For administrative calls, please contact:
- Bethany A. Siercovich-Dunn
- 210-567-8406
Departments & Divisions
Kent L Anderson, MD, PhD
Associate Professor/Clinical
Residency Program Director
Cornea & External Disease, Cataract & Refractive Surgery
Kent L. Anderson, MD, PhD, is a board-certified ophthalmologist specializing in cornea, cataract, and comprehensive ophthalmology. His areas of expertise include surgey of the anterior segment and ocular surface, including corneal transplants, cataract surgery, and pterygium surgery; corneal and conjunctival infections; and dry eye. Dr. Anderson is the program director for the ophthalmology residency program and he is integrally invoved with medical students as well. His research interests include cornea, lens, genetics, quality improvement, and innovations in graduate medical education.
Professional Background
- 2003 - Clinical/Surgical Fellowship - Cornea and External Disease - Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital, Melbourne, Australia
- 2002 - Residency - Ophthalmology - Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
- 1999 - Internship - Transitional Year - University of Hawaii, Honolulu
- 1998 - MD - Medicine - Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
- 1997 - PhD - Molecular and Human Genetics - Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
- 1996 - BS - Biology (Summa Cum Laude) - University of Houston, Texas
12/2019 S.A. Scene: Best Doctors of San Antonio 2020: Ophthalmology
04/2019 UT Health SA: Service Award for 10 Years of Service
12/2017 S.A. Scene: Best Doctors of San Antonio 2018: Ophthalmology
12/2016 S.A. Scene: Best Doctors of San Antonio 2017: Ophthalmology
08/2016 UT System Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award (ROTA)
12/2015 S.A. Scene: Best Doctors of San Antonio 2016: Ophthalmology
04/2015 UTHSCSA: Department of Ophthalmology: Teaching Excellence Award
- 7/2013 - Residency Program Director - Department of Ophthalmology, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 9/2012 - Associate Professor/Clinical - Department of Ophthalmology, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 3/2010 - Attending Physician and Surgeon - Department of Ophthalmology, UT Health SA, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 9/2008 - Attending Physician and Surgeon - Department of Ophthalmology, University Health System, San Antonio, Texas
Beck KD, Schifanella D, Nagi KS, Anderson KL, Singer MA. Writing Thank You Notes after Ophthalmology Residency Interviews? The Ophthalmology Open Journal 2017 Dec;2(2):48-51.
Cheung NC, Greenberg PB, Anderson KL, Feller ER. Effectiveness of a medical student-organized community vision screening initiative. Medicine & Health Rhode Island 2010 Aug;93(8):239-243.
Tseng VL, Greenberg PB, Scott IU, Anderson KL. Compliance with the American academy of ophthalmology preferred practice pattern for diabetic retinopathy in a resident ophthalmology clinic. Retina 2010 May;30(5):787-794.
Niemiec ES, Anderson KL, Scott IU, Greenberg PB. Evidence-based management of resident-performed cataract surgery: an investigation of compliance with a preferred practice pattern. Ophthalmology 2009 Apr;116(4):678-684.
Moon CS, Turalba A, Anderson KL, Feller E. Reducing the public health burden of low vision in the Rhode Island elderly. Medicine & Health, Rhode Island 2007 Sep;90(9):283-286.
Anderson KL, Mitra S, Salouti R, Pham TA, Taylor HR. Fungal keratitis caused by Paecilomyces lilacinus associated with a retained intracorneal hair. Cornea 2004 Jul;23(5):516-521.
Stockton DW, Lewis RA, Abboud EB, Al-Rajhi A, Jabak M, Anderson KL, Lupski JR. A novel locus for Leber congenital amaurosis on chromosome 14q24. Human Genetics 1998 Sep;103(3):328-333.
Bejjani BA, Lewis RA, Tomey KF, Anderson KL, Dueker DK, Jabak M, Astle WF, Otterud B, Leppert M, Lupski JR. Mutations in CYP1B1, the gene for cytochrome P4501B1, are the predominant cause of primary congenital glaucoma in Saudi Arabia. American Journal of Human Genetics 1998 Feb;62(2):325-333.
Allikmets R, Singh N, Sun H, Shroyer NF, Hutchinson A, Chidambaram A, Gerrad B, Baird L, Stauffer D, Peiffer A, Rattner A, Smallwood P, Li Y, Anderson KL, Lewis RA, Nathans J, Leppert M, Dean M, Lupski JR. A photoreceptor cell-specific ATP-binding transporter gene (ABCR) is mutated in recessive Stargardt macular dystrophy. Nature Genetics 1997 Mar;15(3):236-246.
Anderson KL, Lewis RA. Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS). Journal of Rare Diseases 1997 Mar;3(2):5-10.
Anderson KL, Lewis RA, Bejjani BA, Baird L, Otterud B, Tomey KF, Astle WF, Dueker DK, Leppert M, Lupski JR. A gene for primary congenital glaucoma is not linked to the locus on chromosome 1q for autosomal dominant juvenile-onset open angle glaucoma. Journal of Glaucoma 1996 Dec;5(6):416-421.
Anderson KL, Baird L, Lewis RA, Chinault AC, Otterud B, Leppert M, Lupski JR. A YAC contig encompassing the recessive Stargardt disease gene (STGD) on chromosome 1p. American Journal of Human Genetics 1995 Dec;57(6):1351-1363.
Shapira SK, Anderson KL, Orr-Urtregar A, Craigen WJ, Lupski JR, Shaffer LG. De novo proximal interstitial deletions of 14q: Cytogenetic and molecular investigations. American Journal of Medical Genetics 1994 Aug;52(1):44-50.
