Departments & Divisions
Sandra G Adams, MD, MS, FCCP
Sandra G. Adams, MD, MS is a Professor of Medicine in the Pulmonary/Critical Care Division of UT Health in San Antonio. Dr. Adams is an internationally recognized leader and educator in obstructive and other lung diseases and adult education. She completed her undergraduate studies at McMurry College in Abilene, Texas in 1990 and received her Doctor of Medicine in 1994 from UTHSCSA. She completed her internal medicine residency in 1997 and pulmonary/critical care fellowship at UTHSCSA in 2001. Dr. Adams is an active member and leader in the international organization, CHEST and is Founder of the 501(c)(3) WipeDiseases Foundation.
Professional Background
- 2003 - MS - Clinical Investigation - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1994 - MD - Medicine - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1990 - BS - Biology with Chemistry Minor (Summa Cum Laude) - McMurry College
- Internship - Internal Medicine (Intern of the Year) - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- Postdoctoral Fellowship - Pulmonary Disease - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- Postdoctoral Fellowship - Critical Care - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- Residency - Internal Medicine - University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2013-present - Professor - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2007-2013 - Associate Professor of Medicine (Division of Pulmonary/Critical Care) - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2001-2007 - Assistant Professor of Medicine (Division of Pulmonary/Critical Care) - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 1997-1998 - Assistant Professor of Medicine - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2001-Present - Staff Physician - South Texas Veterans Health Care System, San Antonio, TX
- 1997-1998 - Hospitalist - University Health System, San Antonio, TX
Instruction & Training
- 10/2021-Present, “You Make the Call: Which ILD Does This Patient Have and How Should It Be Managed?” Virtual Patient Tour (VPT) delivered virtually at CHEST 2021 Annual Meeting and is available in the e-Learning library at chestnet.org., UT Health San Antonio
- 10/2018-Present, Air Diver GAME. Video-based game for severe asthma for the self-study stations,, UT Health San Antonio
- 10/2018-Present, “The Kingdom of Lungdon” an animated tour through the inflammation in the airways and lungs in patients with asthma, UT Health San Antonio conjunction with the WipeDiseases Foundation
- 10/2015-Present, Respiratory Devices to Manage Obstructive Lung Diseases Virtual Patient Tour (VPT):, UT Health San Antonio
- 10/2015-Present, Severe Asthma Virtual Patient Tours., UT Health San Antonio
- 10/2012 - Present, Individual Instruction, American College of Chest Physicians
- 10/2012 - Present, Individual Instruction, American College of Chest Physicians
- 10/2012 – 09/2014, Virtual Patient Tours: Interactive Education in COPD and an interactive case in Asthma and COPD Overlap., WipeDiseases Foundation
- 8/2012 - Present, Chest radiographs for Cardiologists, UT Health San Antonio, and the STVHCS
- 3/2012, Pulmonary rehabilitation is part of integrated care in COPD,, American College of Chest Physicians and the Israel Society of Pulmonary Medicine, Tel Aviv, Israel
- 3/2012, How will the revised GOLD recommendations and ECLIPSE data change my clinical practice?, American College of Chest Physicians and the Israel Society of Pulmonary Medicine, Tel Aviv, Israel
- 3/2012, Teaching Respirologists how to teach primary care clinicians to apply the new GINA and GOLD recommendations into clinical practice, Second Annual International Medical Center / American College of Chest Physicians Combined Conference, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- 3/2012, How can I apply the new GINA and GOLD recommendations into my practice for my asthma and COPD patients?, Second Annual International Medical Center / American College of Chest Physicians Combined Conference, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
- 1/2012 - Present, Chest Radiographs for the Cardiologist (Post-graduate: Fellows), UT Health San Antonio,
- 2/2008 - Present, Harmful Effects of Smoking and Drugs on the Lungs, Patient focus groups: STVHCS and UHS
- 7/2007 - Present, Diabetic Ketoacidosis for Interns, UT Health San Antonio, Audie J. Murphy Veterans Hospital, San Antonio, TX
- 7/2007 - Present, Basics of Chest CT Interpretation: Combined Conference: Pulmonary Fellows and Faculty, UT Health San Antonio and STVHCS and SAMC
- 7/2007 - Present, Basics of Chest Radiograph Interpretation: Combined Conference: Pulmonary Fellows and Faculty, UT Health San Antonio, and STVHCS and SAMC
- 7/2007 - Present, Management of Chronic Asthma for Residents, UT Health San Antonio, Audie J. Murphy Veterans Hospital, San Antonio, TX
- 4/2007 - Present, Internal Medicine Board Review: Pulmonary Diseases (Parts 1-4), UT Health San Antonio
- 3/2007 - Present, COPD: A New Look at an Old Disease and the GOLD Guidelines for Medicine Residents, UT Health San Antonio
- 2/2007 - Present, Clinical Medicine III, UT Health San Antonio
- 2/2007 - Present, Clinical Medicine III, UT Health San Antonio
- 1/2007 - Present, Undergraduate Student Supervision, University Health System
- 9/2006 - Present, Oxygen Delivery Devices: Which Device to Use and in What Setting for Interns and Residents, UT Health San Antonio
- 8/2006 - Present, Feeding Tubes and Lines Confirmation of Placement by X-ray for Interns and Residents, UT Health San Antonio
