack of complex I activity in human cells carrying a mutation in MtDNA-encoded ND4 subunit is corrected by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae NADH-quinone oxidoreductase (NDI1) gene. J Biol Chem, 276, 38808-38813.
6.Bayona-Bafaluy, M.P., Acin-Perez, R., Mullikin, J.C., Park, J.S., Moreno-Loshuertos, R., Hu, P., Perez-Martos, A., Fernandez-Silva, P., Bai, Y., and Enriquez, J.A. (2003). Revisiting the mouse mitochondrial DNA sequence. Nucleic Acids Res, 31(18), 5349-5355.
7.Saelim, N., John, L.M., Wu, J., Park, J.S., Bai, Y., Camacho, P., and Lechleiter, J.D. (2004). Nontranscriptional modulation of intracellular Ca2+ signaling by ligand stimulated thyroid hormone receptor. Journal Cell Biology, 167(5), 915-924.
9.Sullivan, P.G., Dragicevic, N.B., Deng, J.H.,Bai, Y., Dimayuga, E., Ding, Q., Chen, Q., Bruce-Keller, A.J., and Keller, J.N. (2004). Proteasome inhibition alters neural mitochondrial homeostasis and mitochondria turnover. Journal of Biol Chem, 279(20), 20699-20707.
10.Zhao, H., Li, R., Wang, Q., Yan, Q., Deng, J.H., Han, D., Bai, Y. (2004). Maternally inherited aminoglycoside-induced and nonsyndromic deafness is associated with the novel C1494T mutation in the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene in a large Chinese family. Am J Hum Genet,74(1), 139-152.
13.Song, X., Deng, J.H., Liu, C.J., and Bai, Y.(2005). Specific point mutations may not accumulate with aging in the mouse mitochondrial DNA control region. Gene, 350(2), 193-199.
14. Li, Y., Park, J.S., Deng, J.H., and Bai, Y.(2006). Cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV is essential for assembly and respiratory function of the enzyme complex. J Bioenerg Biomembr, 38(5-6), 283-291.
15.Deng, J.H., Li, Y., Park, J.S., Wu, J., Hu, P., Lechleiter, J., and Bai, Y.(2006).Nuclear suppression of mitochondrial defects in cells without the ND6 subunit. Mol Cell Biol, 26(3), 1077-1086.
17.Li, Y., D'Aurelio, M., Deng J.H., Park, J.S., Manfredi, G., Hu, P., Lu, J., and Bai, Y. (2007). An assembled complex IV maintains the stability and activity of complex I in mammalian mitochondria. J Biol Chem, 282(24), 17557-17562.
18.Park, J.S., Li, Y.F., and Bai, Y. (2007). Yeast NDI1 improves oxidative phosphorylation capacity and increases protection against oxidative stress and cell death in cells carrying a Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy mutation. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis, 1772(6), 533-542.
19.Lu, J, Peng, Zheng, Z.J., Pan, J.H., Zhang, Y., and Bai, Y. (2008). EGF-IL-18 fusion protein as a potential anti-tumor reagent by induction of immune response and apoptosis in cancer cells. Cancer Lett, 260(1-2), 187-197.
20. Fang, H., Lu, J., Wei, J., Shen, L.J., Ding, Z., Li, H., and Bai, Y.(2009). Mitochondrial DNA mutations in the D-loop region may not be frequent in cervical cancer: a discussion on pitfalls in mitochondrial DNA studies. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, 135(4), 649-651.
21. Cai, X.Y., Wang, X.F., Li, S.L., Qian, J., Qian, D.G., Chen, F., Yang, Y.J., Yuan, Z.Y., Xu, J., Bai, Y., Yu, S., and Jin, L. (2009). Association of mitochondrial DNA haplogroups with exceptional longevity in a Chinese population. PLoS ONE 4(7), e6423, 2009.
22.Montier, C., L.L, Deng, J.J., and Bai, Y.(2009).Number matters: control of mammalian mitochondrial DNA copy number. J Genet Genomics, 36(3), 125-131.
23.Park, J.S., Sharma, L.K., Li, H., Xiang, R., Holstein, D., Wu, J., Lechleiter, J., Naylor, S.L., Deng, J.J., and Bai, Y. (2009).A heteroplasmic, not homoplasmic, mitochondrial DNA mutation promotes tumorigenesis via alteration in reactive oxygen species generation and apoptosis. Hum Mol Genet, 18(9), 1578-1589.
24. Lu, J., Sharma, L.K., and Bai, Y.(2009). Implications of mitochondrial DNA mutations and mitochondrial dysfunction in tumorigenesis. Cell Res,19(7), 802-815.