Leppert M, Baird L, Anderson KL, Otterud B, Lupski JR, Lewis RA. Bardet-Biedl syndrome is linked to DNA markers on chromosome 11q and is genetically heterogeneous. Nature Genetics 1994 May;7(1):108-112.
Roa BB, Garcia CA, Wise CA, Anderson KL, Greenberg F, Patel PI, Lupski JR. Gene dosage as a mechanism for a common autosomal dominant peripheral neuropathy: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A. Progress in Clinical and Biological Research 1993 Jan;384(1):187-205.
Barron KS, Silverman ED, Gonzales JC, St Clair M, Anderson KL, Reveille JD. Major histocompatibility complex class II alleles in Kawasaki syndrome: Lack of consistent correlation with disease or cardiac involvement. The Journal of Rheumatology 1992 Nov;19(11):1790-1793.
Arnett FC, Olsen ML, Anderson KL, Reveille JD. Molecular analysis of major histocompatibility complex alleles associated with the lupus anticoagulant. Journal of Clinical Investigation 1991 May;87(5):1490-1495.
Reveille JD, Anderson KL, Schrohenloher RE, Acton RT, Barger BO. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of HLA-DR, DQ, DP and C4 alleles in Caucasians with systemic lupus erythematosus. The Journal of Rheumatology 1991 Jan;18(1):14-18.
Jones R, Parker T, Vincent L, Foster A, Rahman E, MacLean K, Chu E, Anderson KL. Diabetic Retinopathy and the Medication Assistance Program 2019 Apr. (39th Annual Alamo City Ophthalmology Clinical Conference Final Program; vol. 39, no. 1).
Thayer J, Chiang H, Woolf S, Massop D, Wannamaker K, Dentone P, Anderson KL. Outcomes of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Central Retinal Artery Occlusion 2019 Apr. p. 17-17. (UTHSA LSOM Annual Research Day 2019 Final Program; vol. 2019, no. 1).
Dentone P, Johnson MP, Bowman AC, Laston S, Towne B, Subedi J, Thapa SS, Williams-Blangero S, Blangero J, Anderson KL. The Prevalence of Glaucoma among the Jirel Ethnic Group in Nepal: the Jiri Eye Study Peter Dentone; Matthew P ; Andrew C ; Sandy ; Bradford ; Janardan Subedi; Suman S. ; Sarah ; John ; Kent L Anderson 2018 Jul. p. 2724-2724. (Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci; vol. 59, no. 9).
Johnson MP, Laston S, Anderson KL, Towne B, Subedi J, Blangero J, Williams-Blangero S, Thapa SS. The relationship between adult height and ocular biometry in a Nepalese population: The Jiri Eye Study. 2018 Jul. p. 5893-5893. (Investigative Ophthalmology; vol. 59, no. 9).
MacLean K, Ferguson T, Anderson KL. Cranial Nerve Palsies in a Resident Clinic Population: A Retrospective Review 2018 Apr. p. 24-24. (38th Annual Alamo City Ophthalmology Clinical Conference Final Program; vol. 38, no. 1).
Vincent L, Thayer J, Wannamaker K, Dentone P, Tie W, Bahadorani S, Anderson KL. Effect of Verbal Versus Written Instructions in Eye Drop Compliance 2018 Apr. p. 8-8. (Passport 2018 Final Program; vol. 2018, no. 1).
Massop D, Nguyen A, Kay D, MacLean K, Chu E, Rahman E, Anderson KL. Implementation of Guidelines for Referral to Ophthalmology Clinic at University Hospital 2018 Apr. p. 7-7. (Passport 2018 Final Program; vol. 2018, no. 1).
Jardeleza MS, Clauss K, Anderson KL, Duggirala R, Blangero J, Johnson MP. Central Macular Thickness in Normal Mexican American Eyes 2017 Nov. p. PO469-PO469. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 121st Annual Meeting Final Program; vol. 121, no. 1).
Bowman AC, Garcia J, Ozment KT, Thapa SS, Laston S, Towne B, Blangero J, Johnson MP, Anderson KL. Jiri Eye Study (JES): documenting the epidemiology of eye health & disease in the Jirel ethnic group of Jiri, Nepal 2017 Nov. p. PO383-PO383. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 121st Annual Meeting Final Program; vol. 121, no. 1).
Wannamaker KW, Anderson KL. From Couching to Cataract Extraction with Intraocular Lens Implantation: The Evolution of Cataract Surgery 2017 Oct. (American College of Surgeons Surgical History Group (ACSSHG) Final Program; vol. 2017, no. 1).
Johnson MP, Thapa SS, Dyer TD, Laston S, Anderson KL, Towne B, Subedi J, Goring HHH, Blangero J, Williams-Blangero S. Lineage-specific linkage analysis localizes novel rare variant-driven genomic loci for the glaucoma endophenotype of cup to disc ratio in a large extended pedigree from Nepal: The Jiri Eye Study 2017 Oct. (American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) 2017 Final Program; vol. 2017, no. 1).
Anderson KL. Glaucoma demographics in Mexican American families: The San Antonio Family Eye Study (SAFES) 2017 Jun. p. 3737-3737. (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science; vol. 58, no. 8).
Anderson KL. Genetic analysis of glaucoma endophenotypes in a large Nepalese extended pedigree: The Jiri Eye Study 2017 Jun. p. 1-1. (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science; vol. 2017).