- 7/2006 - Present, 07/2006 - Present Overview of Pulmonary Medicine for Clinical Nurse Specialists, UT Health San Antonio
- 6/2006 - Present, Chest Radiography for Practicing Clinicians, American College of Physicians Board Review Small Group Interactive Series: 1 hour CME
- 10/2005 - Present, Critical Respiratory Care, UT Health San Antonio
- 10/2005 - Present, IV Sedation/Pain Control, UT Health San Antonio
- 8/2005 - Present, Adv Physical Diagnosis, UT Health San Antonio
- 7/2005 - Present, Recognition and management of complicated parapneumonic effusions for Residents, UT Health San Antonio
- 7/2005 - Present, Pearls of Reading Chest Radiographs for Residents: 3 hours (Parts 1-3), UT Health San Antonio
- 7/2005 - Present, Introduction to Reading Normal and Abnormal Chest CTs for Residents: 1 hour, UT Health San Antonio
- 7/2005 - Present, Introduction to Reading Chest X-rays for Interns: 6 hours (Parts 1-6), UT Health San Antonio
- 5/2005 - Present, Pulmonary Disease, UT Health San Antonio
- 1/2005 - Present, Managing COPD: The GOLD Guidelines for Medicine Residents, UT Health San Antonio
- 9/2004 - Present, Rotation Student Supervision, UT Health San Antonio, Audie J. Murphy Veterans Hospital, San Antonio, TX / UHS
- 4/2004 - Present, Physician Lecture Series for Respiratory Therapists, UT Health San Antonio
- 7/2002 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, UT Health San Antonio, Audie J. Murphy Veterans Hospital, San Antonio, TX
- 8/2001 - Present, Emergency Management of Asthma: Medicine Interns and Residents, UT Health San Antonio
- 7/2001 - Present, Post-Doctoral Student Supervision, UTHSCSA / VA / UHS
- 7/2001 - Present, Post Graduate Rotation Supervision, UT Health San Antonio, Audie J. Murphy Veterans Hospital, San Antonio, TX / UHS
- 7/2001 - Present, Pulmon/Critical Care-amva, UT Health San Antonio
- 7/2001 - Present, Clinical Chest Disease Consultation Service, UT Health San Antonio
- 7/2001 - Present, Clinical Chest Disease, UT Health San Antonio
- 7/2001 - Present, Clinical Chest Disease, UT Health San Antonio
- 7/2001 - Present, Special Topic, UT Health San Antonio
Research & Grants
Funding Agency NIH Title Genetic Epidemiology of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Status Active Period 9/2007 - Present Role Co-Principal Investigator Grant Detail Genetic Epidemiology of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The original local grant was approximately $1.2 million.
Renewal - 7/1/2017-7/31/2018 Funding Agency NIH Title Depression and functional outcomes in COPD: Impact of genetics and inflammation Status Active Period 2/2010 - 11/2016 Role Co-Investigator Grant Detail I am the local PI for this two-center study. Depression is highly prevalent among patients with COPD and is associated with adverse clinical outcomes. The overall goal of this proposal is to examine the impact of inflammation and genetic risk factors on depression in patients with severe COPD, and to assess the combined effects of inflammation, genetics, and depression on changes in functional outcomes. There is increasing evidence that COPD is associated with systemic inflammation that impacts other organ systems. High levels of systemic inflammatory markers have also been linked to increased risk of depression in both healthy and chronically ill populations. The neurotransmitter serotonin which is involved in the pathophysiology of affective disorders is regulated by the serotonin transporter (SERT) that controls reuptake of serotonin at brain synapses. Recent studies report that SERT polymorphisms are associated with depression, suggesting that variants of this gene may be important in determining
whether patients with COPD will develop depression
during the course of their disease. The preliminary data linking SERT polymorphisms with depression and data suggesting a relationship between inflammation, depression and COPD strongly argue for a large scale prospective study to critically test these relationships.Therefore, the aims of this prospective study of patients with moderate to very severe COPD are to: 1) Examine the relationship between SERT polymorphisms with depression; 2) Examine the bi-directional longitudinal relationship between markers of systemic inflammation (CRP, IL-1ra, IL-6, IL-12, TNF-α, and IFN-γ) and depressive symptoms in COPD, and explore the role of exacerbations and SERT genotype in this relationship; and 3) Determine the relationship of depression, inflammation, and SERT genotype with decline in functional outcomes (six minute walk test distance, physical activity measured with accelerometers and dyspnea severity.
Federal Completed Grants
Funding Agency: NIH Title: Depression and functional outcomes in COPD: Impact of genetics and inflammation Status: Completed Period: 02/2010 - 11/2016 Role: Co-Investigator/Site PI Total Costs: $454,511.00 Grant Detail: I am the local PI for this two-center study. Depression is highly prevalent among patients with COPD. Therefore, the aims of this prospective study of patients with moderate to very severe COPD are to: 1) Examine the relationship between SERT polymorphisms with depression; 2) Examine the bi-directional longitudinal relationship between markers of systemic inflammation (CRP, IL-1ra, IL-6, IL-12, TNF-α, and IFN-γ) and depressive symptoms in COPD, and explore the role of exacerbations and SERT genotype in this relationship; and 3) Determine the relationship of depression, inflammation, and SERT genotype with decline in functional outcomes (six minute walk test distance, physical activity measured with accelerometers, dyspnea severity, and health related quality of life) in COPD over 2years.
