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- rodriguezm43@uthscsa.edu
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Departments & Divisions
Allen S Anderson, MD, FACC FAHA
Professor & Chief, Janey & Dolph Briscoe Division of Cardiology
Director UT/UHS Heart and Vascular Institute
Janey Briscoe Distinguished University Chair in Cardiovascular Research
Allen S. Anderson, MD, FACC, FAHA is Chief of the Cardiology Division and Professor of Medicine (tenure) in the Department of Medicine at the University of Texas San Antonio. Formerly, he was the Medical Director of the Center for Heart Failure in the Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute of Northwestern Medicine and Chief of the Section of Heart Failure and Transplant in the Division of Cardiology and Professor of Medicine at Northwestern Medicine. His research interests include the non-invasive assessment of heart failure and cardiac transplant patients, valvular heart disease in heart failure patients and the development of novel therapeutic approaches for advanced heart failure patients.
Dr. Anderson, a Georgia native, graduated from the Emory University School of Medicine. He completed internal medicine training, including a chief residency, at New York University/Bellevue Medical Center, followed by general cardiology fellowship at the University of Chicago and one year of advanced heart failure/transplant training at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York. He is Board Certified in Cardiovascular Diseases and Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiac Transplantation.
Dr. Anderson is a member of the Heart Failure Society of America, the International Society of Heart & Lung Transplantation, and a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association. He has received numerous awards for teaching medical students, residents, and fellows.
In addition to his administrative and academic roles, Dr. Anderson maintains an active clinical practice in cardiomyopathies, advanced heart failure and cardiac transplantation.
Professional Background
- 1990 - M.D - School of Medicine - Emory University
- 1997 - Heart Failure and Transplantation - Visiting Fellow, Circulatory Physiology - Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
ABIM Certified, Advanced Heart Failure/Transplant Cardiology (2020),
Cardiovascular Diseases (2028) & Internal Medicine (2003, 2013)
Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners (1991)
Licensed in Texas, Illinois, Indiana, and New York. Active in Texas and Illinois.
- 2019 - Chief of Janey & Dolph Briscoe, Division of Cardiology - UTHSCSA
Instructor of Medicine, Dept. of Medicine - NYU, 1993 – June 1994
Assist.Prof.of Medicine - Uni. of Chicago, 1997 – June 2006
Assoc. Prof. Medicine - Uni. of Chicago, 2006-April 2013
Prof. of Medicine - Northwestern University, Feinberg SOM, 2013 - Dec 2019
Prof. of Medicine with Tenure - UTHSA, Dec. 2019 -
Janey Briscoe Distinguished Uni.Chair in Cardiovascular Research, LSOM UTHSA, Dec.2019 -School
Certificate, University of Oslo – International Summer School June – Aug 1984
Scandinavian Studies
B.S., Mercer University – College of Liberal Arts Aug 1982 – June 1986
Major: Chemistry
M.D., Emory University – School of Medicine Aug 1986 – May 1990Community
Eagle Scout, Central Georgia Council, Boy Scouts of America 1978.
Outstanding Eagle Scout Award, National Eagle Scout Association, 2018.
Pathways to Adventure Council, Chicago, IL. Recognition granted by the local council's NESA committee to Eagle Scouts who have demonstrated outstanding achievement at the local, state, or regional level.
- Anderson AS, Krauss D, Korcarz C, and Lang RM: Images in cardiovascular medicine. Carcinoid Heart Disease. Circulation 1996 Jan 1; 93(1):187-8.
- Anderson AS, Levin TN, and Feldman T: External jugular vein approach for percutaneous right ventricular biopsy. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 1997 May; 16(5):576-8.
- Anderson AS, Krauss D, and Lang RM: Cardiovascular Complications of Malignant Carcinoid Disease. American Heart Journal. 1997 Oct; 134(4):693-702.
- Befeler AS, Schiano TD, Lissoos TW, Conjeevaram HS, Anderson AS, Millis JM, Albertucci M, and Baker AL: Successful Combined liver-heart transplantation in adults: report of three patients and review of the literature. Transplantation. 1999 Nov 15; 68(9):1423-7.
