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- Jennifer DuQue
- duquej@uthscsa.edu
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Departments & Divisions
Fadi Al–Saiegh, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery
Professional Background
- 2022 - Residency Training in Neurological Surgery - Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia PA
- 2022 - Endovascular Neurosurgery Fellowship - Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia PA
- 2014 - Medical Degree - Hannover Medical School, Hannover Germany
1. Khanna O, Al Saiegh F, Mouchtouris N, [...], Jabbour P
Coil embolization with subsequent subacute flow diversion before hospital discharge as a treatment paradigm for ruptured aneurysms. World Neurosurgery. August 2022
2. Al Saiegh F, Liu H, El Naamani K, Mouchtouris N, […], Jabbour P
Frameless Angiography-based GammaKnife Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations: A Proof-of-Concept Study. Accepted manuscript. World Neurosurgery. May 2022
3. Al Saiegh F, Munoz A, Velagapudi L, [...], Herial N
Patient and procedure selection for mechanical thrombectomy: Towards personalized medicine and the role of artificial intelligence. Accepted manuscript. Journal of Neuroimaging. May 2022
4. Ilyas A, Chen CJ, Abecassis J, Al Saiegh F, [...], Sheehan J
Stereotactic Radiosurgery for ARUBA-Eligible Patients: A Meta-Analysis. Accepted manuscript. Neurosurgery. April 2022
5. Munoz A, Jabre R, Orenday-Barraza JM, ..., Al Saiegh F, et al.
A review of mechanical thrombectomy techniques for acute ischemic stroke. Accepted manuscript. Interv Neuroradiology. March 2022
6. Sweid A, Sajja K, Mouchtouris N, […], Al Saiegh F, Jabbour P, Herial N, Zarzour H, Tjoumakaris S, Romo V, Rosenwasser R, Gooch R
Rescue stenting for acute ischemic stroke with Refractory Emergent Large vessel occlusion in the modern thrombectomy era. Accepted manuscript. Clinical Neurology & Neurosurgery. March 2022
7. Salem M, Kvint S, Hendrix P, Al Saiegh F et al.
The Pennsylvania Post-Market Multicenter Experience with Flow Re-direction Endoluminal Device (FRED). Accepted manuscript. Neurosurgery. March 2022
8. Sabourin V, Lavergne P, Mazza J, Head J, Al Saiegh F et al.
Internal Neurolysis for the Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia: Systematic Review. World Neurosurgery. November 2021
9. Abbas R, Al Saiegh F, [...], Jabbour P Robotic-assisted carotid artery stenting: Outcomes, Safety, and Operational Learning Curve. Neurosurgical Focus. November 2021.
10. Baldassari MP, Mouchtouris N, Velagapudi L, Nauheim D, Sweid A, Al Saiegh F et al. Comparison of Anesthetic Agents Dexmedetomidine and Midazolam During Mechanical Thrombectomy. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. November 2021
11. Mouchtouris N, Hasan D, Samaniego EA, Al Saiegh F, et al.
The Woven EndoBridge (WEB) device: feasibility, techniques, and outcomes after FDA approval. JNS. October 2021.
12. Barsouk A, Baldassari M, Khanna O, Andrews C, Ye D, Velagapudi L, Al Saiegh F, et al Glioblastoma with deep supratentorial extension is associated with a worse overall survival. Accepted manuscript. J Clin Neurosci. October 2021
13. Al Saiegh F, Velagapudi L, […], Jabbour P
Predictors of Aneurysm Occlusion Following Treatment with the WEB Device: Systematic Review and Case Series. Accepted manuscript. Neurosurgical Review. October 2021
14. Al Saiegh F, Velagapudi L, Jabbour P
Transvenous Onyx Embolization of a Type D Carotid-Cavernous-Fistula: Operative Video. Accepted manuscript. World Neurosurgery. September 2021.
15. Velagapudi L, Al Saiegh F, Baldassari M, Farrell C, Sharan AD
Letter: Trainees as Drivers of Neurosurgical Education.