Maclean K, Nguyen A, Kay D, Dentone P, Jansen M, Jackson C, Anderson KL. Ophthalmologic Emergency Consults in a Level One Trauma Academic Center 2017 Apr. p. 8-8. (Passport 2017 Final Program; vol. 2017, no. 1).
Wannamaker K, Bahadorani S, Chu P, Lam A, Tie W, Wright L, Anderson KL. Postoperative Corneal Abrasions: A Quality Improvement Project 2017 Apr. p. 9-9. (Passport 2017 Final Program; vol. 2017, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Bowman AC, Johnson MP. Investigating the genetic architecture of ocular health and disease in Mexican American families: The San Antonio Family Eye Study (SAFES) 2016 Jun. (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science).
Johsnon MP, Thapa SS, Anderson KL, Shrestha MK, Laston S, Towne B, Subedi J, Blangero J, Williams-Blangero S. Characterizing the genetic architecture of ocular biometrics in a south Asian population: The Jiri Eye Study 2016 Jun. (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science).
Johnson MP, Thapa SS, Anderson KL, Laston S, Shrestha MK, Towne B, Subedi J, Blangero J, Williams-Blangero S. Characterizing the genetic architecture of ocular biometrics in an untested south Asian population: the Jirels of eastern Nepal (Jiri Eye Study) 2016 Apr. (The 13th International Congress of Human Genetics (ICHG) Final Program; vol. 13, no. 1).
Jackson C, Eisenrich J, Kay D, Schmutz M, Sumsion S, Anderson KL. Analysis of ophthalmology consultations in an academic center 2016 Apr. p. 6-6. (Passport 2016 Final Program; vol. 2016, no. 1).
Schmutz M, Nagi KS, Anderson KL. Glaucoma demographics in Mexican American families: The San Antonio Family Eye Study (SAFES) 2016 Apr. p. 27-27. (36th Annual Alamo City Ophthalmology Clinical Conference Final Program; vol. 36, no. 1).
Beck K, Kay D, Anderson KL, Nagi KS. Writing thank you notes after residency interviews? 2016 Apr. p. 31-31. (36th Annual Alamo City Ophthalmology Clinical Conference Final Program; vol. 36, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Duggirala R, Resendez RG, Johnson MP. Investigating the genetic architecture of ocular health and disease in Mexican American families: The San Antonio Family Eye Study (SAFES) 2015 Jun. p. 2112-2112. (Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science; vol. 56, no. 7).
Johnson MP, Thapa SS, Anderson KL, Towne B, Subedi J, Blangero J, Williams-Blangero S. Genetic epidemiology of ocular health and disease in eastern Nepal: The Jiri Eye Study (JES) 2015 Jun. p. 1249-1249. (Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science; vol. 56, no. 7).
Martin JB, Anderson KL. Punctal Gauge Usage on Plug Retention in Patients with Dry Eye Syndrome: Preliminary Results 2015 Apr. p. 2-2. (Passport 2015 Final Program; vol. 2015, no. 1).
Agange N, Jackson C, Wright L, Shif O, Schmutz M, Sumsion S, Tyler L, Cahill C, Beck K, Janson M, Lam A, Anderson KL. Improving Electronic Order Sets for Ophthalmology Microbiology 2015 Apr. p. 8-8. (Passport 2015 Final Program; vol. 2015, no. 1).
Nguyen D, Schmutz M, Sumsion S, Beck K, Tyler L, Cahill C, Agange N, Shif O, Lam A, Wright L, Jackson C, Janson M, Anderson KL. Orbital Fracture Study 2015 Apr. p. 7-7. (Passport 2015 Final Program; vol. 2015, no. 1).
Davis L, Anderson KL. The cost of the eye drop 2014 Apr. p. 72-72. (The 34th Annual Alamo City Ophthalmology Clinical Conference Final Program; vol. 34, no. 1).
Duncan CJ, Logan S, Anderson KL. The effect of pterygium surgery on corneal astigmatism 2013 Jun. p. 3103-3103. (Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science; vol. 54, no. 15).
Duncan C, Logan S, Anderson KL. The effect of pterygium surgery on corneal astigmatism 2013 Apr. p. 65-65. (The 33rd Annual Alamo City Ophthalmology Clinical Conference Program; vol. 33, no. 1).
Nguyen AH, Anderson KL. Estimation of Surgical Constant for Intraocular Calculations in Resident-Performed Cataract Surgery 2013 Apr. p. 218-218. (ASCRS 2013 Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery Final Program; vol. 2013, no. 1).
Nguyen AH, Anderson KL. Estimation of Surgical Constant for Intraocular Calculations in Resident-Performed Cataract Surgery 2012 Nov. p. 2-2. (The UTHSCSA SOM 12th Annual Medical Student Research Day Program; vol. 2012, no. 1).
Herro A, Anderson KL. New surgical device for application of EDTA for calcific band keratopathy 2012 Apr. p. 62-62. (The 32nd Annual Alamo City Ophthalmology Clinical Conference Program; vol. 32, no. 1).
Ostrosky S, Anderson KL. AREDS Vitamin Supplementation Compliance in the Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration 2012 Apr. (The 5th Annual Community Service Learning (CSL) Conference Program; vol. 5, no. 1).
Ostrosky S, Anderson KL. AREDS Vitamin Supplementation Compliance in the Treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration 2011 Oct. (The 3rd Annual Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) Convocation Program; vol. 3, no. 1).
Ostrosky S, Anderson KL. Compliance with AREDS vitamin supplementation for age-related macular degeneration 2011 Oct. (The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio School of Medicine 11th Annual Medical Student Research Day Program; vol. 11, no. 1).