- Shah M, Anderson AS, Jayakar D, Jeevanandam V, Feldman T. Balloon-expandable stent placement for superior vena cava-right atrial stenosis after heart transplantation. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2000 Jul; 19(7):705-9.
- Ward RP, Anderson AS. Slowing the progression of CHF. Drug therapy to correct neurohormonal abnormalities. Postgraduate Medicine. 2001 Mar; 109(3); 36-8, 41-5.
- Spencer KT, Anderson AS, Bhargava A, Bales AC, Sorrentino MJ, Furlong K, Lang RM. Physician Performed Point of Care Echocardiography Using A Laptop Platform Compared to Physical Examination in the Cardiovascular Patient. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2001 Jun 15; 37(8):2013-8.
- Jeevanandam V, Jayakar D, Anderson AS, Martin S, Piccione W Jr, Heroux AL, Wynne J, Stephenson LW, Hsu J, Freed PS, Kantrowitz A. Circulatory assistance with a permanent implantable IABP: initial human experience. Circulation. 106 (12 Suppl 1):1183-8, 2002 Sep 24.
- Khan AN, Boatman J, Anderson AS. Management of new-onset congestive heart failure in a patient with complex congenital heart disease. Congestive Heart Failure. 8(1):54-6, 2002 Jan-Feb.
- Garg RK, Khan AN, Anderson AS. Contemporary use of beta-receptor antagonists in chronic heart failure. Comprehensive Therapy. 28(4):207-13, 2002 Winter.
- Jeevanandam V, Russell H, Mather P, Furukawa S, Anderson A, Grzywacz F, Raman J. A One Year Comparison of Prophylactic Donor Tricuspid Annuloplasty in Heart Transplantation. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 78(3):759-66. September 2004.
- Garg RK, Anderson AS, Jolly N. Diastolic Coronary Artery Compression in a Cardiac Transplant Recipient: Treatment With a Stent. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. 65:271-275 (2005).
- Kirkpatrick J, Belka V, Furlong K, Balasia B, Jacobs L, Corcoran M, Anderson AS, Pastoret A, Spencer K. Echocardiographic Imaging by Nurses to Identify LV Systolic Dysfunction in High-Risk Patients. American Journal of Cardiology. 2005 May 15; 95(10):1271-2.
- Kirkpatrick JN, Lang RM, Fedson SE, Anderson AS, Bednarz J, Spencer KT. Automated border detection on contrast enhanced echocardiographic images. International Journal of Cardiology 103 (2005) 164-167.
- Jeevanandam VJ, Raman J, Mather P, Anderson AS, Russell H, Furukawa S. Donor Tricuspid Annuloplasty During Orthotopic Heart Transplantation: Long-term Results of a Prospective Controlled Study. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 82(6):2089-95.
- Costanzo MR, Guglin ME, Saltzberg MT, Jessup ML, Bart BA, Teerlink JR, Jaski BE, Fang JC, Feller ED, Haas GJ, Anderson AS, Schollmeyer MP, Sobotka PA, and for the UNLOAD Trial Investigators. Ultrafiltration Versus Intravenous Diuretics for Patients Hospitalized for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 49(6):675-83, 2007 Feb 13.
- Lodato JA, Weinert L, Baumann R, Coon P, Anderson AS, Kim A, Fedson S, Sugeng L, Lang RM. Use of 3-Dimensional Color Doppler Echocardiography to Measure Stroke Volume in Human Beings: Comparison with Thermodilution. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography. 20(2):103-12, 2007.
- Cochrane AB, Husain AN, Anderson AS, Kim AY, Fedson SE. Increased Rejection Rates in Cardiac Transplant Associated with Dexamethasone, Steroids. 73(4): 441-48, 2008.
- Te HS, Anderson AS, Millis JM, Jeevanandam V, Jensen DM. Current State of Combined Heart-Liver Transplantation in the United States. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2008 July; 27(7): 753-59.
- Jolly N, Dhar G, Anderson A. Stenting for Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava Syndrome. Journal of Invasive Cardiology 2010; 22:92-93.