Project #: CSP560 Funding Agency: VA Cooperative Study Program Title: Bronchitis and Emphysema Advice and Training to Reduce Hospitalization (BREATH) Status: Completed Period: 06/2006 - 02/2010 Role: Principal Investigator Total Costs: $2,429,000.00
Funding Agency: University of Texas System Patient Safety Committee Title: Web-based Interactive Professional Education in Asthma (WipeAsthma) Tool to Disseminate Best Practice Recommendations to Healthcare Professionals Status: Completed Period: 07/2012 - 06/2014
Role: Principal Investigator Total Costs: $119,750.00 Grant Detail: The purpose of this project is to create/evaluate a multidisciplinary Web-based Interactive Professional Education in Asthma (WipeAsthma) program.Private
Funding Agency: Boehringer Ingelheim - Unrestricted Grant for Continuing Education Title: WipeDiseases Interprofessional Education and UT Health Quality Improvement Interventions to Improve Practice in COPD Status: Active Period: 07/2018 - ONGOING Role: Principal Investigator
Page 19 of 24Last Revision Date: Friday, April 08, 2022 Adams SG Total Costs: $50,000.00 Grant Detail: In conjunction with the UT Health Quality and Lifelong Learning / Continuing Medical Education group. We implemented the UT Health QI strategies from the Clinical Safety and
Effectiveness (CS&E) Course and the WipeDiseases Foundation online COPD education into the University Health System (UHS) The healthcare professional clinicians/providers (learners) working in the primary care clinics.Funding Agency: AstraZeneca - Unrestricted Grant for Continuing Education Title: WipeDiseases Interprofessional Education and UT Health Quality Improvement Interventions to Improve Practice in COPD Status: Active Period: 09/2017 - ONGOING Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $97,250.00 Grant Detail: In conjunction with the UT Health Quality and Lifelong Learning / Continuing Medical Education group. We implemented the UT Health QI strategies from the Clinical Safety and Effectiveness (CS&E) Course and the WipeDiseases Foundation online COPD education into the University Health System (UHS) The healthcare professional clinicians/providers (learners) working in the primary care clinics.Funding Agency: Sunovion Pharmaceuticals: Unrestricted Grant for Continuing Education Title: WipeDiseases Interprofessional Education and UT Health Quality Improvement Interventions to Improve Practice in COPD Status: Active Period: 07/2017 - ONGOING Role: Principal Investigator
Total Costs: $97,250.00 Grant Detail: In conjunction with the UT Health Quality and Lifelong Learning / Continuing Medical Education group. We implemented the UT Health QI strategies from the Clinical Safety and Effectiveness (CS&E) Course and the WipeDiseases Foundation online COPD education into the University Health System (UHS) The healthcare professional clinicians/providers (learners) working in the primary care clinics.Funding Agency: GlaxoSmithKline: Unrestricted Grant for Continuing Education Title: WipeDiseases Interprofessional Education and UT Health Quality Improvement Interventions to Improve Practice in COPD Status: Completed Period: 09/2013 - 08/2017 Role: Principal Investigator Total Costs: $325,000.00 Grant Detail: In conjunction with the UT Health Quality and Lifelong Learning / Continuing Medical Education group. We implemented the UT Health QI strategies from the Clinical Safety and Effectiveness (CS&E) Course and the WipeDiseases Foundation online COPD education into the University Health academic medical group of primary care clinicians (Family and Community Medicine and Internal Medicine) at the Medical Arts and Research Center (MARC) clinics. We have successfully impacted and improved the care of patients with COPD in our academic / University-based private primary care clinics by improving spirometry rates for patients with billing codes for “COPD” from a mean of 57.3% before the interventions to 74.0% the following year. Our interventions included monthly assignments from the interactive, web-based WipeDiseases™ Foundation COPD educational courses, information technology reminders for the clinicians managing patients with COPD, and implementing PDSA (plan, do, study, act) quality improvement cycles. The rates of patients with COPD who have undergone spirometry continue to rise and reached a mean rate of 87.1% over the last six quarters(after the educational interventions and PDSA cycles stopped), which speaks to the sustainability of these interventions. In addition, our rates of influenza vaccinations have risen from approximately 56% to 99% and have remained between 98-100% even after the interventions concluded.
Funding Agency: The Chest Foundation and The American College of Chest PhysiciansTitle: Distinguished Scholar Award in Respiratory Health Status: Completed Period: 09/2010 - 02/2014 Role: Principal Investigator Total Costs: $150,000.00 Grant Detail: This grant is for an educational project entitled WipeCOPD, which stands for Web-based Interactive Professional Education in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. I have modified the "live" interactive COPD regional education programs entitled "COPD: What Really Works? A Best Practices Workshop for Primary Care" to develop an interactive web-based education for primary care clinicians (MD/DO, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants), respiratory therapists, phrarmacists, nurses, medical assistants, medication aids, etc. This on-line course is a way to disseminate evidence-based guidelines in an interactive format with practical examples of how the guidelines can be applied to clinical practice. In addition, the web technology will be able to reach a large audience, allow clinicians and other healthcare professionals to learn at their own pace as they have available time, and will be available for a refresher of important information as these learners encounter patients with particular problems.
2017-Present Chair PCCM Fellowship Clinical Competency Committee (CCC)
2005-2014 Member Resident Remediation: Working individually with housestaff who
need extra help with organization, knowledge, clinical judgment, etc.