Yook E, Hatch JP, Anderson KL. Torsional Changes during Routine Ophthalmic Anesthesia 2011 Mar. p. 205-205. (ASCRS 2011 Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery Final Program; vol. 2011, no. 1).
Herro A, Anderson KL. Autologous serum tears in Bexar County, TX: Improving availability and access. 2011 Feb. p. 39-39. (Association for Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (AOPT) Final Program; vol. 10, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Sheehan MK. Implementing Physician Quality Reporting Incentives (PQRI) measures in two subspecialty practices at UT Health Physicians. 2010 Nov. p. 6-6. (UT System Clinical Safety and Effectiveness 2nd Annual Conference Program; vol. 2, no. 1).
Yook E, Anderson KL, Hatch JP. Torsional changes during routine ophthalmic anesthesia. 2010 Oct. p. 8-8. (UTHSCSA SOM 10th Annual Medical Student Research Day Program; vol. 10, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Sheehan MK. Implementing PQRI measures in two subspecialty practices at UT Health Physicians. 2010 Sep. p. 4-4. (UTHSCSA Clinical and Safety Effectiveness Course Graduation Ceremony of the 5th Cohort Program; vol. 5, no. 1).
Cheung, NC, Greenberg, PB, Anderson KL, Feller, ER. Effectiveness of a Medical Student-Organized Community Vision Screening Initiative. 2010 Apr. (The 2010 New England Regional Meeting of the SGIM Program; vol. 2010, no. 1).
Niemiec E, Anderson KL, Scott IU, Greenberg PB. Evidence-based management of resident-performed cataract surgery. 2008 Nov. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 112th Annual Meeting Final Program).
Gewaily DY, Greenberg PB, Anderson KL. Ophthalmology in late nineteenth-century America. 2008 Nov. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 112th Annual Meeting Final Program).
Tseng VL, Greenberg PB, Anderson KL. Compliance with a Preferred Practice Pattern for Diabetic Retinopathy in a Resident Ophthalmology Clinic 2008 Nov. (Lifespan 16th Annual Research Celebration Abstracts of Presentations 2008; vol. 16, no. 1).
Tseng VL, Greenberg PB, Scott IU, Anderson KL. Compliance with a preferred practice pattern for diabetic retinopathy in a resident ophthalmology clinic. 2008 Oct. (ASRS 26th Annual Meeting Final Program; vol. 26, no. 1).
Kemble AS, Marmor MF, Feller ER, Bahr RL, Anderson KL. Through the artist‘s lens: The role of art in teaching ophthalmology to medical students. 2008 Jun. (Department of Medicine 14th Annual Research Forum Program; vol. 14, no. 1).
Niemiec ES, Anderson KL, Scott IU, Greenberg PB. Compliance with a preferred practice pattern for cataract surgery patients in a resident clinic. 2008 Jun. p. 3-3. (11th Annual Ophthalmology Resident Research Forum Program; vol. 11, no. 1).
Cheung NC, Anderson KL, Greenberg PB. Community vision screenings: Follow-up to the Rhode Island Hospital (RIH) eye clinic. 2008 Jun. p. 3-3. (11th Annual Ophthalmology Resident Research Forum Program; vol. 11, no. 1).
Tseng VL, MacIntyre RBL, Jhaveri AP, Anderson KL. Effects of antimicrobial resistance on bacterial keratitis management. 2008 Jun. p. 3-3. (11th Annual Ophthalmology Resident Research Forum Program; vol. 11, no. 1).
Butler NJ, Anderson KL, Greenberg PB. Current practice patterns of anticoagulation management among cataract surgeons in New England. 2008 Jun. p. 3-3. (11th Annual Ophthalmology Resident Research Forum Program; vol. 11, no. 1).
Katsoulakis NP, Anderson KL, Greenberg PB. IOL Master in a population of US veterans with visually significant cataract. 2008 Jun. p. 3-3. (11th Annual Ophthalmology Resident Research Forum Program; vol. 11, no. 1).
Tseng VL, MacIntyre R, Jhaveri AP, Anderson KL. Effects of antimicrobial resistance on current bacterial keratitis treatment practices in Rhode Island [513-A398]. 2008 May. p. 513-513. (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science; vol. 49, no. 13).
Satyan S, Anderson KL. Patient safety in resident cataract surgery. 2008 May. (The New England Ophthalmological Society 716th Meeting Program; vol. 716, no. 1).
Kemble AS, Marmor MF, Feller ER, Bahr RL, Anderson KL. Through the artist‘s lens: The role of art in teaching ophthalmology to medical students. 2008 May. (The New England Ophthalmological Society 716th Meeting Program; vol. 716, no. 1).
Niemiec ES, Ritsema ME, Greenberg PB, Anderson KL. Assessing the ophthalmology workforce in Rhode Island and predicting future need. 2008 May. (The New England Ophthalmological Society 716th Meeting Program; vol. 716, no. 1).
Gewaily D, Greenberg PB, Anderson KL. The great masquerader: Ocular manifestations of syphilis in 1897. 2008 May. (The New England Ophthalmological Society 716th Meeting Program; vol. 716, no. 1).
Tseng VL, Greenberg PB, Anderson KL. Compliance with a preferred practice pattern with diabetic retinopathy in a resident ophthalmology clinic. 2008 May. (The New England Ophthalmological Society 716th Meeting Program; vol. 716, no. 1).
Moon C, Anderson KL. Low vision: Background and services of Rhode Island. 2008 Mar. (The Fundamentals of Geriatrics 2008 Lectures Series Program; vol. 2008, no. 1).