- Pytel P, Husain A, Moskowitz I, Raman J, MacLeod H, Anderson AS, Burke M, McNally EM. Ventricular fibrillation following autologous intramyocardial cell therapy for inherited cardiomyopathy. Cardiovascular Pathology. 19(2): e33-6, 2010 Mar-Apr
- Pham MX, Teuteberg JJ, Kfoury AG, Starling RC, Deng MC, Cappola TP, Kao A, Anderson AS, Cotts WG, Ewald GA, Baran DA, Bogaev RC, Elashoff B, Baron H, Yee J, Valentine HA. Gene-Expression Profiling for Rejection Surveillance after Cardiac Transplantation. New England Journal of Medicine. 362(20):1890-900.
- Akhter SA, D’Souza KM, Malhotra R, Staron ML, Valeroso TB, Fedson SE, Anderson AS, Raman J, Jeevanandam V. Reversal of impaired myocardial B-adrenergic receptor signaling by continuous-flow left ventricular assist device support. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2010 June 29(6): 603-609.
- Costanzo MR, Dipchand A, Starling R, Anderson A, et al. The International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation Guidelines for the care of heart transplant recipients. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2010 August; 29(8): 914-56.
- Weiss SA, Anderson AS, Raman J, Jolly N. Postoperative pericardial calcification causing diastolic coronary compression. Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 2010 Sep. 90(3):1001-4.
- Weintraub NL, Collins SP, Pang PS, Levy PD, Anderson AS, Arslanian-Engoren C, Gibler WB, McCord JK, Parshall MB, Francis GS, Gheorghiade M. Acute Heart Failure Syndromes: Emergency Department Presentation, Treatment, and Disposition: Current Approaches and Future Aims. Circulation. 122(19):1975-96, 2010 Nov 9.
- Agarwal R, Shah SJ, Foreman AJ, Glassner C, Bartolome SD, Safdar Z, Coslet SL, Anderson AS, Gomberg-Maitland M. Risk Assessment in Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2012 May 31(5):467-77.
- Aaronson KD, Slaughter MS, Miller LW, McGee EC, Cotts WG, Acker MA, Jessup ML, Gregoric ID, Loyalka P, Frazier OH, Jeevanandam V, Anderson AS, Kormos RL, Teuteberg JJ, Levy WC, Naftel DC, Bittman RM, Pagani FD, Hathaway DR, Boyce SW, for the HeartWare Ventricular Assist Device (HVAD) Bridge to Transplant ADVANCE Trial Investigators. Use of an Intrapericardial, Continuous-Flow, Centrifugal Pump in Patients Awaiting Heart Transplantation. Circulation. 2012; 125:3191–3200.
- Russo MJ, Freed BH, Jeevanandam V, Hashmi M, Paul JD, Anderson A, Lang RM, Shah AP. Percutaneous Transcatheter Closure of the Aortic Valve to Treat Cardiogenic Shock in a Left Ventricular Assist Device Patient with Severe Aortic Insufficiency. Ann Thorac Surg 2012; 94:985-8.
- Parikh K, Mehrotra A, Russo MJ, Lang R, Anderson A, Jeevanandam V, Freed BF, Paul J, Karol J, Nathan S, Shah AP. Percutaneous Transcatheter Aortic Valve Closure Successfully Treats Left Ventricular Assist Device Associated Aortic Insufficiency and Improves Cardiac Hemodynamics. JACC Cardiovascular Interventions. 2013; 6(1): 84-89.
- Thenappan T, Anderson AS, Jeevanandam V, Rich JD, Shah AP. Treatment of Left Ventricular Assist Device Thrombosis with Extended Catheter Directed Intraventricular Thrombolytic Therapy. Circ HF. 2013; 6(3):e27-9.
- Russo MJ, Merlo A, Johnson EM, Akhter S, McCarney S, Steiman J, Anderson A, Jeevanandam V. Transpical Approach for Mitral Valve Repair During Insertion of a Left Ventricular Assist Device. The Scientific World Journal. 2013: 925310
- Russo M, Merlo AE, Eton D, Patel PJ, Fedson S, Anderson A, Shah A, Jeevanandam V. Successful use of ECMO in a Jehovah’s Witness after complicated re-heart transplant. ASAIO Journal. 59(5):528-9, 2013 Sept-Oct.