25.Sharma, L.K, Lu, J, and Bai, Y.(2009). Mitochondrial respiratory complex I: structure, function and implication in human diseases. Curr Med Chem, 16(10), 1266-1277.
26. Caccamo, A., Majumder, S., Deng, J.J., Bai, Y., Thornton, F.B., and Oddo, S. (2009).Rapamycin rescues TDP-43 mislocalization and the associated low molecular mass neurofilament instability. J Biol Chem, 284(40), 271-274.
27.Ding, Z., Ji, J., Chen, G., Fang, H., Yan, S., Shen, L., Wei, J., Yang, K., Lu, J., and Bai, Y. (2010).Analysis of mitochondrial DNA mutations in D-loop region in thyroid lesions. Biochim Biophys Acta,1800(3), 27416-27424.
28.Chavez, A.O., Kamath, S., Jani, R., Sharma, L.K., Monroy, A., Abdul-Ghani, M.A., Centonze, V.E., Sathyanarayna, P., Coletta, D.K., Jenkinson, C.P., Bai, Y., Folli, F., Defronzo, R.A., and Tripathy, D. (2010). Effect of short-term free fatty acids elevation on mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle of healthy individuals. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 95(1), 422-429.
29.Yang, Y., Cimen, H., Han, M.J., Shi, T., Deng, J.H., Koc, H., Palacios, O.M., Montier, L., Bai, Y., Tong, Q., Koc, E.C. (2010). NAD+-dependent deacetylase SIRT3 regulates mitochondrial protein synthesis by deacetylation of the ribosomal protein MRPL10. J Biol Chem,285(10), 7417-7429.
30.Li, Y., Li, H., Hu, P., Deng, J.H., Banoei, M.M., Sharma, L.K., and Bai, Y.(2010). Generation and bioenergetic analysis of cybrids containing mitochondrial DNA from mouse skeletal muscle during aging. Nucleic Acids Res, 38(6), 1913-1921.
31.Shi, X., Guo, X., Lv, A., Kang, L., Zhou, Y., Zhang, Y., Wu, X., and Bai, Y.(2010). Heritability estimates and linkage analysis of 23 STR loci on chromosomes 2, 11 and 12 to an endemic osteochondropathy in China. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 39(3),259-265.
33.Fang, H., Shen, L., Chen, T., He, J., Ding, Z., Wei, J., Qu, J., Chen, G., Lu, X., and Bai, Y. (2010). Cancer type-specific modulation of mitochondrial haplogroups in breast, colorectal and thyroid cancer. BMC Cancer, 10(10), 421.
34.Liu, J.T., Guo, X., Ma, W.J., Zhang, Y.G., Xu, P., Yao, F., and Bai, Y.(2010).Mitochondrial Function Is Altered in Articular Chondrocytes of an Endemic Osteoarthritis, Kashin-Beck Disease. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 18(9), 1218-1226.
35. Chen, T., He, J., Shen, L., Fang, H., Nie, H., Jin, T., Wei, X., Xin, Y., Jiang, Y., Li, H., Chen, G., Lu, J., and Bai, Y.(2011).The mitochondrial DNA 4,977-bp deletion and its implication in copy number alteration in colorectal cancer. BMC Medical Genetics, 12, 8.
36.Shen, L., Wei, J., Chen, T., He, J., Qu, J., He, X., Jiang, L., Qu, Y., Fang, H., Chen, G., Lu, J., and Bai, Y. (2011). Evaluating Mitochondrial DNA in Patients with Breast Cancer and Benign Breast Disease. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol,137(4), 669-675.
37. Acin-Perez, R., Gatti, D., Bai, Y., and Manfredi, G. (2011).Protein phosphorylation and prevention of cytochrome oxidase inhibition by ATP: coupled mechanisms of energy metabolism regulation. Cell Metabolism, 13(6), 712-719.
38.Sharma, L., Fang, H., Liu, J., Vartak, R., Deng, J., and Bai, Y. (2011). Mitochondrial respiratory complex I dysfunction promotes tumorigenesis through ROS alteration and AKT activation. Human Molecular Genetics, 20(23), 4605-16.
41.Li, H., Liu, D., Lu, J., and Bai, Y.(2012). Physiology and pathophysiology of mitochondrial DNA. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 942, 39-51.
43.Zhang, C., Huang, V.H., Simon, M., Sharma, L.K., Fan, W., Haas, R., Wallace, D.C., Bai, Y., and Huang, T. (2012). Heteroplasmic Mutations of the Mitochondrial Genome Cause Paradox Effects on Mitochondrial Functions. The FASEB Journal, 26(12), 1-11.