Kemble AS, Marmor MF, Feller ER, Bahr RL, Anderson KL. Through the artist‘s lens: The role of art in teaching ophthalmology to medical students. 2008 Jan. (The Community Health Clerkship Final Program).
Satyan S, Anderson KL. Patient safety in resident cataract surgery. 2007 Nov. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 111th Annual Meeting Final Program).
Suneja G, Anderson KL. Mathematics in ophthalmology: A discussion of Alhazen’s optical problem. 2007 Nov. p. 242-242. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 111th Annual Meeting Final Program; vol. 111, no. 1).
MacIntyre R, Rao S, Anderson KL. Fourth generation fluoroquinolone resistance in postoperative MRSA keratitis. 2007 Nov. p. 64-64. (Lifespan 15th Annual Research Celebration Abstracts of Presentations; vol. 15, no. 1).
Tseng VL, Jhaveri AP, Anderson KL. Effects of antimicrobial resistance on current bacterial keratitis treatment practices in Rhode Island. 2007 Nov. p. 67-67. (Lifespan 15th Annual Research Celebration Abstracts of Presentations; vol. 15, no. 1).
Niemiec ES, Ritsema ME, Greenberg PB, Anderson KL. Assessing the ophthalmology workforce in Rhode Island and predicting future need. 2007 Nov. p. 65-65. (Lifespan 15th Annual Research Celebration Abstracts of Presentations; vol. 15, no. 1).
Satyan S, Anderson KL, Greenberg PB. Patient safety in resident-performed cataract surgery. 2007 Nov. p. 236-236. (Lifespan 15th Annual Research Celebration Abstracts of Presentations; vol. 111, no. 1).
Tseng VL, Jhaveri AP, Anderson KL. Effects of antimicrobial resistance on current bacterial keratitis treatment practices. 2007 Oct. (Schepens Eye Research Institute 25th Biennial Cornea Research Conference Program; vol. 25, no. 1).
Ritsema M, Anderson KL. Assessing the current status of the Rhode Island work force and predicting future need. 2007 Jun. p. 8-8. (10th Annual Ophthalmology Resident Research Forum Program; vol. 10, no. 1).
Filippopoulos T, Anderson KL, Greenberg PB, Rao S, Katsoulakis NP, Perlman EM. Established practice patterns in New England to prevent postoperative endophthalmitis after cataract surgery. 2007 Apr. (The American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2007 Symposium Final Program; vol. 2007, no. 1).
Bouffard KJ, Anderson KL. A survey of current ophthalmic education in U.S. medical schools. 2006 Nov. p. 244-244. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 110th Annual Meeting Final Program; vol. 110, no. 1).
Kemble A, Anderson KL. Implementation of an online portfolio to assess the accreditation council for graduate medical education general competencies. 2006 Nov. p. 245-245. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 110th Annual Meeting Final Program; vol. 110, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Litwiller B, Jaeckel R. Using the portfolio to assess the competencies. 2006 Oct. p. 5-5. (The NCERP 10th Annual Workshop for Administrators/Coordinators Program; vol. 10, no. 1).
Bosshart DA, Anderson KL. Issues in ophthalmology. 2006 Oct. p. 4-4. (The NCERP 10th Annual Workshop for Administrators/Coordinators Program; vol. 10, no. 1).
Anderson KL. Ethics and risk management in graduate medical education. 2006 Sep. p. 17-17. (The New England Ophthalmological Society 711th Meeting Program; vol. 711, no. 1).
Anderson KL. Effects of resistance on bacterial keratitis therapy. 2006 Aug. (The Annual Nantucket Cornea Conference Program; vol. 2006, no. 1).
Anderson KL. EDTA chelation for band keratopathy: A modified application technique. 2006 Aug. (The Annual Nantucket Cornea Conference Program; vol. 2006, no. 1).
Filippopoulos T, Anderson KL, Greenberg PB, Rao SK, Katsoulakis NP, Perlman EM. Established practice patterns to prevent postoperative endophthalmitis after cataract surgery in New England. 2006 Jun. p. 3-3. (9th Annual Ophthalmology Resident Research Forum Program; vol. 9, no. 1).
Parikh A, Anderson KL. Effects of antimicrobial resistance on current bacterial keratitis treatment practices (Abstract 3564-B38). 2006 May. p. 3564-3564. (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science; vol. 47, no. 13).
Anderson KL. Using the Brown nine abilities to assess the ACGME general competencies. Chicago, IL: Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education; 2006 Mar. p. P19-P19. (The 2006 ACGME Annual Educational Conference Program; vol. 2006, no. 1).
Lu X, To KW, Anderson KL. Establishing a common practice pattern for cataract surgery informed consent in Rhode Island. 2006 Mar. (ASCRS 2006 Symposium on Cataract, IOL and Refractive Surgery; vol. 2006, no. 1).
Filippopoulos T, Anderson KL, Greenberg PB, Rao SK, Katsoulakis NP, Perlman EM. Antibiotic prophylaxis for routine cataract surgery in New England. 2006 Jan. (The New England Ophthalmological Society 710th Meeting Program; vol. 710, no. 1).
Moon CS, Anderson KL. Understanding low vision. 2006 Jan. (The Community Health Clerkship Final Program).
Parikh A, Anderson KL. Effects of antimicrobial resistance on current bacterial keratitis treatment practices. 2005 Nov. (AMA-MSS 2005 Interim Meeting Final Program).
Anderson KL, Greenberg PB. Using nine abilities to assess the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) general competencies. 2005 Oct. p. 219-219. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 109th Annual Meeting Final Program).