- Thenappan T, Fedson S, Rich J, Murks C, Husain A, Pogoriler J, and Anderson AS. Isolated Heart Transplantation for Familial Transthyretin (TTR) V122I Cardiac Amyloidosis—A Case Report. Amyloid 2014; 21(2):120-123.
- Deng MC, Elashoff B, Pham MX, Teuteberg JJ, Kfoury AG, Starling RC, Cappola TP, Kao A, Anderson AS, Cotts WG, Ewald GA, Baran DA, Bogaev RC, Shahzad K, Hiller D, Yee J, Valantine HA, IMAGE Study Group. Utility of gene expression profiling score variability to predict clinical events in heart transplant recipients. Transplantation. 97(6):708-14, 2014 Mar 27.
- Singh A, Russo MJ, Valeroso TB, Anderson AS, Rich J, Jeevanandam V, Akhter SA. Modified HeartMate II Driveline Externalization Technique Significantly Decreases Incidence of Infection and Improves Long-Term Survival. ASAIO Journal. Nov/Dec 60:6, pp 613-16. 2014.
- Sauer AJ, Meehan K, Gordon R, Abicht T, Rich JD, Anderson AS, Yancy C, McGee EC. Echocardiographic markers of left ventricular unloading using a centrifugal-flow rotary pump. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2014; 33(4):449-450.
- Moranville MP, Choi J, Anderson AS, Rich JD. Comparison of metolazone versus chlorothiazide in acute decompensated heart failure with diuretic resistance. Cardiovascular Therapeutics. 33(2):42-9. 2015 April.
- Khush KK, Pham MX, Teuteberg JJ, Kfoury AG, Deng MC, Kao A, Anderson AS, Cotts WG, Ewald GA, Baran DA, Hiller D, Yee J, Valentine HA. Gene Expression Profiling to Study Racial Differences After Heart Transplantation. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation. 2015:34(7):970-977.
- Saha NM, Barbat JJ, Fedson S, Anderson A, Rich JD, and Spencer KT. Outpatient use of Focused Cardiac Ultrasound to Assess Volume Status in Patients with CHF. American Journal of Cardiology 2015:116(8):1224-8.
- Greene SJ, Epstein SE, Kim RJ, Quyyumi AA, Cole RT, Anderson AS, Wilcox JE, Skopicki HA, Sikora S, Verkh L, Tankovich NI, Gheorghiade M, Butler J. Rationale and design of a randomized controlled trial of allogeneic mesenchymal stem cells in patients with nonischemic cardiomyopathy. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 2015 Oct 13
- Lin K, Chowdhary V, Benzuly KH, Yancy CW, Lomasney JW, Rigolin VH, Anderson AS, Wilcox J, Carr J, Markl M. Reproducibility and Observer Variability of Tissue Phase Mapping for the Quantification of Regional Myocardial Velocities. Int J of Cardiovas Imaging, 2016 Sep; A215.
- Pagani FD, Aaronson KD, Kormos R, Mann DL, Spino C, Jeffries N, Taddei-Peters WC, Mancini DM, McNamara DM, Grady KL, Gorcsan J 3rd, Petrucci R, Anderson AS, Glick HA, Acker MA, Eduardo Rame J, Goldstein DJ, Pamboukian SV, Miller MA, Timothy Baldwin J. The NHLBI REVIVE-IT study: Understanding its discontinuation in the context of current left ventricular assist device therapy. REVIVE-IT Investigators. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2016 Nov; 35(11):1277-83.
- Butler J, Epstein SE, Greene SJ, Quyyumi AA, Sikora S, Kim RJ, Anderson AS, Wilcox JE, Tankovich NI, Lipinski MJ, Ko YA, Margulies KB, Cole RT, Skopicki HA, Gheorghiade M. Intravenous Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy: Safety and Efficacy Results of a Phase II-A Randomized Trial. Circ Res. 120(2):332-340, 2017 Jan 20.