2001-Present Member Supervision/Participation in Weekly Fellows‘ Conferences (8 hours/week)2009-2012 Member Medical Dental Research Committee Member: UHS
2012-2016 Member Veterans Affairs Research and Development Committee, South Texas Veterans Health Care System: The R&D committee is
responsible for reviewing all research conducted at the South Texas Veterans Health Care System
2007-2010 Medical Medical Intensive Care Unit at UHS: Associate Medical Director2012-Present Member University of Texas Academy of Master Teachers
2018-Present Organizing committee Shine Academy Innovation in Health Science Education Conference, UT System. The Shine
Academy has an annual meeting showcasing education within the UT system throughout the state of Texas. This committee is responsible for organizing
this annual conference. 2013-Present Member Shine Academy in Health Science EducationService to the Profession
2001-Present Medical Intensive Care Unit Attending Clinical Role Description: University Hospital or The South Texas Veterans Health Care System (VA Hospital), 8-10 weeks/year, (40++ hours/week)
2001-Present Pulmonary Consultation Service Attending Clinical Role Description: University Hospital and The South Texas Veterans Health Care System (VA Hospital) simultaneously, 8-16 weeks/year, (40++ hours/week)
2001-Present Weekend Transplant/Consult/Cystic Fibrosis Attending Clinical Role Description: University Hospital, 8-16 weekends/year, (5-10 hours/day)
1997-1998 University Hospital Medicine Ward Attending as a Hospitalist (full time)OUTPATIENT CARE
Dates Service Role Title 2004-Present VA Pulmonary Clinic Attending Clinical Role Description: South Texas Veterans Health Care System, 50 weeks/year, (one-half day clinic/week)
2004-Present VA Lung Mass Clinic Attending Clinical Role Description: South Texas Veterans Health Care System, 15-16 weeks/year, (one-half day clinic/week)
2001-Present Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) Supervision of pulmonary fellows’ interpretations Clinical Role Description: University Health System interpretation of PFTs, 26-30 weeks/year
2001-Present UHS Downtown Pulmonary Clinic Attending Clinical Role Description: University Health System Pulmonary ClinicCommunity
2012-Present President and Founder of the WipeDiseases Foundation, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit entity whose mission is to develop high-quality interactive education to improve the lives of patients and their families.
2008-2014 Health Education on Dangers of Tobacco and Drug Use: Villa Serena Community Center
2008-2014 Patient Care Community Spirometry Screening: At the Martin Luther King Jr Annual March, we performed free spirometry tests for smokers with any respiratory symptoms -
Bresnahan LZ, Bowen EO, Patterson JE, Adams SG. Transformational learning for care of chronic lung disease using interprofessional pedagogies. Selected for oral presentation at Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education to be presented in Scottsdale, AZ; 2017 May. Adams SG, Bowen EO, Bresnahan LZ, Hart MK, Patterson JE. COPD educational interventions improve clinical practice. Invited oral presentation (30 minutes) at Alliance for Continuing Education in Health Professions Annual Meeting in National Harbor, MD; 2017 Jan. Adams SG, et al. Web-based, interactive professional education in COPD (WipeCOPD) facilitates practice changes in primary care. Oral presentation at the World Congress on Continuing Professional Development conference (occurs every four years San Diego, CA; 2017 Jan. Adams SG. The interprofessional web-based interactive professional education in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (WipeCOPD) educational program facilitates actual behavioral changes in primary care clinics. Oral presentation at the Annual University of Texas; 2016 Feb. Bowen EO, Bresnahan LZ, Adams SG, Patterson JE. Patterson JE. Evidence of transformation learning through the use of interprofessional pedagogies. Poster presentation at Alliance for Continuing Education in Health Professions Annual Meeting in National Harbor, MD; 2016 Jan. Amalakuhan Bravein, Adams SG. Improving outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the role of the interprofessional approach; 2015 Oct. (International Journal of COPD). Adams SG, Bresnahan LZ, Bowen EO, Patterson JE. Best in Class in Outcomes, Keynote Presentation entitled: COPD educational interventions improve clinical practice. Oral presentation at the Alliance Industry Summit (AIS) meeting in Philadelphia, PA; 2015 May. Adams SG, Hart MK, Bowen EO, Bresnahan LZ, Patterson JE. COPD continuing education improves quality in clinical practice. Oral presentation at CHEST 2015 Annual meeting in Montreal, Canada; CHEST 2015:148(4_MeetingAbstracts);470A; 2015 Jan. Abedi A, Velez MI, Restrepo MI, Anzueto AR, Adams SG. Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Secondary to Sirolimus-Induced Pneumonitis in a Non-Transplant Patient; 2014 May. (Proceedings of the American J of Resp and Crit Care Med). Zatikyan N, King P, Malave AJ, Adams SG. Symptoms with a Slippery Solution; 2014 May. (Proceedings of the American J of Resp and Crit Care Med). Adams SG, Fan VS, Nguyen HQ, Borson S, Kohen R, Matute-Bello M, Pagalilauan G, Anzueto AR. Clinical Outcomes in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease are Associated with Perception of Dyspnea more than Exacerbation Risk or Disease Severity Measured by Lung Function; 2013 Oct. (CHEST). Velez MI, Angel LF, Levine SM, Adams SG. "Spontaneous" Pneumothorax in a Patient with Severe Emphysematous Lung Disease; 2013 May. (American Thoracic Society International Meeting Abstracts; vol. 187, no. 1). Adams SG, Pitts J, Wynne J, Yawn B, Diamond E, Lee S, Dellert E, Hanania N. Impact of a Reproducible, Interactive Continuing Education Program on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease on Clinical Practice of Healthcare Professionals; 2011 Oct. (CHEST; vol. 140, no. 4). Adams SG, Pitts, Jennifer, Yawn, Barbara P, Wynne, JoEllyn, Diamond, Edward J, Hanania, Nicola A. An Interactive Continuing Education Program on Best Practice Recommendations for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Care Improved Confidence, Knowledge, and Clinical Practice of Primary Care Clinicians; 2010 Oct. (CHEST; vol. 138, no. 4).