Ritsema ME, Filippopoulos T, Anderson KL, Migliori ME. Severity and outcome of ocular paintball injuries. 2005 Oct. p. 230-230. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 109th Annual Meeting Final Program).
Filippopoulos T, Ritsema ME, Gorovoy S, Anderson KL. The incidence and risk factors of endogenous fungal endophthalmitis. 2005 Oct. p. 260-260. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 109th Annual Meeting Final Program).
Anderson KL. Conjunctival nevus vs. malignant melanoma: Surgical management. 2005 Jul. (The Annual Nantucket Cornea Conference Program; vol. 2005, no. 1).
Anderson KL. A case against Occam‘s razor. 2005 Jul. (The Annual Nantucket Cornea Conference Program; vol. 2005, no. 1).
Gupta G, Rizzuto PR, Anderson KL. Risk factors of ocular injury after orbital fractures. 2005 May. p. 6-6. (8th Annual Ophthalmology Resident Research Forum Program; vol. 8, no. 1).
Lu X, To KW, Anderson KL. Establishing a common practice pattern for cataract surgery informed consent in Rhode Island 2005 May. p. 7-7. (8th Annual Ophthalmology Resident Research Forum Program; vol. 8, no. 1).
Filippopoulos T, Ritsema ME, Gorovoy S, Anderson KL. Incidence and risk factors of endogenous fungal endophthalmitis in a tertiary referral center. 2005 May. p. 8-9. (8th Annual Ophthalmology Resident Research Forum Program; vol. 8, no. 1).
Ritsema ME, Filippopoulos T, Anderson KL, Migliori ME. Severity and outcome of ocular paintball injuries. 2005 May. p. 10-10. (8th Annual Ophthalmology Resident Research Forum Program; vol. 8, no. 1).
The AH, Mello MJ, Anderson KL. Foreign body ocular injury in the pediatric population: A retrospective review. 2005 Jan. (Community Health Clerkship Final Program).
Gupta G, Rizzuto PR, Anderson KL. Risk factors of ocular injury after orbital fractures. 2004 Oct. p. 209-209. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 108th Annual Meeting Final Program).
Anderson KL, Mitra S, Salouti R, Pham T, Taylor HR. Fungal keratitis caused by Paecilomyces lilacinus associated with a retained intracorneal hair. 2003. (The Cornea and Eye Bank 20th Annual Meeting Program; vol. 20, no. 1).
Anderson KL. Autosomal recessively inherited eye disease: Stargardt disease and Bardet-Biedl syndrome. 2001 Nov. (Aravind Eye Hospital Proceedings).
Sohn J, Kiel J, Comuzzie, Anthony G., Mojica, Daniel, Cooke, Carrie, Armiger-George, Denise. OCT Evaluation of Retinal Lesions in Spontaneously Hyperglycemic Baboons 2001 Feb.
Anderson KL, Sjaarda RN. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a therapeutic modality for the management of retinal vascular occlusions. 2000 Apr. (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science).
Bejjani, BA, Lewis RA, Tomey KF, Anderson KL, Astle WF, Dueker DK, Lupski JR. The spectrum of cytochrome P4501B1 (CYP1B1) mutations in Saudi Arabian Primary Congenital Glaucoma (PCG). 1998 Mar. p. S688-S688. (Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science; vol. 39, no. 4).
Stockton DW, Lewis RA, Anderson KL, Abboud EB, Al-Rajhi A, Lupski JR. Mapping additional loci for Leber congenital amaurosis. 1997 Oct. p. A402-A402. (American Journal of Human Genetics; vol. 59, no. 4).
Bejjani BA, Lewis RA, Anderson KL, Tomey KF, Astle WF, Dueker DK, Molinari A, Otterud B, Leppert M, Lupski JR. Mutations in cytochrome P450B1 (CYP1B1) as the main cause of Primary Congenital Glaucoma (PCG) in Saudi Arabia and Ecuador. 1997 Oct. p. A326-A326. (American Journal of Human Genetics; vol. 59, no. 4).
Lewis RA, Allikmets R, Shroyer N, Baird L, Stauffer D, Anderson KL, Nathans J, Leppert M, Dean M, Lupski JR. A photoreceptor-specific gene is mutated in recessive Stargardt retinal dystrophy. 1997 Jun. (The Macula Society 20th Annual Meeting Final Program; vol. 20, no. 1).
Anderson KL. Bardet-Biedl syndrome: Clinical homogeneity, multifactorial genetics. 1997. (The Neurosensory Center Symposium on Molecular Genetics in Ophthalmology Program).
Anderson KL, Lupski JR. A YAC contig encompassing the recessive Stargardt‘s disease gene (STGD) on chromosome 1p. 1996 Nov. (Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences 8th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium Program; vol. 8, no. 1).
Lewis RA, Anderson KL, Baird L, Leppert M, Lupski JR. A YAC contig encompasses the recessive Stargardt‘s disease gene STGD on chromosome 1p. 1996 Oct. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 100th Annual Meeting Final Program).
Anderson KL, Baird L, Lewis RA, Leppert M, Lupski JR. Towards the isolation of a gene for Stargardt disease. 1996 Oct. p. A297-A297. (American Journal of Human Genetics; vol. 59, no. 4).
Bejjani BA, Anderson KL, Lewis RA, Tomey KF, Astle WF, Dueker KD, Karcioglu ZA, Otterud B, Leppert M, Lupski JR. Mapping strategies in Primary Congenital Glaucoma (PCG). 1996 Oct. p. A212-A212. (American Journal of Human Genetics; vol. 59, no. 4).