Accepted manuscript. Neurosurgery. September 2021.
16. Mouchtouris N, Al Saiegh F, Baldassari M et al.
Decompressive Hemicraniectomy in the Modern Era of Mechanical Thrombectomy. Accepted manuscript. World Neurosurgery. September 2021.
17. Montenegro T, Gonzalez G, Al Saiegh F, […], Harrop JS
Clinical outcomes in revision lumbar spine fusions: an observational cohort study. Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine. August 2021.
18. Al Saiegh F, Philipp L, Hughes L, […], Harrop JS
The Impact of Incorporating Evidence-based Guidelines for Lumbar Fusion Surgery in Neurosurgical Resident Education. World Neurosurgery. July 2021. Accepted manuscript.
19. Khanna O, Farrell C, Hattar E, Al Saiegh F, […], Sharan A Evaluation and selection process of neurosurgery residency applicants in the post-COVID-19 era. Journal of Neurosurgery. July 2021. Accepted manuscript.
20. Dodd W, Jabbour P, Sweid A, Tjoumakaris S, Gooch R, Al Saiegh F, Hasan D, Starke R, Kan PT, Polifka A, Laurent D, Busl K, Hoh B, Chalouhi N
Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in COVID-19 Patients: A Case Series.
World Neurosurgery, July 2021.
21. Montenegro T, Singh A, Elia C, Matias C, Gonzalez G, Al Saiegh F, [...], Harrop J Independent predictors of revision lumbar fusion outcomes and the impact of spine surgeon variability: does it matter whether the primary surgeon revises?Neurosurgery. June 2021.
22. Mouchtouris N, Khanna O, Al Saiegh F, Jabbour P
Commentary: Microsurgical Clip Trapping of Dorsal Internal Carotid Artery Blister Ruptured Aneurysm: 2-Dimensional Operative Video. Operative Neurosurgery. 2021 Jun 15
23. Khanna O, Hafazalla K, Al Saiegh F, et al.
Simultaneous bilateral mechanical thrombectomy in a patient with COVID-19.
Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2021 May 13
24. Velagapudi L, Mouchtouris N, Schmidt RF, Vuong D, Khanna O, Sweid A, Sadler B,
Al Saiegh F, Gooch MR, Jabbour P, Rosenwasser RH, Tjoumakaris S
Discrepancies in Stroke Distribution and Dataset Origin in Machine Learning for Stroke. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2021 Apr 30
25. Velagapudi L, Mouchtouris N, Schmidt RF, Vuong D, Khanna O, Sweid A, Sadler B,
Al Saiegh F, Gooch MR, Jabbour P, Rosenwasser RH, Tjoumakaris S
A Machine Learning Approach to First Pass Reperfusion in Mechanical Thrombectomy: Prediction and Feature Analysis. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2021 Apr 19
26. Sweid A, Weinberg JH, Khanna O, Das S, Kim J, Curtis D, Hammoud B, El Naamani K, Abbas R, Majmundar S, Sajja KC, Chalouhi N, Al Saiegh F, Mouchtouris N, Atallah E, Gooch MR, Herial NA, Tjoumakaris S, Romo V, Rosenwasser RH, Jabbour P.
Lessons Learned After 760 Neurointerventions via the Upper Extremity Vasculature: Pearls and Pitfalls. Neurosurgery. April 2021
27. Harrop J, Emes A, Chitale A, Wu C, Al Saiegh F, et al.
Are Guidelines Important? Results of a Prospective Quality Improvement Lumbar Fusion Project. Neurosurgery. April 2021 *CNS SPOTLIGHT*
28. Canseco JA, Franks RR, Karamian BA, Divi SN, Reyes AA, Mao JZ, Al Saiegh F, Donnally CJ 3rd, Schroeder GD, Harrop JS, Pepe MD, Vaccaro AR. Overview of Traumatic Brain Injury in American Football Athletes. Clin J Sport Med. 2021 Mar
29. Al Saiegh F, Jabbour P
In Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding “Battle-Tested Guidelines and Operational Protocols for Neurosurgical Practice in Times of a Pandemic: Lessons Learned from COVID-19”. World Neurosurgery. March 2021
30. Hines K, Mouchtouris N, Al Saiegh F, et al.
Prediction of hematoma expansion in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage: Our institutional experience. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 86, 271-275. March 2021
31. Al Saiegh F, Sweid A, Chalouhi, et al.
Comparison of transradial vs. transfemoral access in neurovascular fellowship training: overcoming the learning curve. Accepted manuscript. Operative Neurosurgery. February 2021 *EDITOR’S CHOICE*
32. Chalouhi N, Sweid A, Al Saiegh F, et al.
Feasibility and initial experience of left radial approach for diagnostic neuroangiography. Scientific Reports. 2021 Jan
33. Al Saiegh F, Mouchtouris N, Khanna O, et al.
Battle-tested Guidelines and Operational Protocols for Neurosurgical Practice in Times of a Pandemic: Lessons Learned from COVID-19. World Neurosurgery. November 2020
34. Khanna O, Baldassari M, Al Saiegh F, Mouchtouris N, Ghosh R, Theofanis TN, Evans JJ, Tjoumakaris S, Rosenwasser RH, Jabbour PM, Gooch MR. Ultrasound-guided ventricular puncture during cranioplasty. World Neurosurg. 2020 Nov
35. Ghosh R, Chalouhi N, Sweid A, Al Saiegh F, et al.
Carotid cutdown for mechanical thrombectomy in the setting of intravenous tissue plasminogen activator: A technical report. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. October 2020.
36. Schmidt RF, Sweid A, Chalouhi N, Sajja K, Al Saiegh F, Weinberg JH, Asada A, Joffe D, Zarzour HK, Gooch MR, Rosenwasser R, Jabbour P, Tjoumakaris S
Endovascular Management of Complex Fenestration Associated Aneurysms: A Single-Institution Retrospective Study and Review of Existing Techniques. World Neurosurgery. October 2020
37. Al Saiegh F, Ghosh R, et al.
Letter: Virtual Residency Training Interviews in the Age of COVID-19 And Beyond. Accepted Manuscript. World Neurosurgery. October 2020.
38. Al Saiegh F, Baldassari M, Sweid A, et al. Onyx embolization of carotid-cavernous fistulas and its impact on intra-ocular pressure and recurrence: a case series. Operative Neurosurgery. October 2020.
39. Hines K, Al Saiegh F, Mahtabfar A, et al.
Dorsal Root Ganglion Stimulation for Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome of the Foot: An Operative Video. Neurosurgical Focus: Video, October 2020
40. Hoelscher C, Sweid A, Ghosh R, Al Saiegh F, et al.
Cerebral deep venous thrombosis and COVID-19. Journal of Neurosurgery, September 2020.
41. Al Saiegh F, Mazza J, et al.
Developing standardized titles to classify the adverse events in 7,418 cranial and spinal neurosurgical procedures. Clinical Neurology & Neurosurgery. August 2020
42. Sabourin V, Mazza J,Garzon T, Head J,Ye D, Stefanelli A, Al Saiegh F, Lavergne P, Evans J
Internal Neurolysis with and without Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia: Case Series. World Neurosurgery. July 2020
43. Khanna O, Velagapudi L, Das S, Sweid A, Mouchtouris N, Al Saiegh F, et al
A comparison of radial versus femoral artery access for acute stroke interventions. Journal of Neurosurgery. August 2020
44. Mouchtouris N, Al Saiegh F, Valcarcel B et al.
Predictors of 30-day hospital readmission after mechanical thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke. Journal of Neurosurgery. May 2020
45. Al Saiegh F, Hasan D, et al.
Treatment of acutely ruptured cerebral aneurysms with the Woven EndoBridge
(WEB) device: Experience post FDA-approval. Neurosurgery. May 2020
46. Theofanis T, Khanna O, Stefanelli A, Al Saiegh F et al.
Letter: Neurosurgery Residency in the COVID-19 Era: Experiences and Insights From Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Neurosurgery May 2020.
47. Al Saiegh F, Ghosh R, Leibold A et al.
Status of SARS-CoV-2 in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with COVID-19 and stroke. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. April 2020.
48. Al Saiegh F, Chalouhi N, Sweid A et al.
Intra-arterial Chemotherapy for Retinoblastoma via the Transradial Route: Technique, Feasibility, and Case Series. Clinical Neurology & Neurosurgery. April 2020
49. Al Saiegh F, Lavergne P, Mahtabfar A, Garzon-Muvdi T, et al. Endoscopic transsphenoidal resection of a recurrent petrous apex cholesterol granuloma: operative video. Surgical Neurology International. April 2020
50. Sajja KC, Sweid A, Al Saiegh F et al.
Endovascular robotic: feasibility and proof of principle for diagnostic cerebral angiography and carotid artery stenting. J Neurointerv Surg. March 2020
51. Al Saiegh F, Philipp L, Mouchtouris N et al.
Comparison of Outcomes of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in 36,929 Patients Treated with or without Intracranial Pressure Monitoring in a Mature Trauma System.
World Neurosurgery. 2020 Jan 16
52. Al Saiegh F, Leibold A et al.
Robot-assisted instrumented fusion of a T8-9 extension distraction fracture and epidural hematoma evacuation: 2D operative video. Operative Neurosurgery. April 2020
53. Ghosh R, Al Saiegh F, Mahtabfar A et al.
Burr Hole-Assisted Direct Transsylvian Venous Catheterization for Carotid-Cavernous Fistula Embolization: A Case Report. Operative Neurosurgery 2020 Jan 14.
54. Khanna O, Mouchtouris N, Sweid A, Chalouhi N, Ghosh R, Al Saiegh F
Transradial approach for acute stroke intervention: technical procedure and clinical outcomes. Stroke Vasc Neurol. Nov 2019
55. Chalouhi N, Sweid A, Al Saiegh F et al.
Initial Experience with Transradial Intraoperative Angiography in Aneurysm Clipping: Technique, Feasibility, and Case Series. World Neurosurgery. 2019 Oct 31
56. Mouchtouris N, Al Saiegh F, Fitchett E et al.
Revascularization and functional outcomes after mechanical thrombectomy: an update to key metrics. J Neurosurg. 2019 Sep 13:1-6
57. Khanna O, Mouchtouris N, Sweid A, Chalouhi N, Ghosh R, Al Saiegh F
Transradial approach for acute stroke intervention: technical procedure and clinical outcomes. Stroke and Vascular Neurology. November 2019
58. Al Saiegh F, Mouchtouris N, Sweid A et al.
Placement of the Woven EndoBridge (WEB) device via distal transradial access in the anatomical snuffbox: A technical note. J Clin Neurosci Aug 2019
59. Mouchtouris N, Al Saiegh F, Sweid A et al.
Transradial Access for Newly FDA-Approved Devices for Endovascular Treatment of Cerebral Aneurysms: a technical note. World Neurosurg. 2019 Jul 26
60. Al Saiegh F, Hines K, Mouchtouris N et al. Oculomotor neuropathy from an unruptured arteriovenous malformation in the frontal operculum: A case report. Surgical Neurology International. 2019 Jun 28
61. Mouchtouris N, Turpin J, Chalouhi N, Al Saiegh F et al.
Statewide Trends in ICP Monitor Use in 36,915 Patients with Severe TBI in a Mature Trauma State over the past 18 years. World Neurosurg. 2019 Jun 13
62. Schmidt RF, Chalouhi N, Al Saiegh F et al.
The evolution of neurovascular surgery: disease or procedure oriented. Neurosurgery. 2019 Sep 1;66(Supplement_1):16-22
63. Al Saiegh F, Chalouhi N, Schmidt RF et al.
The Neurosurgeon as a stroke specialist. Neurosurgery. 2019 Sep 1
64. Chalouhi N, Mouchtouris N, Al Saiegh F et al.
Analysis of the utility of early MRI/MRA in 400 patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. J Neurosurg. 2019 May 31:1-7
65. Andrews C, Mouchtouris N, Fitchett E, Al Saiegh F et al.
Revascularization and Functional Outcomes after Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Ischemic Stroke in the Elderly. J Neurosurg. 2019 Mar 29:1-
66. Chalouhi N, Mouchtouris N, Al Saiegh F et al.
Comparison of Outcomes in Level I versus Level II Trauma Centers in Patients Undergoing Craniotomy or Craniectomy for Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Neurosurgery 2018
67. Ghobrial GM, Al-Saiegh F et al.
Fluoroscopic Confirmation of Sacral Pedicle Screw Placement Utilizing Pelvic Inlet and Outlet Technique: Technical Note. Clin Spine Surg. 2017
68. Ghobrial GM, Al-Saiegh F et al.
Lateral lumbar retroperitoneal transpsoas approach in the setting of spondylodiscitis: A technical note. J Clin Neurosci. 2017
69. Daou B, Atallah E, Al-Saiegh F et al.
Spinal Glomus Arteriovenous Malformation Manifesting with a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. World Neurosurg. 2017
70. Daou B, Alkhalili K, Chalouhi N, Al-Saiegh F et al.
Epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of traumatic cervical vascular injury. Seminars in Spine Surgery 2016
71. Gölzenleuchter M, Kanwar R, Zaibak M, Al-Saiegh F et al.
Plasticity of DNA methylation in a nerve injury model of pain. Epigenetics. 2015
72. Pleticha J, Maus TP, Jeng-singh C, Marsh MP, Al-Saiegh F et al. Pig Lumbar Spine Anatomy and Imaging Guided Lateral Lumbar Puncture: A New Large Animal Model for Intrathecal Drug Delivery. J. Neurosci. Methods. 2013
Original Peer-Reviewed Articles in Press or in Revision for Press:
Books/Book Chapters:
1. Endovascular Management of Brainstem and Thalamic Arteriovenous Malformations
Fadi Al-Saiegh and Pascal M. Jabbour. Spetzler RF, Kalani MYS, Lawton MT: Surgery of the Brainstem. New York. Thieme
2. Spinopelvic Balance: Preoperative Planning and Calculation
George Ghobrial, Fadi Al-Saiegh, and Joshua Heller. Eli Baron, Alexander Vaccaro: Spine Surgery, 3rd Edition. Elsevier
3. Revision ACDF At The Same Level
Fadi Al-Saiegh, George M. Ghobrial, James S. Harrop. Revision Spine Surgery: Pearls and Pitfalls.
4. Revision and Reimplantation of a Spinal Cord Stimulator Device
Fadi Al-Saiegh, MD, John M. DePasse, MD, Francis J Sirch IV, BA, Dhruv K.C. Goyal, BA, Gregory D. Schroeder, MD, Chengyuan Wu, MD, MSBmE. Revision Spine Surgery: Pearls and Pitfalls.
5. Management of Occipital Condyle Fractures
Evan Fitchett, Fadi Al-Saiegh, Jack Jallo.
Madden & Jallo: Neurotrauma: Neurosurgery by Example
6. Autograft/Allograft/Cage/BMP
Fadi Al-Saiegh, MD, James S. Harrop, MD.
Heary et al: Revision Lumbar Spine Surgery.
7. Pediatric Transradial Approach
Karim Hafazalla, MD, Fadi Al-Saiegh, MD, Pascal Jabbour, MD
Jabbour & Peterson: Radial Access for Neurointervention
8. The Neurosurgical Intensive Care Unit and the Unique Role of the Neurosurgeon Aria Mahtabfar, MD, Fadi Al-Saiegh, MD, Robert Rosenwasser, MD
Accepted Chapter in Youmans & Winn Neurological Surgery, 8th Edition.