44.Chen, L., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q., Li, H., Luo, Z., Fang, H., Kim, S., Qin, L., Yotnda, P., Xu, J., Tu, B.P., Bai, Y., and Songyang, Z. (2012). Mitochondrial Localization of Telomeric Protein TIN2 Links Telomere Regulation To Metabolic Control. Molecular Cell, 47(6), 839-850.
48.Liu, D., Li, H., Lu, J., and Bai, Y.(2013). Tissue-specific implications of mitochondrial alterations in aging. Frontiers in Biosciences, 5, 734-747.
49.Li, H., Sharma, L., Li, Y., Hu, P., Idowu, A., Liu, D., Lu, J., and Bai, Y.(2013). Comparative bioenergetic study of neuronal and muscle mitochondria during aging. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, 63, 30-40.
50.Nie, H., Shu, H., Vartak, R., Milstein, A.C., Mo, Y., Hu, X., Fang, H., Shen, L., Ding, Z., Lu, J., and Bai, Y.(2013). Mitochondrial common deletion, a potential biomarker for cancer occurrence, is selected against in cancer background: A meta-analysis of 38 studies. PLOS One, 8(7), e67953.
51.Vartak, R., Porras, C., and Bai, Y.(2013). Respiratory Supercomplexes: Structure, Function and Assembly. Protein & Cell, 4(8), 582-590.
52.Wu, S., Wang, W.Z., Zhang, F., Wu, C.y., Dennis, B.S., Qu, C.J., Bai, Y., and Guo, X. (2014). Expression profiles of genes involved in apoptosis and selenium metabolism in articular cartilage of patients with Kashin-Beck osteoarthritis. Gene, 535(2), 124-130.
53.Fang, H., Liu, X., Shen, L., Li, F., Liu, Y., Chi, H., Miao, H., Lu, J., and Bai, Y.(2014). Role of mtDNA haplogroups in the prevalence of knee osteoarthritis in a southern Chinese population. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 15(2), 2646-2659.
55.Tiwari, M., Sharma, L.K., Vanegas, D., Callaway, D.A., Bai, Y., Lechleiter, J.D., and Herman, B. (2014). A non-apoptotic role for CASP2/caspase 2: Modulation of autophagy. Autophagy, 10(6), 1054-70.
57.Vartak, P., Semwal M., and Bai, Y.(2014). An update on complex I assembly: the assembly of players. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 46(4), 323-8.
58.Liu, J., Wang, L., Guo, X., Pang, Q., Wu, S., Wu, C., Xu, P., and Bai, Y. The Role of Mitochondria in T-2 Toxin-Induced Human Chondrocytes Apoptosis. PLoS One, 9(9), e108394.
59.Li F., Shen L., Fang H., and Bai, Y.(2014).Mitochondrial Respiratory Complex I. Chinese Journal of Cell Biology, 36, 1153-1161.
60.Porras, C., and Bai, Y.(2015). Respiratory supercomplexes: plasticity and implications. Frontiers in Biosciences,20, 621-634.
61.Fang, H., Shi, H., Li, Y., Sun, D., Li, F., Li, B., Ding, Y., Ma, Y., Liu, Y., Zhang, Y., Shen, L., Bai, Y., Yang, Y., and Lu, J. (2015). Exercise intolerance and developmental delay associated with a novel mitochondrial ND5 mutation. Scientific Reports,5,10480.
62. Vartak, R., Deng, J., Fang, H., and Bai, Y. (2015). Redefining the roles of mitochondrial DNA-encoded subunits in respiratory Complex I assembly. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1852(7), 1531-9.
63.Fang, H., Zhang, F., Li, F., Shi, H., Ma, L., Du, M., You, Y., Qiu, R., Nie, H., Shen, L., Bai, Y., and Lyu, J. (2015). Mitochondrial DNA haplogroups modify the risk of osteoarthritis by altering mitochondrial function and intracellular mitochondrial signals. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1862(4), 829-836.
64.Nie, H., He, J., Zhang, F., Li, M., Wang, Q., Lu, J., and Bai, Y.(2015). Mitochondrial common deletion is elevated in blood of breast cancer patients under oxidative stress. Mitochondrion, 26, 104-112.
65.Mishur, R.J., Khan, M., Munkácsy, E., Sharma, L., Bokov, A., Beam, H., Radetskaya, O., Borror, M., Lane, R., Bai, Y., and Rea, S. (2016). Mitochondrial Metabolites Extend Lifespan. Aging Cell, 15(2), 336-348.
