Zenong Yin, Ph.D.
Loretta J. Lowak Clarke Distinguished Professor in Health and Kinesiology
Dr. Zenong Yin is the Loretta J. Lowak Clarke Distinguished Professor in Health and Kinesiology in the Department of Health and Kinesiology at the University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Dr. Yin was a Professor of Pediatrics in the Department of Pediatrics-Georgia Prevention Institute, the Medical College of Georgia from 2001 to 2005. He received his BEd-Physical Education in Beijing Sports University, Beijing, China and received his MA in Physical Education with a specialization in the Administration of Physical Education and Sports and PhD in Physical Education with a specialization in Sport Psychology at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA. He has published over 70 peer reviewed article and given over 200 professional research presentations in public health, education, and sport and exercise psychology since 1991. Currently, Dr. Yin teaches both undergraduate and graduate classes in Health and Kinesiology, and conducts research on school- and community-based physical activity and nutrition interventions for the prevention of obesity and type 2 diabetes in low-income and minority children and adults.
Yin Z, Perry J, Duan X, He M, Johnson R, Feng Y, Strand M. Cultural adaptation of an evidence-based lifestyle intervention for diabetes prevention in Chinese women at risk for diabetes: results of a randomized trial. Int Health. 2018 Feb 13. 29447347 2.
Zhou Z, Xi Y, Zhang F, Lu Q, Zhang F, Huang D, Ren H, Wang K, Yin Z. Sedentary Behavior Predicts Changes in Cardiometabolic Risk in Professional Workers: A One-Year Prospective Study. J Occup Environ Med. 2016 Apr; 58(4):e117-23. 27058488
Sosa ET, Parra-Medina D, He M, Trummer V, Yin Z. ¡Miranos! (Look at Us! We Are Healthy!): Home-Based and Parent Peer-Led Childhood Obesity Prevention. Health Promot Pract. 2016 09; 17(5):675-81. 26895848
Dolash K, He M, Yin Z, Sosa ET. Factors That Influence Park Use and Physical Activity in Predominantly Hispanic and Low-Income Neighborhoods. J Phys Act Health. 2015 Apr; 12(4):462-9. 24905054
He M, Wilmoth S, Bustos D, Jones T, Leeds J, Yin Z. Latino church leaders' perspectives on childhood obesity prevention. Am J Prev Med. 2013 Mar; 44(3 Suppl 3):S232-9. 23415188
Yin Z, Parra-Medina D, Cordova A, He M, Trummer V, Sosa E, Gallion KJ, Sintes-Yallen A, Huang Y, Wu X, Acosta D, Kibbe D, Ramirez A. Míranos! Look at us, we are healthy! An environmental approach to early childhood obesity prevention. Child Obes. 2012 Oct; 8(5):429-39. 23061498
Yin Z, Moore JB, Johnson MH, Vernon MM, Grimstvedt M, Gutin B. Micro- and macro-level correlates of adiposity in children. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2012 Sep-Oct; 18(5):445-52. 22836536