- Rogers JG, Pagani FD, Tatooles AJ, Ghat G, Slaughter MS, Birks EJ, Boyce SW, Najjar SS, Jeevanandam V, Anderson AS, Gregoric ID, Mallidi H, Leadley K, Aaronson KD, Frazier OH, Milano CA. Intrapericardial Left Ventricular Assist Device for Advanced Heart Failure. New England Journal of Medicine. 376(5): 451-460. Feb 2017.
- Kricke GS, Carson MB, Lee YJ, Benacka C, Mutharasan RK, Ahmad FS, Kansal P, Yancy CW, Anderson AS, Soulakis ND. Leveraging Electronic Health Record Documentation for Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Team Identification. J AM Med Inform Assoc. March 2017; 24(2): 288-294.
- Echenique IA, Angarone MP, Gordon RA, Rich J, Anderson AS, McGee EC, Abicht TO, Kang J, Stosor V. Invasive fungal infection after heart transplantation: A 7-year, single-center experience. Transplant Infectious Disease. 19(1), 2017 Feb.
- Enter DH, Zaki AL, Marsh M, Cool N, Kruse J, Li Z, Andrei AC, Iddriss A, McCarthy PM, Malaisrie SC, Anderson A, Rich JD, Pham DT. Prothrombin Complex Concentrate Reduces Blood Product Utilization in Heart Transplantation Pharmacotherapy. 2017 Oct; 37(10): 1215-1220. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/phar.2015. PMID: 28833357 ISSN: 0277-0008
- Ahmad FS, Wehbe RM, Kansal P, Jackson HA, Anderson AS, Yancy CW, Mutharasan RK. Targeting the correct population when designing transitional care programs for medicare patients hospitalized with heart failure. JAMA Cardiology. 2017 Nov; 2(11): 1274-1275. doi:https://doi.org/10.1001/jamacardio.2017.3089. PMID: 28975198 PMCID: 28975198 ISSN: 2380-6583
- Grady KL, Hof KV, Andrei AC, Shankel T, Chinnock R, Miyamoto S, Ambardekar AV, Anderson A, Addonizio L, Latif F, Lefkowitz D, Goldberg L, Hollander SA, Pham M, Weissberg-Benchell J, Cool N, Yancy C, Pahl E. Pediatric Heart Transplantation: Transitioning to Adult Care (TRANSIT): Baseline Findings. Pediatric Cardiology. 2018 Feb; 39(2): 354-364. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00246-017-1763-x. PMID: 29098353 PMCID: 29098353 ISSN: 0172-0643
- Parker WF, Anderson AS, Hedeker D, et al. Geographic variation in the treatment of U.S. adult heart transplant candidates. J Am Coll Cardiol 2018. 71(16):1715-25.
- Echenique IA, Angarone MP, Rich JD, Anderson AS, Stosor V. Cytomegalovirus infection in heart transplantation: A single center experience. Transplant Infectious Disease. 20(4), 2018 Aug.
- Ahmad FS, Ricciardi MJ, Davidson LJ, Anderson AS, Ghafourian K, Okwuosa I, Vorovich E, Wilcox JE, Holloway DD, Pham DT, and Rich JD. Reversal of fixed pulmonary hypertension with transcatheter valve replacement for aortic insufficiency on ventricular assist device support. The VAD Journal. Vol. 4, Article 5. 2018. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13023/VAD.2018.05 https://uknowledge.uky.edu/vad/vol4/iss1/5
- Kislitsina ON, Anderson AS, Rich JD, Vorovich EE, Pham DT, Cox JL, McCarthy PM, Yancy CW. Strokes associated with left ventricular assist devices. J Card Surg. 2018;33:578-583. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/jocs.13778. PMID: 30088290 ISSN: 0886-0440
- Akhabue E, Pierce JB, Davidson LJ, Prenner SB, Mutharasan RK, Puthumana JJ, Shah SJ, Anderson AS, Thomas JD. A Prospective Pilot Study of Pocket-Carried Ultrasound Pre- and Postdischarge Inferior Vena Cava Assessment for Prediction of Heart Failure Rehospitalization. J of Card Fail. 2018 Sep; 24(9): 614-617. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cardfail.2018.07.461. PMID: 30081076 ISSN: 1071-9164