66.Jiang, P., Liang, M., Zhang, C., Zhao, X., He, Q., Cui, L., Liu, X., Sun, Y.H., Fu, Q., Ji, Y., Bai, Y., Huang, T., Guan, M.X. (2016). Biochemical evidence for a mitochondrial genetic modifier in the phenotypic manifestation of Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy-associated mitochondrial DNA mutation. Human Molecular Genetics, 25(16), 3613-3625.
67.Etzler, J.C., Bollo, M., Holstein, D., Deng, J.J., Perez, V., Lin, D.T., Richardson, A., Bai, Y., and Lechleiter, J.D. (2017). Cyclophilin D over-expression increases mitochondrial complex III activity and accelerates supercomplex formation. Arch Biochem Biophys, 613, 61-68.
68.. Chen ,H., Bai, J., Dong, F., Fang, H., Zhang, Y., Meng, W., Liu, B., Luo, Y., Liu, M., Bai, Y., Abdul-Ghani, M.A., Li, R., Wu, J., Zeng, R., Zhou, Z., Don,g L.Q., Liu, F.. (2017). Hepatic DsbA-L protects mice from diet-induced hepatosteatosis and insulin resistance. FASEB J, 31(6), 2314-2326.
69. Li, H., Shen, L., Hu, P., Huang, R., Cao, Y., Deng, J., Yuan, W., Liu, D., Yang, J., Gu, H., and Bai, Y. (2017). Aging-associated mitochondrial DNA mutations alter oxidative phosphorylation machinery and cause mitochondrial dysfunctions. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1863(9), 2266-2273
70.Song, S., Gong, S., Singh, P., Lyu, J., and Bai, Y. (2018). The interaction between mitochondria and oncoviruses. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1864(2), 481-487.
72. Cunningham, G.M., Flores, L.C., Roman, M.G., Cheng, C., Dube, S., Allen, C., Valentine, J.M., Hubbard, G.B., Bai, Y., Saunders, T.L., and Ikeno, Y. (2018). Thioredoxin overexpression in both the cytosol and mitochondria accelerates age-related disease and shortens lifespan in male C57BL/6 mice. Geroscience, 40, 453-468.
73. Lyu, L., Wang, Q., Song, S., Li, L., Zhou, H., Li, M., Jiang, Z., Zhou, C., Chen, G., Lyu, J., and Bai, Y. (2019). Oncocytic tumors are marked by enhanced mitochondrial content and mtDNA mutations of complex I in Chinese patients. Mitochondrion, 45, 1-6
74. Sharma, L.K., Tiwari, M., Rai, N.K., and Bai, Y. (2019). Mitophagy activation repairs Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy associated mitochondrial dysfunction and improves cell survival. Human Molecular Genetics, 28, 422-433
75. Li, B., Liang, F., Ding, X., Yan, Q., Zhao, Y., Zhang, X., Bai, Y., Huang, T., and Xu, B. (2019). Interval and continuous exercise overcome memory deficits related to β-Amyloid accumulation through modulating mitochondrial dynamics. Behavioral Brain Research, 376, 112171.
76. Bahr, T., Welburn, K., Donnelly, JP, and Bai, Y. (2020). Emerging model systems and treatment approaches for Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy: challenges and opportunities. BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1866, 65743.
77. Zhou, C., Lyu, L., Miao, H., Bahr, T., Zhang, Q., Liang, T., Zhou, H., Chen, G., and Bai, Y. (2020). Redox regulation by SOD2 modulates colorectal cancer tumorigenesis through AMPK-mediated energy metabolism. Molecular Carcinogenesis, In press
78. Roman, M.G., Flores, L.C., Cunningham, G.M., Cheng, C., Dube, S., Allen, C., Van Remmen, H., Bai, Y., Saunders, TL, and Ikeno, Y. (2020). Thioredoxin overexpression in mitochondria showed minimum effects on aging and age-related diseases in male C57BL/6 mice. Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics, 2, 20-31
79. Song, S,, Jiang, Z., Spezia-Lindner, D., Liang, T., Xu, C., Wang, H., Tian, Y., and Bai, Y. (2020) BHRF1 enhances EBV mediated nasopharyngeal carcinoma tumorigenesis through modulating mitophagy associated with mitochondrial membrane permeabilization transition. Cells, 9,1158-1176.
81. Klionsky, D.J., Bai, Y.., … and …. (2020). Guidelines for the Use and Interpretation of Assays for Monitoring Autophagy. Autophagy, In Press.