Departments & Divisions
Institutes & Centers
Yvonne de Paiva Buischi, DDS, PhD
Professional Background
- 2017 - Phase I and II of the ADEA/AAL Institute for Teaching and Learning (ITL) in the Health Professions
- 2006 - Advanced Education in General Dentistry (AEGD) - General Dentistry - Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York
- 1990 - Post-Doctoral Training - Periodontology and Preventive Dentistry - Public Dental Health Service, Karlstad, Sweden
- 1989 - Post-Doctoral Training - Periodontology and Community Dentistry - Dental School, University of Oslo, Norway
- 1981 - PhD - Biochemistry - Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo, Brazil
- 1979 - Specialist - Biochemistry - Institute of Chemistry, University of São Paulo, Brazil
- 1977 - Specialist - Periodontics - Dental School of Piracicaba, University of Campinas, Brazil
- 1975 - DDS - Ribeirao Preto, University of São Paulo, Brazil
- 2020-Present - Adjunct Assistant Professor-Periodontics - School of Dentistry, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
- 2015-Present - Clinical Associate Professor-F/T-Department of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry - New York University College of Dentistry, New York
- 2011-2014 - Senior Research Scientist-F/T-Department of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry - New York University College of Dentistry
- 2009-2011 - Senior Research Scientist-F/T-Department of Cariology & Comprehensive Dentistry - New York University College of Dentistry
- 2005-2006 - Clinic Faculty Member-P/T-Division of Periodontics - Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York
- 2005-2006 - Research Fellow-P/T Division of Periodontics - Columbia University College of Dental Medicine, New York
- 1984-1988 - Senior Researcher Scientist - Brazilian National Government Research Council, Brazil
- 1984-2005 - Associate Professor-P/T Institute of Chemistry - University of São Paulo, Brazil
- 1977 - Associate Professor-P/T Institute of Chemistry - University of São Paulo, Brazil
- 1976 - Clinical Instructor-P/T Department of Periodontics - Catholic University of Campinas, Brazil
- 2015-Present - Periodontist - NYU Dentistry Faculty Practice South, New York
- 2006-2010 - Consultant - Dental School, Paulista State University (UNESP), Brazil
- 2006-2010 - Consultant - Pfizer Inc., Oral Care Research and Development Division, New York
- 2001 - Co-Chairman - WHO Consultation on Oral Health Promotion, WHO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland
- 2001 - Interim Director - WHO Oral Health Program Geneva, Switzerland Geneva, Switzerland
- 1999-2015 - Consultant - Borrow Milk Foundation, England
- 1994 - President, 5th World Congress on Preventive Dentistry (WCPD ’95) - co-sponsored by WHO and IADR, São Paulo, Brazil
- 1993-present - Member - World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Advisory Panel on Oral Health, Geneva, Switzerland
- 1993 - Member, WHO Expert Committee - Oral Health Status and Fluoride Use, Geneva, Switzerland
- 1991-1996 - Consultant - Colgate – Palmolive, Oral Care Division, Brazil
- 1989-2015 - Private Practice - São Paulo, Brazil
- 1989 - Member, Brazilian National Division of Oral Health - Ministry of Health Expert’s Committee, Brazil
- 1986-1987 - Consultant, Brazilian Ministry of Health - National Division of Oral Health, Brazil
- 1984-present - Consultant - São Paulo State Foundation for the Support of Research
- 1983-present - Consultant - Brazilian National Governmental Research Council
- 1979-1983 - Consultant - Johnson & Johnson, Oral Care Division, Brazil
Instruction & Training
- 2014, Periodontal Maintenance Therapy- QA Clinic workshops for PG Periodontology, International Periodontology and Implant Dentistry students. Hours: 48. , New York University
- 2014, Periodontal Instrumentation for International Periodontology and Implant Dentistry students. Hours: 24, New York University
- 2014-2016, QA Clinic for PG Periodontology, International Periodontology and Implant Dentistry students. Hours: 360, New York University
- 2015-2016, Current Literature Review in Periodontology, PG3 Perio students. Hours: 96, New York University
- 2015-2016, QA Clinic workshops for PG Periodontology, International Periodontology and Implant Dentistry students. Hours: 72. , New York University
- 2015-2016, Clinical Periodontology. Comprehensive Care Clinics 3AB-B, D3 and D4 NYU College of Dentistry students, Class size: 360, Hours: 2/week, New York University