- Parker WF, Anderson AS, Huang ES, Garrity ER, Churpek MM. Reply: Does Overtreatment of Heart Transplantation Candidates Exist? JACC. 2018 Aug 7; 72(6): 703-704. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2018.06.006. ISSN: 0735-1097
- Abutaleb AR, McNally EM, Khan SS, Anderson AS, Carr JC, Wilcox JE. Myocarditis in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy After Changing Steroids. JAMA Card. 2018 Oct;3(10): 1006-1010. doi:https://doi.org/10.1001/jamacardio.2018.2695. PMID: 30167630 PMCID: 30167630 ISSN: 2380-6583
- Michel E, Orozco Hernandez E, Enter D, Monge M, Nakano J, Rich J, Anderson A, Backer C, McCarthy P, Pham D. Bridge to Transplantation with Long-term Mechanical Assist Devices in Adults with Transposition of the Great Arteries. Artificial Organs. 2019 Jan; 43(1):90-96. doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/aor.13347. PMID: 30129258 ISSN: 0160-564X
- Grady KL, Andrei AC, Shankel T, Chinnock R, Miyamoto SD, Ambardekar AV, Anderson A, Addonizio L, Latif F, Lefkowitz D, Goldberg LR, Hollander SA, Pham M, Van't Hof K, Weissberg-Benchell J, Yancy C, Liu M, Melody N, Pahl E. Pediatric Heart Transplantation: Transitioning to Adult Care (TRANSIT): Feasibility of a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Cardiac Failure. 2019 Jan; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cardfail.2019.06.011 PMID: 31276804 ISSN: 1071-9164
- Dolan RS, Rahsepar AA, Blaisdell J, Lin K, Suwa K, Ghafourian K, Wilcox JE, Khan SS, Vorovich EE, Rich JD, Anderson AS, Yancy CW, Collins JD, Markl M, Carr JC. Cardiac Structure-Function MRI in Patients After Heart Transplantation. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2019 Mar;49(3):678-687. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/jmri.26275. PMID: 30142237 ISSN: 1053-1807
- Starling RC, Armstrong B, Bridges ND, Eisen H, Givertz MM, Kfoury AG, Kobashigawa J, Ikle D, Morrison Y, Pinney S, Stehlik J, Tripathi S, Sayegh MH, Chandraker A, Gus B, Keslar K, Magyar B, Petrich J, Tang WHW, Brooks K, Givertz M, Kelly C, Klein K, Crisalli K, DeBronkart S, Madsen J, Semigran M, Vetrano J, DeMarco T, Fields S, Maguire C, Gordon R, Anderson A, Regalado J, Warzecha A, Goldberg L, Olt C, Rockwell K, Harris A, Johnson M, Johnston S, Roginski C, Ahmed R, Cohen I, Peace D, Yao T, Araujo G, Bhimaraj A, Karanga E, Patel V, Chait J, Deng M, Fonarow G, Shin C, Gibbs C, Hunt J, Johnson M, Worley T, Gibbs J, Kirk J, Redd W, Bryan J, French A, Kfoury AG, Konery K, Feller E, Lee M, Pierson R, Young C, Hollifield T, Porter K, Schulz M, VanBakel A, Khush K, Luikart H, Nguyen S, Pham M, DeNofrio D, O'Kelly R, Garcia L, Sana S, Starks B, Thottam M, Yi A, Cabuay B, Olson R, Tucker L, Uppgaard L, Lai D, Poisker C, Dragicevic K, Kelner H, Luke D, Nelson J, Raveendran G, Kleissas N, Murali S, Rayl K, Sherry S, Cosgrove M. Accelerated Allograft Vasculopathy With Rituximab After Cardiac Transplantation. JACC. 2019 Jul; 74(1): 36-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2019.04.056 ISSN: 0735-1097. PMID:31272550
- Dolan RS, Rahsepar AA, Blaisdell J, Suwa K, Ghafourian K, Wilcox JE, Khan SS, Vorovich EE, Rich JD, Anderson AS, Yancy CW, Collins JD, Carr JC, Markl M. Multiparametric Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Can Detect Acute Cardiac Allograft Rejection After Heart Transplantation. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging. 2019 Aug; 12(8P2): 1632-1641. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcmg.2019.01.026. PMID: 30878427 ISSN: 1936-878X.