Stockton DW, Anderson KL, Lewis RA, Lupski JR. Mapping of a gene for Leber congenital amaurosis. 1996 Oct. p. A389-A389. (American Journal of Human Genetics; vol. 59, no. 4).
Tan F, Stivers DN, Chakaraborty R, Pham H, Anderson KL, Lupski JR, Reveille J, Howard R, Arnett F. Microsatellite mapping of candidate genes for scleroderma in Choctaw Native Americans. 1996 Sep. p. S318-S318. (Arthritis & Rheumatism; vol. 39, no. 9).
Anderson KL, Baird L, Lewis RA, Leppert M, Lupski JR. Towards the isolation of a gene for Stargardt macular degeneration. 1996 Jul. (11th Annual National Aspen MD/PhD Student Conference Program; vol. 11, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Lupski JR. A YAC contig encompassing the recessive Stargardt disease gene (STGD) on chromosome 1p. 1996 Jan. (Department of Molecular and Human Genetics 1995-96 Annual Research Retreat Program; vol. 1996, no. 1).
Stockton DS, Lewis RA, Anderson KL, Lupski JR. Mapping of a gene for Leber congenital amaurosis. 1996 Jan. (Department of Molecular and Human Genetics 1995-96 Annual Research Retreat Program; vol. 1996, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Lupski JR. A YAC contig encompassing the recessive Stargardt‘s disease gene STGD on chromosome 1p. 1995 Nov. (National Eye Institute 7th Annual Predoctoral Trainees‘ Meeting Program; vol. 7, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Baird L, Lewis RA, Otterud B, Chinault AC, Lupski JR, Leppert M. A YAC contig encompassing the recessive Stargardt‘s disease gene STGD on chromosome 1p. 1995 Oct. p. A256-A256. (American Journal of Human Genetics; vol. 57, no. 4).
Anderson KL, Baird L, Lewis RA, Otterud B, Chinault AC, Leppert M, Lupski JR. A YAC contig encompassing the recessive Stargardt‘s disease gene STGD on chromosome 1p. 1995 Sep. (MSTP 14th Annual Scientific Symposium Final Program; vol. 14, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Baird L, Lewis RA, Otterud B, Lupski JR, Leppert M. A YAC contig encompassing the recessive Stargardt‘s disease gene STGD on chromosome 1p. 1995 Mar. (Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences 7th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium Program; vol. 7, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Baird L, Lewis RA, Otterud B, Lupski JR, Leppert M. A YAC contig encompassing the recessive Stargardt‘s disease gene STGD on chromosome 1p. 1995 Jan. (Department of Molecular and Human Genetics 1994-95 Annual Research Retreat Program; vol. 1995, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Baird L, Lewis RA, Otterud B, Lupski JR, Leppert M. Genetic and physical location of the gene for Stargardt‘s disease and further evidence for genetic homogeneity. 1994 Nov. (National Eye Institute 6th Annual Predoctoral Trainees‘ Meeting Program; vol. 6, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Baird L, Lewis RA, Otterud B, Lupski JR, Leppert M. Genetic and physical location of the gene for Stargardt‘s disease and further evidence for genetic homogeneity. 1994 Oct. p. A253-A253. (American Journal of Human Genetics; vol. 55).
Lewis RA, Lupski JR, Anderson KL. Bardet-Biedl syndrome maps to chromosome 11q and is genetically heterogeneous. 1994 Oct. (The American Academy of Ophthalmology 98th Annual Meeting Final Program).
Anderson KL, Baird L, Lewis RA, Otterud B, Lupski JR, Leppert M. Genetic and physical location of the gene for Stargardt‘s disease and further evidence for genetic homogeneity. 1994 Sep. (MSTP 13th Annual Scientific Symposium Final Program; vol. 13, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Lewis RA, Baird L, Leppert M, Lupski JR. Mapping of a gene for rod monochromacy. 1994 Apr. (Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences 6th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium; vol. 6, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Leppert M, Baird L, Otterud B, Lupski JR, Lewis RA. Bardet-Biedl syndrome links to DNA markers on chromosome 11q and is genetically heterogeneous. 1994 Apr. (Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences 6th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium Program; vol. 6, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Lewis RA, Baird L, Leppert M, Lupski JR. Mapping of a gene for rod monochromacy. 1994 Feb. (Department of Molecular and Human Genetics 1993-94 Annual Research Retreat Program; vol. 1994, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Leppert M, Baird L, Otterud B, Lupski JR, Lewis RA. Bardet-Biedl syndrome links to DNA markers on chromosome 11q and is genetically heterogeneous. 1994 Feb. (Department of Molecular and Human Genetics 1993-94 Annual Research Retreat Program; vol. 1994, no. 1).
Roa BB, Abbas N, Wise CA, Anderson KL, Patel Pl, Lupski JR. Molecular genetics of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. 1994 Jan. (Keystone Symposium on Molecular Biology of Human Genetic Disease Program).
Anderson KL, Lewis RA, Baird L, Leppert M, Lupski JR. Mapping of a gene for rod monochromacy. 1993 Nov. (National Eye Institute 5th Annual Predoctoral Trainees‘ Meeting Program; vol. 5, no. 1).
Anderson KL, Lewis RA, Baird L, Leppert M, Lupski JR. Mapping of a gene for rod monochromacy. 1993 Sep. p. 290-290. (American Journal of Human Genetics; vol. 53, no. 3).
Anderson KL, Lewis RA, Baird L, Leppert M, Lupski JR. Mapping of a gene for rod monochromacy. 1993 Sep. (MSTP 12th Annual Scientific Symposium Final Program; vol. 12, no. 1).