Electronic/Web Publication
1. Adams SG, Martinez FJ, Reyes R. Fighting to Breathe: Ensuring Quality COPD Care for All – Case Consults: Nov 2021. Available from https://learning.freecme.com/views/course/catalog.jsp?search=COPD
2. Martinez FJ, Reyes R, Adams SG. Fighting to Breathe: Ensuring Quality COPD Care for All Case Consults – Infographic Text: Nov 2021. Available from https://learning.freecme.com/views/course/catalog.jsp?search=COPD
3. Reyes R, Martinez FJ, Adams SG. Fighting to Breathe: Ensuring Quality COPD Care for All – Prime Time Activity: Nov 2021. Available from https://learning.freecme.com/views/course/catalog.jsp?search=COPD
4. Adams SG. Adult Healthcare Professional (HCP) Overview Inhaler Tutorials (Aerosol, Single-Dose Dry Powder Inhalers, Multi-dose Dry Powder Inhaler, Nebulizers) 2021 Nov. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/user/WipeCOPD
5. Adams SG. Adult Healthcare Professional (HCP) Individual Inhaler Tutorials (Diskus, Ellipta, Flexhaler, Handi-Haler, Jet Nebulizer, In-Hub, MDI, NeoHaler, Pressair, Redihaler, Respiclick, Respimat, and Twisthaler) 2021 Nov. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/user/WipeCOPD
6. Adams SG. Pediatric Inhaler Tutorials (Diskus, Ellipta, Flexhaler, In-Hub, MDI, Redihaler, Respiclick, and Twisthaler) 2021 Nov. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/user/WipeCOPD
7. Adams SG. WipeDiseases Foundation: Clean Hands Songs 2021 Feb. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-tvMyzzcQ0
8. Adams SG. Documentation Game for Coding and Billing an Inpatient Admission Note 2020 Dec. Available from: https://hcp.wipediseases.org/copd-diagnosis/
9. Adams SG. Defining Severe And Difficult-to-Control Asthma ReachMD; 2020 Sep. Available from: https://reachmd.com/programs/cme/defining-severe-difficult-asthma/11686/
10. Adams SG, Castro M. The Role of Targeted Therapy in Severe Asthma with Type 2 Inflammation. September 2020. Available at https://reachmd.com/programs/cme/the-role-of-targeted-therapy-insevere- asthma-with-type-2-inflammation/11677/
11. Adams SG, Peters AT. A Practical Approach to Severe Asthma Therapies. September 2020. Available at https://reachmd.com/programs/cme/a-practical-approach-to-severe-asthmath...11681/
12. Adams SG, Rogers L. Defining Severe & Difficult Asthma. September 2020. Available at https://reachmd.com/programs/cme/defining-severe-difficult-asthma/11686/
13. Adams SG. Videos and "Stories" for patients, students, and all healthcare professionals, including stories such as “Offering a smoker $10 today”, “The unheard” parts 1 & 2, “There’s nothing that a good day of ___________can’t cure”, “Meet my friend ‘Joe’” parts 1 2020 Jun. Available from:
14. Adams SG. COPD Diagnosis and Individualized Selection of Treatments and Devices 2019 Oct. Available from: https://hcp.wipediseases.org/copd-diagnosis/
15. Adams SG. Dangers of Vaping: Series of Videos for Patients 2019 Sep. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbV0fHFSI-ZpruPOreDLV4beX1N56IwRP
16. Adams SG. Clinical Aspects of E-cigarette / Vaping Associated Lung Injury (EVALI) 2019 Sep. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbV0fHFSI-ZpruPOreDLV4beX1N56IwRP Page 14 of 24 Last Revision Date: Friday, April 08, 2022 Adams SG
17. Adams SG. Paradigm and WipeDiseases Foundation: You make the call: What’s the diagnosis? Asthma, COPD, Overlap, or a Mimicker… 2019 Apr. Available from: https://hcp.wipediseases.org/asthma-copd-aco/
18. Adams SG. Smoking Cessation: Myths, Tips, and Tricks about Stopping Smoking: Series of Eight Videos 2019 Apr. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5zzBCrByo8
19. Adams SG. Percussion and Tactile Fremitus Lung Examination 2018 Jun. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITQWS_jdPXs
20. Adams SG. Chest Percussion Techniques: Optimal Percussion Sounds 2018 May. Available from: ”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lhe06ZTBV_A
21. Adams SG. PilotforPulmonary. France Foundation. Interview on the evaluation and management of Non-tuberculous mycobacterial disease, particularly with pulmonary cavitary lesions 2017 Nov. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0CUSnAr17s&list=PLYSugfOQLbffJKMejw_QUa...
22. Vega CP, Adams SG. Best practices in asthma: from MDI missteps to monitoring adherence. Medscape Family Medicine: 2017 May. Available from: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/878937
23. Adams SG. Women Who Quit Smoking Do Live Longer 2012 Oct. Available from: http://www.medpagetoday.com/PrimaryCare/Smoking/35605
24. Adams SG. WipeCOPD YouTube Channel: High-definition videos for patients: a. “What is COPD” b. “How to use an Aerolizer” c. “How to use an Autohaler” d. “How to use a Diskus” e. “How to use a Flexhaler” f. “How to use a HandiHaler” g. “How to use a Metered D 2012 Jan. Available from:
25. Adams SG. Tactile Fremitus: Cups Demonstration 2012 Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzgdaJCf0Mk
26. Adams SG. Ask UT Medicine: COPD, ear tubes raise questions San Antonio, TX: 2008 Nov. Available from: http://www.mysanantonio.com/health/columnists/ask_ut_medicine/Ask_UT_Med...Presentations
10/2021 Individualizing the Management of Veterans with Severe Asthma; VA Grand Rounds x 3 Veterans Affairs Healthcare Systems across the US. (Invited Speaker); 150+ attendees
01/2021 Clinical Update in Pulmonary Conditions Associated with Tobacco Dependence and Ecigarette Use: A Case-based Approach; Grand Rounds Mount Sinai Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY: Invited Keynote Speaker; National meeting with 25+ attendees
12/2020 Application of VA Clinical Practice Guidelines in the Management of Asthma; VA Grand Rounds x 4 Veterans Affairs Healthcare Systems across the US (Southern Nevada in Las Vegas, NV, Chillicothe, OH, Northern Arizona in Prescott, AZ). (Invited Speaker); 200+attendees
12/2020 Clinical Update in Pulmonary Conditions Associated with Tobacco Dependence and Ecigarette Use: A Case-based Approach, 2020 Addictions and Their Treatment Course:Advanced Addiction Psychopharmacology, American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP), San Antonio, TX (Invited Speaker); 90+ attendees
07/2020 Real World Strategies to Improve Allergic Asthma Management, Grand Rounds, Bayfront Health, St Petersburg, FL (Invited Speaker); 25+ attendees
06/2020 Real World Strategies to Improve Allergic Asthma Management, Grand Rounds, CitizensMedical Center, Victoria, TX (Keynote Speaker); 30+ attendees
11/2019 Interprofessional Education and Quality Improvement Interventions to Improve COPD Care, MEGO 2019 Showcasing Medical Education Grants, AstraZeneca Headquarters, Wilmington, DE (Invited Speaker); 75+ attendees
11/2019 Improving the Management of Veterans with Severe Uncontrolled Asthma, VA Grand Rounds, Veterans Affairs Hospital System, Chillicothe, VA and Beckley WV (Keynote Speaker); 90+ attendees
10/2019 Inhaler Demonstration Videos: Enduring product with "live" sessions accompanying thevideo sessions in the self-study stations, CHEST 2019, American College of Chest Physicians, New Orleans, LA (Sole Presenter); 5000+ attendees
10/2019 Severe Asthma Virtual Patient Tours. Video-based “choose your own adventure” for patients with severe uncontrolled asthma for the self-study stations, CHEST 2019, American College of Chest Physicians, New Orleans, LA (Sole Presenter); 2000+ attendees
10/2019 Air Diver GAME. Video-based game for severe asthma for the self-study stations, CHEST
2019, American College of Chest Physicians, New Orleans, LA (Co-Presenter); 3000+ learners
09/2019 Individualized Management of Challenging Cases in Asthma, COPD, and Asthma/COPD Overlap, 2019 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Family Physicians, AAFP, Philadelphia, PA (Co-Presenter); 350+ attendees
04/2019 Improving the Management of Patients with Severe Uncontrolled Asthma, Grand Rounds, Richmond, VA (Keynote Speaker); 45+ attendees
04/2019 Individualized Management of Challenging Cases in Asthma, COPD, and Asthma/COPD Overlap, 2019 American College of Physicians Annual Meeting, ACP, Philadelphia, PA (Co-Presenter); 300+ attendees
01/2019 Changing Clinicians’ Behavior: What Strategies Work?, Annual Meeting for ACEhp 2019, Alliance for Continuing Education in Health Professions, National Harbor, MD (Co- Presenter); 150+ attendees
10/2018 Problem-based Learning Small Group Session. COPD and preventing acute exacerbations and readmissions, CHEST 2018, American College of Chest Physicians, San Antonio, TX (Keynote Speaker); 25 learners
06/2018 Pulmonary Board Review Series, American College of Physicians Board Review Series, American College of Physicians, San Antonio, TX (Invited Speaker); 200+ attendees
04/2018 Changing Clinicians’ Behavior: What Strategies Work? Workshop, Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education (SACME) Annual Conference, SACME, San Antonio, TX (Co-Presenter); 30+ learners
02/2018 Changing Clinicians’ Behavior: What Strategies Work? Workshop, Shine Academy Innovations in Health Science Education, UT System Shine Academy, Austin, TX (Co- Presenter) 20+ learners
10/2017 WipeDiseases™ Foundation COPD Continuing Education and UT Health Quality Improvement Interventions Facilitate Sustainable Clinical Practice Changes in Primary Care, CHEST 2017, American College of Chest Physicians, Toronto, Canada (Invited Speaker); 75+ attendees
10/2017 Inhaler Demonstration “Live” sessions accompanying the video sessions in the self-study stations, CHEST 2017, American College of Chest Physicians, Toronto, Canada; 50+ attendees
09/2017 CE & QI Strategies Result in Sustainable Changes in Clinicians' Behavior in Caring for COPD Patients, Quality and Innovations Summit, Alliance for Continuing Education in Health Professions, Park City, UT (Invited Speaker); 200+ attendees
07/2017 Personalized Management of Patients With Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis in Clinical Practice: Emphasis on Improving Tolerability and Safety, Grand Rounds: Chicago, IL, Indianapolis, IN, Bowling Green, KY, Dallas, TX, Grand Rounds, Cleveland, OH (Keynote Speaker); 200+ attendees
06/2017 Pulmonary Board Review Series, American College of Physicians Board Review Series, American College of Physicians, San Antonio, TX (Invited Speaker); 200+ attendees
05/2017 Transformational Learning for Care of Chronic Lung Disease Using Interprofessional Pedagogies., Society for Academic Continuing Medical Education Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ; 250+ attendees
10/2016 Inhaler Demonstration “Live” sessions accompanying the video sessions in the self-study stations, CHEST 2017, American College of Chest Physicians, Los Angeles, CA; 80+ attendees
06/2016 Pulmonary Board Review Series, American College of Physicians Board Review Series, American College of Physicians, San Antonio, TX (Invited Speaker); 200+ attendees
03/2016 Three Novel, Interactive Self-Guided Education Platforms in Lung Diseases: from the Learners’ Home to the International CHEST Society Annual Meeting: Virtual Clinics, Virtual Patient Tours, and Interactive Self Study Stations., World Congress on Continuing Professional Development, San Diego, CA (Invited Speaker); 400+ learners
03/2016 The Interprofessional Web-based Interactive Professional Education in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (WipeCOPD) Educational Program Facilitates Actual Behavioral Changes in Primary Care Clinics., World Congress on Continuing Professional Development, San Diego, CA (Invited Speaker); 400+ attendees
02/2016 The Interprofessional Web-based Interactive Professional Education in ChronicObstructive Pulmonary Disease (WipeCOPD) Educational Program Facilitates Actual Behavioral Changes in Primary Care Clinics., University of Texas System Innovations in Health Science Education Annual Conference, Austin, TX (Keynote Speaker) 150+ attendees
01/2016 COPD Educational Interventions Improve Clinical Practice. Alliance for Continuing Education in Health Professions Annual Meeting 2016, National Harbor MD (Invited Speaker) 200+ attendees
01/2016 AECOPD: What Improves Outcomes and Reduces Readmissions? CHEST 2015, Montreal, Canada. (Invited Speaker); 100+ attendees
10/2015 Inhaler Demonstration “Live” sessions accompanying the video sessions in the self-study stations. CHEST 2015, Montreal, Canada (Invited Speaker); 100+ attendees
10/2015 COPD Continuing Education Improves Quality in Clinical Practice. Oral Presentation CHEST 2015, Montreal, Canada (Invited Speaker); 30+ attendees
06/2015 Pulmonary Board Review Series, American College of Physicians Board Review Series, American College of Physicians, San Antonio, TX (Invited Speaker) 200+ attendees
05/2015 COPD educational interventions improve clinical practice. Alliance Industry Summit, Bestin Class in Outcomes, Philadelphia, PA (Award Winner/Keynote Speaker) 125+ attendees
10/2014 Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Active Learning Cases. CHEST 2014, Austin, TX (Invited Speaker); 80+ attendees
10/2014 AECOPD: Strategies to Improve Outcomes and Reduce Readmission Rates. CHEST2014, Austin, TX (Invited Speaker); 110+ attendees
02/2014 WipeCOPD: What can be done online? 10th Annual Innovation in Health Science Education Conference, Austin, TX (Keynote Speaker) 250+ attendees
10/2013 The Past, Present, and Future of COPD: How Do the Revised GOLD Recommendations Apply to My Patients? Chest 2013 Annual Meeting, Airways NetWork Track, American College of Chest Physicians, Chicago, IL (Invited Speaker); 30+ attendees
10/2013 Which Patients are at Higher Risk for Complications of COPD and AECOPD? Chest 2013 Annual Meeting, Morning Educational Symposium, American College of Chest Physicians, Chicago, IL (Invited Speaker); 280+ attendees
10/2013 Update on the WipeCOPD Educational Program, Chest 2013 Annual Meeting, Airways NetWork, American College of Chest Physicians, Chicago, IL (Invited Speaker); 50+ attendees
10/2012 Clinical Outcomes in COPD are Associated with Perception of Dyspnea more than Exacerbation Risk or Disease Severity Measured by Lung Function, CHEST 2012 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (Invited Speaker); 40+ attendees
10/2012 How Do the Revised GOLD Recommendations Apply to My Practice? CHEST 2012 Annual Meeting, American College of Chest Physicians, Atlanta, GA (Invited Speaker); 100+ attendees
10/2012 Revised GOLD Recommendations: A Paradigm Shift, CHEST 2012 Annual Meeting, What's New in COPD, American College of Chest Physicians, Atlanta, GA (Invited Speaker); 90+ attendees
10/2012 COPD and Cyberspace: Web-based, Interactive Professional Education in COPD (WipeCOPD), CHEST 2012 Annual Meeting, Respiratory Care NetWork, American College of Chest Physicians, Atlanta, GA (Invited Speaker); 40+ attendees
10/2012 Maximizing Asthma Patient Outcomes Through Improved Management, CHEST 2012 Annual Meeting, Airways NetWork Highlight, American College of Chest Physicians, Atlanta, GA (Invited Speaker); 60+ attendees
05/2012 Improving Outcomes in COPD: A Case-Based Approach, Pulmonary Grand Rounds, Pulmonary / Critical Care Division, North Shore LIJ, Long Island, NY (Keynote Speaker) 20+ attendees
02/2012 How to perform a gap analysis and needs assessment, Instructional Design Course,American College of Chest Physicians, Carlsbad, CA (Invited Speaker); 50+ attendees
01/2012 How to Perform a Gap Analysis and Needs Assessment, Simulation and Program Committee Meeting, American College of Chest Physicians, Chicago, IL (Invited Speaker); 50+ attendees
10/2011 Impact of a Reproducible, Interactive Continuing Education Program on ChronicObstructive Pulmonary Disease on Clinical Practice of Healthcare Professionals, CHEST Annual Meeting: 2011, COPD Outcomes Section, American College of Chest Physicians, Honolulu, HI (Invited Speaker);
10/2011 Educating Primary Care Clinicians About COPD: Lessons Learned and Future Directions, CHEST Annual Meeting: 2011, Respiratory Care NetWork, Honolulu, HI (Invited Speaker); 45+ attendees
10/2011 Update on Progress of Distinguished Scholar Award Project, CHEST Annual Meeting: 2011, Airways Disorders NetWork, American College of Chest Physicians, Honolulu, HI (Invited Speaker); 25+ attendees
03/2011 Identifying a Practice Gap, American College of Chest Physicians Board of Regents Meeting, Instructional Design Course, American College of Chest Physicians, Ft Lauderdale, FL (Invited Speaker); 50+ attendees
06/2011 Update in COPD and Acute Exacerbations of COPD in 2011, Family Medicine Grand Rounds, Department of Family and Community Medicine, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX (Invited Speaker); Interactive Grand Rounds lecture: 1 hour continuing medical education,Journal Article
Nguyen HQ, Herting JR, Pike KC, Gharib SA, Matute-Bello G, Borson S, Kohen R, Adams SG, Fan VS. Symptom profiles and inflammatory markers in moderate to severe COPD. BMC Pulm Med.(1):173 2016 Dec;. Nguyen HQ, Herting JR, Pike KC, Gharib SA, Matute-Bello G, Borson S, Kohen R, Adams SG, Fan VS. Symptom profiles and inflammatory markers in moderate to severe COPD. BMC Pulm Med.3;16(1):173 2016 Dec;. Soni NJ, Reyes LF, Keyt H, Arango A, Gelfond JA, Peters JI, Levine SM, Adams SG, Restrepo MI. Use of ultrasound guidance for central venous catheterization: a national survey of intensivists and hospitalists. J Crit Care. 36:277-283. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2016.07.014 2016 Dec;. Schure MB, Borson S, Nguyen HQ, Trittschuh EH, Thielke SM, Pike KC, Adams SG, Fan VS. Associations of cognition with physical functioning and health-related quality of life among COPD patients. Respir Med.114:46-52. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2016.03.005 2016 May;. Adams SG. Improving outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the role of the interprofessional approach. p.1225-1232. (International Journal of COPD) 2015 Oct;. Fleehart S, Fan VS, Nguyen HQ, Lee J, Kohen R, Herting JR, Matute-Bello G, Adams SG, Pagalilauan G, Borson S. Prevalence and correlates of suicide ideation in patients with COPD: a mixed methods study. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 10:1321-9. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S65507 2014 Dec;. Nguyen HQ, Fan VS, Herting J, Lee J, Fu M, Chen Z, Borson S, Kohen R, Matute-Bello G, Pagalilauan G, Adams SG. Patients with COPD with Higher Levels of Anxiety are More Physically Active Chest 2013 Jul;144(1):145-151. Fan VS, Gaziano JM, Lew R, Bourbeau J, Adams SG, Leatherman S, Thwin SS, Huang GD, Robbins R, Sriram PS, Sharafkhaneh A, Mador MJ, Sarosi G, Panos RJ, Rastogi P, Wagner TH, Mazzuca SA, Shannon C, Colling C, Liang MH, Stoller JK, Fiore L, Niewoehner DE. A Comprehensive Care Management Program to Prevent Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Hospitalizations Annals of Internal Medicine 2012 May;156(10):673-690. Hospenthal MA, Adams SG,. Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: The Overlap Syndrome Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews 2012 Apr;8(2):131-136. Maselli DJ, Adams SG, Peters JI. The role of anti-infectives in the treatment of refractory asthma Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 2011 Dec;5(6):387-396. Henao-Martinez AF, Fernandez JF, Adams SG, Restrepo C. Lung Bullae With Air-Fluid Levels, What Is the Appropriate Therapeutic Approach? Respir Care 2011 Oct;. Sonetti DA, Hospenthal AC, Adams SG. Integrated management strategies for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare 2010 Sep;20(3):181-188. Adams SG, Anzueto A, Briggs DD, Leimer I, Kesten S. Evaluation of withdrawal of maintenance tiotropium in COPD Respir Med 2009 Oct;103(10):1415-1420. Adams SG, Anzueto AR. A pharmacotherapeutic approach to improving health-related quality of life for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Clin Pulm Med 2009 May;16(3):115-126. Adams SG, Sanchez, J. Clinical Strategies in COPD RT Magazine 2007 May;:30-35. Adams SG, Smith PK, Allan PF, Anzueto AR, Pugh JA, Cornell JE. Systematic review of the Chronic Care Model in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease prevention and management Arch Intern Med 2007 Mar;167:551-561. Adams SG, Anzueto A, Pugh JA, Lee S, Hazuda HP. Mexican American elders have similar severities of COPD despite less tobacco exposure than European American elders Respir Med 2006 Nov;100:1966-1972. Adams SG, Anzueto A, Briggs DD, Menjoge SS, Kesten S. Tiotropium in COPD patients not previously receiving maintenance respiratory medications Respir Med 2006 Jan;100(9):1495-1503. Adams SG. Managing COPD to improve quality of life Drug Benefit Trends 2006 Jan;18(4):259-265. Adams SG, Pugh JA, Kazis LE, Lee S, Anzueto A. Characteristics associated with sustained abstinence from smoking among patients with COPD Am J Med 2006 Jan;119(5):441-447. Adams SG. Managing COPD: Acute Exacerbations. Part 2 J Respir Dis 2005 Jan;26:335-341. Adams SG. Managing COPD: How to deal with the most common problems. Part 1 J Respir Dis 2005 Jan;26:284-289. Adams SG, Anzueto AR. Antibiotic therapy in acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis: The antibiotics. Part 2 Pulmonary Perspectives 2002 Jan;19:1-5. Adams SG, Anzueto A, Anzueto AR. Antibiotic therapy in acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis Semin Respir Infect 2000 Sep;15(3):234-247.
Board Certifications
- American Board of Internal Medicine/Pulmonary Disease
- American Board of Internal Medicine/Critical Care Medicine