- 2016-2019, Clinical Periodontology. Comprehensive Care Clinics 4CD-B, D3 and D4 NYU College of Dentistry students, Class size: 360, Hours: 2/week, New York University
- 2016-2019, Periodontal Competency Clinic, D4 NYU College of Dentistry students, Class size: 360, Hours: 2/week, New York University
- 2019, Boot Camp Perio clinical sessions, D3 NYU Dentistry Students. Class size: 360 Hours/Course: 08, New York University
- 2019-2020, Clinical Periodontology. Comprehensive Care Clinics 3CD- A, D3 and D4 NYU College of Dentistry students, Class size: 360, Hours: 2/week, New York University
- 2019, Clinical Periodontology. Comprehensive Care Clinics 5CD-A, D3 and D4 NYU College of Dentistry students, Class size: 360, Hours: 2/week, New York University
- 2020, Clinical Periodontology. Comprehensive Care Clinics 3AB- A, D3 and D4 NYU College of Dentistry students, Class size: 360, Hours: 2/week, New York University
- 2014, Applying the New Global Caries Management Paradigm (ICCMS) into Clinical Practice. Perio and Implant Seminar Series, Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, New York University
- 2016, Patient’s Reevaluation and Assessment of Outcomes of Care (QA Clinic), Perio and Implant Seminar Series, Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, New York University
- 2016, Initial Periodontal Therapy, Diagnosis of Oral Disease (DGS03-DN_2610), D2 NYU Dentistry students, Class size: 380, New York University
- 2017, Initial Periodontal Therapy, Diagnosis of Oral Disease (DGS03-DN_2610), D2 NYU Dentistry students, Class size: 380, New York University
- 2020, Online teaching: Changing Lives, Empowering Girls: The work of The Kenya Oral Health Study (KOES), D3 and D4 NYU Dentistry students, Clinic 3AB-A, Class size: 95, New York University
- 2020, Online teaching: Changing Lives, Empowering Girls: The work of The Kenya Oral Health Study (KOES), D3 and D4 NYU Dentistry students, Clinic 5CD-A, Class size: 95, New York University
- 2020, Online teaching: Patients Reevaluation and Assessment of Outcomes of Care, D3 and D4 NYU Dentistry students, Clinic 5CD-A, Class size: 95, New York University
Research & Grants
NYU Dentistry/Faculty of Dentistry of Aracatuba (UNESP), Brazil
Incidence, Distribution, and Severity of Enamel Demineralization around Clear Aligners when in Contact with Acid-containing Beverages- An in vitro study
Role: Principal Investigator 2020-present
The purpose of this study is to better understand what happens when a patient drinks acid-containing beverage without removing their clear aligners.
Funding agencies: The pilot portion of this study is funded through Faculty of Dentistry of Aracatuba (UNESP) / Prof. Alberto Carlos Botazzo Delbem’s funds, Aracatuba, Brazil.
NYU Dentistry/ Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil
Managing Oral Health by By Non-Dental Professionals
Role: Co-PI with Peter Loomer 2019-present
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of oral health training on non-dental undergraduate students (medical), and to assess their ability to accurately deliver oral health education to patients.
Funding agencies: The pilot portion of this study is funded through NYU/ Dr. Peter Loomer’s funds and Israeli Institute for Teaching and Research IIEP, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, Brazil.
NYU Dentistry/Kenya Methodist University School of Medicine/Kenya
Preventive Strategies to Improve Health Outcomes in Kenyan School Children
Role: Co-PI with Peter Loomer 2016-present
The purpose of this project is to test the effects of preventive strategies on oral and general health in school children in Kenya. Two different social environments will be compared, as will the effectiveness of using allied health care workers in the delivery of prevention.
Funding agencies: This project was initially funded through NYU start-up monies, and is currently supported by the non-profit Do A Little, San Francisco, California (US$92,764.00), Henry Schein Cares
(US$25,000.00) and by Colgate Palmolive (US$160,000.00).
Federal University of Bahia, Feira De Santana State University, Brazil/NYU Dentistry
The Influence of Periodontitis Severity Levels on Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Isaac Gomes-Filho) 2016-present
Grant PNE 007/2014
The purpose of this project is to evaluate the influence of periodontitis severity on DM.
Funding agencies: State of Bahia Research Support Foundation- FAPESB, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, Brazil.
Federal University of Bahia, Feira De Santana State University, Brazil/NYU Dentistry
The Impact of Dental Caries in Combination with Periodontitis on Quality of Life in Brazilian Adults
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Johelle Passos-Soares) 2016-present
The purpose of this project is to evaluate the association between the combined exposure to dental caries and periodontitis, and the impact of oral health on quality of life.
Funding agencies: State of Bahia Research Support Foundation- FAPESB, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, Brazil.
Federal University of Vale De Sao Francisco, Pernambuco, Feira De Santana State University, Brazil/NYU Dentistry
Osteoporosis, Tooth Loss and Periodontitis in Brazilian Postmenopausal Women
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Tiago J. Silva Oliveira) 2016-present
The purpose of this project is to evaluate a possible association between osteoporosis and oral health conditions; periodontitis and tooth loss.
Funding agencies: State of Bahia Research Support Foundation- FAPESB, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, Brazil.
Feira De Santana State University, Federal University of Bahia, Federal University of Reconcavo of Bahia, Brazil/NYU Dentistry
Transcriptional Profile of Apoptosis-Related Genes in Human Periferal Blood Mononuclear Cells Induced by Porphyromonas gingivalis HmuY
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Soraya Castro Trindade) 2016-2019
The purpose of this study was to assess the transcriptional profile of apoptosis-related genes in periferal blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), under in vitro P. gingivalis HmuY stimuli from individuals with chronic periodontitis. This project was funded by the State of Bahia Research Support Foundation- FAPESB, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - CNPq, Brazil.
NYU Dentistry/NYU College of Nursing
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Sefo SY Yoo) 2015-2017
Screening for Alcohol Abuse in Dental Patients by Dental Hygienists
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the attitudes and preparedness of post-graduate dental students towards alcohol abuse screening in the dental clinic before and after undergoing alcohol abuse screening and management training. This project was funded through NYU start-up monies, and we are currently soliciting additional funds through foundation grants.
NYU Dentistry/NYU College of Nursing
The Attitudes and Preparedness of Dental Students Regarding Alcohol Use/Abuse in Dental Patients
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Peter Loomer) 2015-2017
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the attitudes and preparedness of dental hygiene students towards alcohol abuse screening in the dental clinic before and after undergoing alcohol abuse screening and management training. This project was funded through NYU start-up monies.
NYU Dentistry/NYU College of Nursing
Dental Students’ Attitudes toward the Management of HIV Positive Patients
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Peter Loomer) 2015-2017
The purpose of this study was to assess the attitudes and preparedness of dental students in the management of HIV positive patients. The project was funded through NYU start-up monies.
NYU Dentistry
Patient Satisfaction with Dental Implant Treatment at New York University College of Dentistry
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Peter Loomer) 2014-2017
The aim of this study was to evaluate satisfaction among patients attending for provision of dental implant treatment by residents in the clinics of the Department of Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, New York University College of Dentistry. The project was funded through NYU start-up monies.
NYU Dentistry/NYU College of Nursing
The relationship of AUDIT Scores and Oral Diseases
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Peter Loomer) 2014-2017
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) scores and the presence and/or levels of oral diseases including periodontal diseases. The project was funded through NYU start-up monies.
NYU Dentistry
Incidence of Peri-implantitis Around Implants in Function for a Minimum of 4 years
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Stuart Froum) 2013-2016
The aim of this study was to measure the incidence (# of new cases) of peri-implantitis on dental implants with the same surface morphology placed at the New York University College of Dentistry clinics, as a quality assurance method. The project was funded by the PI.
NYU Dentistry /University of Oslo, Dental School
Global Approach to Implant Morbidity – A Prospective Multicenter Study
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Steven Engebretson) 2011-2015
The overall aim of this study was to facilitate collaboration among university dental clinics to collect prospective dental implant outcome data using the highly scalable University Health Network (UHN) data-sharing infrastructure. The project was funded through NYU start-up monies.
NYU Dentistry /NYU School of Medicine
Role of Oral and Intestinal Microbiota in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Steven Abramson) 2009-2011
NIH/ARRA 2009 Grant 1RC2AAR058986-01 Overall: US$4,000,000
The aim of this study was to determine the periodontal status of RA patients and healthy controls and to directly correlate, for the first time, the presence and abundance of subgingival microbiota with RA status, utilizing 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) pyrosequencing.
Resemblance of Tongue Anatomy in Twins
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Spielman AI) 2010-2011
Dental Caries, Salivary Streptococcus Mutans and Body Growth in Brazilian Infants
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Bretz W) 2009-2011
Periodontal Practice and Implant Placement: A Comparison Qualitative Study
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Koldsland OD) 2009-2011
The Relationship of Self-Perceived Oral Health and General Health of University Students in Nine Countries
Role: Co- Investigator (PI: Fukuzawa K) 2008-2009
2020-present Students Activity Committee, Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU) Omega Chapter, the National Honor Dental Society
2018 Member, Omicron Kappa Upsilon (OKU) Omega Chapter, the National Honor Dental Society
2017 Member, NYU College of Dentistry Academy of Distinguished Educators
Service to the Profession
2011-2019 American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) Member, AAP Membership Advisory Committee
2020-present Consultant, Membership Advisory Committee
2008-present American Dental Association (ADA)
2006-present American Association for Dental Research (AADR)
2006-present Northeastern Society of Periodontists (NESP)
2006-present American Academy of Periodontology (AAP)
1982-present Brazilian Dental Association (ABO) / 2007-2015 International Associate Director
1981-present International Association for Dental Research (IADR)
1997 Coordinator, General Assembly, 6th World Congress in Preventive Dentistry, (WCPD ’97), co-sponsored by WHO and IADR, Cape Town, South Africa
1996-1997 Executive Committee, 6th World Congress on Preventive Dentistry (WCDP ’97), co-sponsored by WHO and IADR, Cape Town, South Africa
1995 President, 5th World Congress on Preventive Dentistry (WCPD ’95), co-sponsored by WHO and IADR, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2009-present International Caries Detection and Assessment Systems (ICDAS) Coordinating Committee
1999-present Institute Pedro Martinelli
2018 Int'l Assoc of Dental Research Poster Session Chair, 2018 IADR/PER General Session, London, UK, Oral Health Knowledge & Awareness
1999-2005 Per Axelsson Oral Health Promotion (OHP) Ctr-São Paulo, Brazil/1999-2003 Original Founder & Former President/2003 President, 3rd Seminar on OHP/2002 President, 2nd Seminar on OHP/2001 President, 1st Seminar on OHP/2000 President, 1st International Congress on OHP/1999 President, Inauguration Seminar
1995-2005 IADR Brazilian Division/1989-2006 European Org for Caries Research (ORCA)/1989-2001 FDI World Dental Federation/1987-1995 IADR Scandinavian Division
1981-present Brazilian Associ for Preventive Dentistry (ABOPREV)/1993-1995 International Dir/1990-1991 Co-coord, Educational Campaign on OHP co-sponsored by WHO/1991 President, 5th Congress of the Brazilian Assoc for Preventive Dentistry/1989 President, 1st Seminar on Oral Health in Brazil, co-sponsored by São Paulo State Dental Assoc & WHO/1989-1991 President, ABOPREV
1978-present São Paulo State Dental Assoc (APCD)/2002-2006 Director, Community Services and OHP/1988 President, 2nd Meeting on Preventive Dentistry/1987 President,1st Meeting on Preventive Dentistry/1987-1988 Dir, Department of Preventive & Community Dentistry/1986 Coord, Oral Health National Campaign
- Sialic acid concentration in the attached gingival tissue of rats related to age and sex
- Variation in sialic acid concentration in gingival tissue from rats receiving excess of vitamin A
- Excess vitamin A and the metabolism of carbohydrates: variation of enzyme activities in gingiva of rats submitted to excess vita
- Prevention of caries and periodontal diseases in children
- Salivary Streptococcus Mutans and caries prevalence in Brazilian schoolchildren
- Destructive forms of periodontal disease in adolescents. A 3-year longitudinal study
- Effect of two preventive programs on oral health knowledge and habits among Brazilian schoolchildren
- Long-term effect of two preventive programs on the incidence of plaque and gingivitis in adolescents
- 'WHO expert committee on oral health status and fluoride use'
- Caries lesions and dental restorations as predisposing factors in the progression of periodontal diseases in adolescents
- Lack of effect of oral hygiene training on periodontal disease progression over three years in adolescents
- The effect of a new oral hygiene training program on approximal caries in 12-15 year-old Brazilian children. Results after three
- . Long- term effect of an oral hygiene training program on knowledge and reported behavior
- Resemblance of Tongue Anatomy in Twins
- Periodontal Disease and the Oral Microbiota in New-Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Factors Associated with Dental Caries, Periodontitis and Intra-Oral Lesions In Individuals With HIV/ AIDS
Buischi, YAP, Axelsson P, Barbosa MFZ, Barrela LG, Duarte Neto A, Lima FP. Situação bucal de escolares brasileiros: I. Prevalência da cárie dentária e S. mutans na saliva [Oral health situation of Brazilian school children: I. Caries and salivary S.Mutans prevalence]. Rev. Ass. Paul. Cirurg. Dent. 1(6): 319-321, 1987.
Axelsson, P, Buischi, YAP, Barbosa, MFZ, Karlsson, R, & Prado, MCB. The effect of a new oral hygiene training program on approximal caries in 12-year-old Brazilian children- Results after three years. Adv Dent Res. 8(2): 278-284, 1994.
Axelson P, Buischi YP. Prevencao a Sueca., Rev. ABO Nac.7(2): 76-8, 1999
Buischi Y, Yach D. Por um triz. Rev. ABO Nac.9(3): 188-9, 2001
Fukuzawa K, Nakagaki H, Morita I, Bilguun B, Sakakibara Y, Watanabe K, Athanassouli T, Polychronopoulou A, Borutta A, Stösser L, Lussi A, Hulla H, Buischi Y, SiqueiraT, Kim J-B, Maung KK, Navales M, Dey BS, Ha NTT, Thuy TT, Nghia L.L, Robinson C. University student’s responses to oral health questionnaire in 10 countries. Dent Jpn. 42: 90-92, 2006
Buischi Y. Disturbios alimentares. Rev. ABO Nac.5(1): 6-15, 2007
Buischi Y. Aspectos científicos da promoção da saúde bucal - com os olhos no futuro. Rev. ABO Nac.16(1): 6-15, 2008
Buischi Y. Erosao dental. Rev. ABO Nac. 18(2):70-80, 2010
Gomes-Filho IS, Aragão Farias NS, Teles Santos CA, Santana J, Barreto ML, Seixas da Cruz S, Bastos BPJ, Marques Neto J, Freitas Coelho JM, Moraes MC E, Hintz AM, Freitas CA, Godoy FFAC, Prates SPN, Buischi YP, Castro Trindade S. Periodontal Disease as a Risk Factor for Acute Myocardial Infarction. EC Dental Science 10.2:62-71, 2017
Gomes-Filho IS, Oliveira TJS, Passos SJS, Cerqueira EMM, Cruz SS, Trindade SC, Coelho JMF, Freitas COT, Oliveira DC, Borges LD, Coelho AF, Hintz AM, Buischi YP. Osteoporosis, Tooth Loss and Periodontitis In Brazilian Postmenopausal Women. EC Gynaecology 6.1:08-16, 2017.
Campos N Pirovani BO, Hernandes ACP, Buischi YP, Leonardi GB, Almeida JM, Nagata MJH. Tratamento de erupção passiva alterada: follow-up de 8 anos. Arch Health Invest, 8(10): 488, 2019
Campos N, Hernandes ANP, Morábito MJSD, Buischi YP, Nagata MJH. Surgical correction of gingival augmentation at the anterior region of the maxilla. ImplantNews Reab Oral, 5(5):812-8, 2020
Campos N, Buischi YP, Loomer PM, Bromage T, Ervolino E, Fucini SE, Pola NM, Hernandes ACP, Morabito AJS, Almeida JM, Nagata MJ. Adjuvant therapy with alendronate gel 1% for treatment of experimental periodontitis in rats. J Periodontal Implant Sci,51:e23 2021
Buischi YP, Campos N, Funari S, Kimathi M, Loomer PM. Improving oral health of adolescent girls in Kenya through education and training. Clin. Oral Investig (Submitted, June 2021)
ABSTRACTS (Selected from the last 11 years)
1. Scher JU, Ubeda C, Pillinger MH, Bretz W, Buischi Y, Rosenthal PB, Reddy SM. Characteristic oral and intestinal microbiota in rheumatoid arthritis (RA): A trigger for autoimmunity? Arthritis & rheumatism. 2010:62(10):1390-1390.
2. Scher, J U; Ubeda, C; Bretz, W; Pillinger, M H; Buischi, Y; Rosenthal, P B; Reddy, S M A distinctive oral microbiome characterizes periodontitis in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis & rheumatism. 2011:63(10).
3. Scher J, Ubeda C, Abramson S, Pamer E, Littman D, Buischi YADP, Tang V, Bretz W. Host, Microbial and Periodontal Clinical Status of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. Journal of Dental Research. 2011:90(B).
4. Bretz WA, Rosa OP, Silva S, Loesche WJ, Buischi YADP, Liu Y-H, Weitzman M. Infant Growth, Oral Infections and Dental Caries. Journal of Dental Research. 2011:90(B).
5. Koldsland OC, Buischi, YADP, Saba-Chujfi E, Romito GA, Dos Santos Pereira SA, Aass, AM. Are Periodontists Becoming Implantologists? Journal of Dental Research. 2011:90(B).
6. Loomer, P M; Buischi, Y. Promoting Oral and General Health Behaviors In Rural Kenyan School Children-Challenges In Private Versus Public School Settings. Annals of global health. 2015:81(1):96-97.
7. Passos-Soares, J; Santos, L; Gomes-Filho, I S; Cruz, S S; Coelho, J M; Trindade, S C; Balinha, I E; Silva, I C; Buischi, Y. The Impact of Dental Caries in Combination with Periodontitis on Quality of Life in Brazilian Adults. Journal of Dental Research. 2017:96(A).
8. Trindade, S C; Carvalho-Filho, P C; Gomes-Filho, I S; Pimentel, A M; Miranda, P M; Almeida, S; Passos-Soares, J D; Meyer, R; Cruz, S S; Buischi, Y; Xavier, M T. Transcriptional Profile of Apoptosis-Related Genes in Human Periferal Blood Mononuclear Cells Induced by Porphyromonas gingivalis HmuY. Journal of Dental Research. 2017:96(A).
9. Gomes-Filho, I S; Silva, I C; Cruz, S S; Balinha, I E; Trindade, S C; Santos, P N; Cerqueira, E D; Passos-Soares, J D; Coelho, J M; Figueiredo, A G; Hintz, A M; Coelho, A F; Buischi, Y; Scannapieco, F A; Barreto, M L. The Influence of Periodontitis Severity Levels on Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Dental Research. 2017:96(A).
10. Buischi Y, Campos N, Loomer PM. Dental Caries in School Girls of Poverty in Nanyuki, Kenya. 96th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR/Pan European Regional Congress, London, UK, July 2018, Journal of Dental Research, v.97A, Abstract #1467, 2018.
11. Loomer PM, Campos N, Messora MR, Mwongera K, Buischi YP. Comprehensive Health Promotion Improves Gingival Health of Girls in Kenya. In: IADR/AADR/CADR General Session, 2019, Vancouver. Journal of Dental Research, 2019. v. 98A. p. 1363-1363. (co-presenter)
12. Campos N, Buischi YP, Mwongera K, Loomer PM. Gingival Health in School Girls in Nanyuki, Kenya. In: IADR/AADR/CADR General Session, 2019, Vancouver. Journal of Dental Research, 2019.v. 98A. p. 1361-1361. (co-presenter)
13. Buischi YP, Campos N, Mwongera K, Loomer PM. Prevalence and Severity of Fluorosis among Girls in Nanyuki, Kenya. In: IADR/AADR/CADR General Session, 2019, Vancouver. Journal of Dental Research, 2019. v. 98A. p. 1360-1360. (presenter)
14. Pirovani BO, Hernandes ACP, Buischi YP, Leonardi GB, Almeida JM, Nagata MJH, Campos N. Tratamento de erupção passiva alterada: follow-up de 8 anos. Arch Health Invest, v.8 (special issue 10), p.488 , 2019. (co-presenter)
15. Loomer P, Campos N, Funari S, Kimathi M, Iqbal K, Buischi Y. Interproximal plaque and gingivitis reduction after comprehensive health promotion program. J Dent Res, Spec Iss_99A, 2020, abstract #1420
Authorship of Books
1. Buischi YAP. Promoção de Saúde Bucal na Clínica Odontológica [Oral Health Promotion in Dentistry], São Paulo: Artes Médicas: EAP-APCD, 2000. 336p
2. Buischi YAP, Siqueira T, Bonecker, M. Abra a Boca, Sem Vergonha! Dicas para um sorriso Bonito [Do Not Be Shy to Open Your Mouth! Tips for a Beautiful Smile], São Paulo: Artes Médicas, 2004. 66p.
3. Buischi YP, Loomer PM. Your Healthy Mouth, Your Healthy Life, New York: NYU Dentistry, 2019: 36p.
4. Buischi YP, Loomer PM. SIRI YA TABASAMU LA KUPENDEZA (Your Healthy Mouth, Your Healthy Life), New York: NYU Dentistry, 2019: 36p. Swahili language.
Chapters in Books
1. Buischi YAP, Louro Filho PP. Prevenção da cárie dentária e das doenças periodontais na criança [Prevention of dental caries and periodontal diseases in children]. In: Fagundes-Neto, U., Wehba, J. & Penna, F.J. (ed): Gastroenterologia Pediátrica, Rio de Janeiro, Medsi-Editora Médica e Científica Ltda.,
2 ed.,pp. 43-67, 1991.
2. Buischi YAP. Aspectos básicos da promoção de saúde bucal [Basic aspects of oral health promotion]. In: Todescan, F. & Bottino, M.A. (ed): Atualização na clínica odontológica, São Paulo, Artes Médicas, pp. 613-625, 1996.
3. Buischi YAP, Axelsson P. Controle mecânico da placa dental realizado pelo paciente [Mechanical plaque control by self - care]. In: Kriger, L. (ed): Promoção de Saúde Bucal, São Paulo, Artes Médicas, pp. 113-127, 1997.
4. Buischi YAP, Axelsson P. Controle mecânico da placa dental realizado pelo paciente [Mechanical plaque control by self - care]. In: Kriger, L. (ed): Promoção de Saúde Bucal, São Paulo, Artes Médicas, pp. 113-127, 1999.
5. Buischi YAP, Axelsson P. Controle mecânico do biofilme dental realizado pelo paciente [Mechanical
biofilm control by self - care] In: Buischi, YAP (ed): Promoção de Saúde Bucal na Clínica Odontológica [Oral Health Promotion in Dentistry], São Paulo, Artes Médicas, pp.171-211, 2000.
6. Buischi Y. Situação passada e atual da cárie dentária no Brasil [Past and current caries prevalence in Brazil] In: Rode, S.M. (ed): Prevenção / Pacientes com Necessidades Especiais, 23rd CIOSP, São Paulo, Artes Médicas, pp. 1-12, 2005.
7. Castro TS, Pimentel ACM, Rocha T, Carvalho-Filho P, Olczak T, Miranda PM, Mascarenhas M, Santos-Lima E, Buischi Y, Meyer R, Xavier M, Gomes-Filho IS. Relation between periodontal condition and the in vitro production of human HSP60 induced by recombinant HmuY of Porphyromonas gingivalis. In; Dos Santos EC (ed): Comunicacao Cientifica e Tecnologica em Odontologia.DOI 10.22533/at.ed. 6901901101, Ponta Grossa, Parana, Atena Editora, pp.85-95,2019.
8. Campos N, Furlaneto F, Buischi Y. Bleeding in Dental Surgery. In; Firstenberg MS (ed): Biosurgicals - The Next Frontier in Operative Approaches. DOI 10.5772/intechopen.89992London, UK, IntechOpen, pp.1-21, 2019.
Related media
- Buischi Y, Loomer P. Daraja Academy Empowers Girls to Own Their Health, Education, and Future. Help Health Happen Blog
- Buischi Y, Loomer P. New York University Dentists Visit Daraja. Daraja Academy Website
- Buischi Y, Loomer P. What’s Up DOC: Bridges to Better Oral Health, Periospectives
- Buischi Y, Loomer P. The Kenya Oral Health and Education Study (KOES) Website
- Buischi Y, Loomer P. Daraja Girls Become Leaders in Oral Health