Shapira SK, Anderson KL, Orr-Urtregar A, Craigen WJ, Lupski JR, Shaffer LG. De novo proximal deletions of 14q: Cytogenetic and molecular investigations. 1993 Sep. p. 228-228. (American Journal Human Genetics; vol. 53, no. 3).
Roa BB, Wise CA, Garcia CA, Greenberg F, Pentao L, Anderson KL, Davis S, Zhang H, Patel Pl, Lupski JR. An inherited DNA arrangement and gene dosage effect are responsible for the most common autosomal dominant peripheral neuropathy: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A. 1993 Apr. (Fogarty International Center Conference on Molecular Genetics in Neurology Program).
Anderson KL, Lupski JR. Mapping of the gene for rod monochromacy. 1993 Apr. (Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences 5th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium Program; vol. 5, no. 1).
Roa BB, Garcia CA, Wise CA, Anderson K, Greenberg F, Patel Pl, and Lupski JR. Gene dosage as a mechanism for a common autosomal dominant peripheral neuropathy: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A. New York, New York: Wiley-Liss, Inc.; 1993 Jan. p. 187-205. (Progress in Clinical and Biological Research; vol. 384, no. 1).
Roa BB, Wise CA, Anderson KL, Greenberg F, Patel PI, Lupski JR. Gene dosage as a mechanism for a common autosomal dominant peripheral neuropathy: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A. 1993 Jan. (National Down Syndrome Society Annual Conference Program).
Roa BB, Garcia CA, Wise CA, Anderson KL, Greenberg F, Patel PI, Lupski JR. Gene dosage as a mechanism for a common autosomal dominant peripheral neuropathy: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A. 1993 Jan. p. 187-206. (National Down Syndrome Society 9th Annual Conference Proceedings; vol. 9, no. 1).
Greenberg F, Wise CA, Anderson KL, Pentao L, Sauer CM, Lubinsky MS, Kozma C, Meck JM, Magenis RE, Patel Pl, Lupski JR. Duplication 17p11.2p12 as a contiguous gene duplication syndrome. 1992 Oct. p. A38-A38. (American Journal of Human Genetics; vol. 51, no. 4).
Anderson KL, Lupski JR. Mapping of the gene for rod monochromacy on chromosome 14 using 13 dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms. 1992 Sep. (MSTP 11th Annual Scientific Symposium Final Program; vol. 11, no. 1).
Greenberg F, Wise CA, Anderson KL, Sauer CM, Lubinsky MS, Kozma C, Meck JM, Magenis RE, Patel Pl, Lupski JR. Duplication 17p11.2p12 as a contiguous gene syndrome. 1992 Aug. (The 13th Annual David W. Smith Workshop on Malformations and Morphogenesis Program; vol. 13, no. 1).
Barron KS, Silverman ED, Gonzales JC, MacLeod M, Anderson KL, Reveille JD. MHC class II alleles in Kawasaki Syndrome (KS) - Lack of significant correlation with disease or cardiac involvement. 1991 Sep. p. S121-S121. (Arthritis & Rheumatism; vol. 34, no. 9).
Isern R, Arnett F, Goldstein R, Anderson KL, Durban E, Owerbach D, Reveille J. Anti-centromere antibodies (ACA) are associated with HLA-DRb1 third hypervariable sequences shared by HLA-DR1 and DR4. 1990 Sep. p. S32-S32. (Arthritis & Rheumatism; vol. 33, no. 9).
Arnett FC, Anderson KL, Olsen ML, Moulds JM, Reveille JD. The lupus anticoagulant: Another autoantibody subset with HLA-DQ. 1990 Sep. p. S100-S100. (Arthritis & Rheumatism; vol. 33, no. 9).
Johnson, MP, Thapa, SS, Laston S, Anderson KL, Towne, B, Subedi, J, Blangero, J, Williams-Blangero, S. Genetic Research on Ocular Health and Disease in a Population from Nepal In: Prakash G, Iwata T. Essentials in Ophthalmology: Advances in Vision Research: Genetic Eye Research in Asia and Pacific. 2018. p. 75 - 84.
Wooten JP, Anderson KL. Chapter 28. Hyphema. In: Zwaan J. Decision Making in Ophthalmology, Third Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2014. p. 100 - 103.
Nguyen L, Anderson KL. Chapter 29. Hypopyon. In: Zwaan J. Decision Making in Ophthalmology, Third Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2014. p. 104 - 106.
Nguyen AH, Anderson KL. Chapter 76. Marginal Corneal Ulcer. In: Decision Making in Ophthalmology, Third Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2014. p. 268 - 271.
Kakkar E, Anderson KL. Chapter 77. Central Corneal Ulcers. In: Decision Making in Ophthalmology, Third Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2014. p. 272 - 274.
Ornelas AS, Anderson KL. Chapter 82. Band Keratopathy. In: Decision Making in Ophthalmology, Third Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2014. p. 292 - 295.
Anderson KL, Salouti R, Taylor H. Postoperative management in LASIK surgery. In: Vajpayee RB, Sharma N, Melki SA, Sullivan L (Eds). Step by Step LASIK Surgery. New Delhi, India: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) LTD; 2003. p. 82 - 90.
Anderson KL. Towards The Isolation Of Genes For Recessively Inherited Ocular Disorders: Bardet-Biedl Syndrome, Leber Congenital Amaurosis, Primary Congenital Glaucoma, and Stargardt Disease. Houston, Texas: Baylor College of Medicine; 1996. 247 p.
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