- Chaikriangkrai K, Abbasi MA, Sarnari R, Lee D, Anderson AS, Ghafourian K, Khan SS, Vorovich EE, Rich JD, Wilcox JE, Blaisdell JA, Yancy CW, Carr J, Markl, M. Natural History of Late Gadolinium Enhancement Predicts Adverse Clinical Events in Heart Transplant Recipients. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging. 12, 10, p 2092-94.
- Dolan, RS, Rahsepar AA, Blaisdell J, Sarnari R, Ghafourian K, Wilcox JE, Khan SS, Vorovich EE, Rich JD, Yancy CW, Anderson AS, Carr JC, Markl M. Donor and Recipient Characteristics in Heart Transplantation are Associated with Altered Myocardial Tissue Structure and Cardiac Function. Radiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging. 2019 (1):5 https://doi.org/10.1148/ryct.2019190009. PMID: 32076670.
- Parker WF, Anderson AS, Gibbons RD, Garrity ER, Ross LF, Huang ES, Churpek MM. Association of transplant center with survival benefit among adults undergoing heart transplantation in the United States. JAMA. 2019;322(18):1789-1798. doi:10.1001/jama.2019.15686. PMID: 31714985.
- Khan Mohammad S, Khan Muhammad S, Moustafa A, Anderson AS, Mehta R, Khan SS. Efficacy and Safety of Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists in Patients With Heart Failure and Chronic Kidney Disease. Amer J Cardio. 2020;125(4):643-650.
- Parker WF, Chung K, Anderson AS, Siegler M, Huang ES, Churpek MM. Treatment Practices of US Transplant Centers after the New Adult Heart Allocation Policy. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020; 75:2906-16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2020.01.066. PMID: 32527399.
- Sarnari R, Blake AM, Ruh A, Abbasi MA, Pathrose A, Blaisdell J, Dolan RS, Ghafourian K, Wilcox JE, Khan SS, Vorovich EE, Rich JD, Anderson AS, Yancy CW, Carr JC, Markl M. Evaluating Biventricular Myocardial Velocity and Interventricular Dyssynchrony in Adult Patients During the First Year After Heart Transplantation. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2020;52:920-929. https://doi.org/10.1002/jmri.27091
- Rico-Mesa JS, White A, Anderson AS. Outcomes in Patients with COVID-19 Infection Taking ACEI/ARB. Curr Cardiol Rep. 2020;22(5):31. doi: 10.1007/s11886-020-01291-4.
- Prasad A, Panhwar S, Hendel RC, Sheikh O, Mushtaq Z, Dollar F, Vinas A, Alraies C, Almonani A, Nguyen TH, Amione-Guerra J, Foster MT, Sisson C, Anderson A, George JC, Kutkut I, Guareña Casillas JA, Badin A. COVID-19 and the cardiovascular system: A review of current data, summary of best practices, outline of controversies and illustrative case reports. Am Heart J. August 2020. 226:174-187. doi.org/10.1016/j.ahj.2020.06.009
- Ohiomoba, RO, Youmans QR, Akanyirige PW, Ezema AU, Anderson AS, Bryant A, Jackson K, Mandieka E, Pham DT, Raza Y, Rich JD, Yancy CW, Okwuosa IS. History of cigarette smoking and heart transplant outcomes. IJC Heart & Vasculature. 2020-10-01. Vol 30. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcha.2020.100599
Medical Resident NYU Medical Center/Bellevue Hospital Center July 1990 – June 1993
Senior Chief Medical Resident – NYU/Bellevue July 1993 – June 1994
Fellow, Cardiovascular Diseases – University of Chicago July 1994 – June 1997
Visiting Fellow, Circulatory Physiology – Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
Heart Failure and Transplantation July 1996 – June 1997Board Certifications
- 2028 - Cardiovascular Diseases
- 2020 - ABIM Certified, Advanced Heart Failure/Transplant Cardiology
- 2013 - Internal Medicine
- 1991 - Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners