Departments & Divisions
John McCarrey, Ph.D.
University of Texas at San Antonio
Kleberg Distinguished University Chair in Cellular & Molecular Biology
Research in Dr. McCarrey’s lab is centered on the development, differentiation, and epigenetic regulation of mammalian germ cells and stem cells. The lab is interested in 1) the occurrence and correction of epimutations in the germline, 2) the effects of assisted reproductive technologies on the induction of epimutations in the offspring produced, 3) the development of spermatogonial stem cells, 4) the maintenance of enhanced genetic integrity in germline and pluripotent cells, 5) the regulation of gene expression in germ cells, 6) X-chromosome activity or inactivity in germ cells, 7) germline epigenetic programming, and 8) developing the baboon as a preclinical model for studies of stem cell-based therapies.
Areas of Specialization
» Epigenetic regulation of cell functions
» Mammalian germ cells and stem cells
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